
2021 AGM reports now available

Annual reports for this Sunday’s AGM from the various community groups, the financial report, and the draft minutes from last year’s AGM are now available for preview:

2021 AGM reports (PDF)


  • Welcome and Apologies
  • Adoption of the Minutes from 2020 Annual General Meeting
  • Adoption of Annual report of the Chair and committee, including reports on:
    • Village Plan
    • He Ara Pukerua
    • Community Garden and Food Forest
    • Surfers’ Seat
    • Kōrero Newsletter
    • Waste Free Pukerua Bay
  • Adoption of Financial report
  • General business
  • Election of Executive Committee members
  • Chorus Cabinet Art Ballot: preference of four submissions

Unfortunately under COVID-19 Alert Level 2 restrictions, our plan for “high tea” refreshments has had to be abandoned.

2021 AGM reports now available Read More »

Residents’ Association 2021 AGM

The Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association is holding the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Association:

Sunday 17 October 2021, starting at 3:00 PM (ical)
Venue: Pukerua Bay School and Community Hall (map)

The agenda and reports will be available on the website from Wednesday 13 October.

The meeting will be held under the protocols applicable to COVID-19 Alert Level 2.

After formal business there will be an opportunity for attendees to cast their ballot on the designs submitted for the Chorus Cabinet Art Project, for the Chorus Cabinet at the corner of Wairaka Road and Rawhiti Road.

Residents’ Association 2021 AGM Read More »

Six or more Storey Buildings for Pukerua Bay?

This Saturday 24 April at 2pm the Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association will be holding a meeting for residents at the Pukerua Bay RSA clubrooms at 5 Wairaka Road to discuss a submission in response to the Kāinga Ora proposal for High Density Zones in Porirua City, including Pukerua Bay.

Date: Saturday, 24 April, 2pm – 4pm (ical)
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5 Wairaka Road (map)

Louise White, Planner in the Environment & City Planning Team, and Emily Bayliss, an independent ‘Friend of the Submitter’, will both attend to assist residents better understand Kāinga Ora’s submission and the further submission process. Cr Josh Trlin will also be coming to the meeting.

Kāinga Ora has made a request for a high-density residential zone, enabling buildings of six storeys or more. For more context to Kāinga Ora’s request you can read and download the full submission here:

Submission 81 Kainga Ora – Homes and Communities (PDF, 122 MB)

Specific reference to a high-density residential zone is made on pages 10 & 16 of the submission, and in attachments 2 and 3. Further reading useful to setting the scene can be found on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development NPS page, here:

National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 (NPS-UD)

Six or more Storey Buildings for Pukerua Bay? Read More »

Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting

Thursday 22 October 2020 (ical)
7:30 pm, Pukerua Bay Hall

The 2020 Annual General Meeting for the Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association (PBRA) will be held on Thursday 22 October in the School and Community Hall commencing 7:30 pm. All residents of Pukerua Bay are by right members of the PBRA and are welcome to attend.

Guest speakers:

  • Glenda Robb, Kapiti Coast Biodiversity Projects, with the results of the recent penguin survey,
  • Gillian Candler, on the beach litter survey, and
  • Bill McCauley, Friends of Taupo Swamp and Catchment (FOTSC). Bill will talk on the value of the swamp, threats to it and the work FOTSC is undertaking at the swamp.

The Executive Committee are proposing some amendments to the PBRA constitution which are to be voted on at the meeting. There will also be the election of members of the Executive Committee for the coming year. If you wish to receive the Agenda and related papers please email

2020 Annual Financial Statement (PDF)

Notice of 2020 Annual General Meeting Read More »

November 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Present: June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Community: Brian Sullivan
Apologies: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Bill Jackson

November 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

Progress on resolving future hall management

The Pukerua Bay School Board of Trustees (BoT) and the Pukerua Bay Residents Association (PBRA) have met to discuss the future management of our local hall, in an attempt to find a way forward.

We met last Thursday night (22 November) to discuss options for how the hall committee might be involved in the future management of the hall and what role they might have.

The Board outlined its responsibilities as the property manager, and its obligation to develop a policy that reflects those responsibilities and is consistent with the Ministry of Education’s and legal requirements.

The hall committee described the strong feeling of attachment that many people in the community have to the hall, which they have developed over many years of children attending the school, and the hall being the centre of many community events over the past 45 years.

The two groups agreed that everyone in the community shares a guardianship role over the hall and that a relationship between the hall committee and Board should build on that.

We spent quite a bit of time clearing up differences in the interpretation of events in the past 15 months and acknowledged that we could have communicated better over that time.

The administration of the booking system remains a sticking point for the hall committee. They would like to explore other options that reflect their expectations and that would be acceptable to the Board while addressing the Board’s concerns and legal liabilities.

There is genuine goodwill between the two groups to find a way forward. A smaller group of us will continue to meet to find some agreements we can take to the wider group for ratification.

Those present at the meeting were all the members of the BoT, the new school principal Chris Els, deputy principal Andrew Wooster, the Hall Committee and PBRA chair Iain MacLean.

Conor Twyford (BoT) & Iain MacLean (PBRA)

Progress on resolving future hall management Read More »

2017 Residents’ Association AGM minutes

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse, Kate Dreaver, Beccy Davis.
Councillors: Dale Williams (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC).
Community: Robyn Moore, Pauline Morum, Mack Morum, David Olsen, Jenny Olsen, Joy de Geus, Janice Rodenburg, Paul Clegg, Lee Begg, Janka Thomas, Robert Oscroft, Gay Hay, Ashley lair, Margaret Blair, Fiona Sutton, Guy Marriage, Damian Harriss.
Apologies: Jenny Brash (GWRC). …

2017 Residents’ Association AGM minutes Read More »

Regional Water Quality presentation: Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua committee

Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua committee members will present what they have been doing to enable sound decisions around improving water quality in our streams and harbour.

Tuesday 16 October, 7pm (event, ical)
Mungavin Hall, 27 Mungavin Ave, Ranui Heights, Porirua  (map)

The Ministry for the Environment’s National Policy Statement for freshwater management requires regional councils to set limits and meet national bottom lines for water quality and quantity. The Greater Wellington Regional Council selected Whaitua Committees as the advisory bodies, and community-led collaboration as the method for developing these policies.

Regional Water Quality presentation: Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua committee Read More »