The election for local councils runs from 16 September to 8 October. More about voting is available at the Electoral Commission’s Vote NZ site.
The Pukerua Bay “Meet the Candidates” public meeting (ical, map) is at the School and Community Hall at 7 pm on Wednesday, 14 September. Come and find out what your candidates are about, and grill them with your pointed questions. We’re asking candidates for information relevant to Pukerua Bay, and putting together responses as they come to hand on this page. More information on the Porirua City Council candidates is available on the Porirua City Council “Candidates for Election” page.
Porirua Mayor candidates
Anita Baker
Kia Ora I’m Anita Baker and I’m asking for your support for a second term as your Mayor.
I’ve led a Council focused on getting the basics right by making substantial improvements in the quality of our infrastructure and have committed to investing $111 million into stormwater, wastewater, drinking water & roading over the next ten years. We have been working to improve harbour water quality with over 320,000 trees and shrubs having been planted around the harbour and stream catchments over the last three years to reduce sedimentation of waterways. We have budgeted $6 million for climate change to reduce greenhouse gases from council facilities and accelerate the transition of Council’s fleet to electric vehicles.
Three years ago, I inherited a divided council which was drifting. Under my leadership, the Council has been stable, unified and effective despite the unforeseen challenges of a pandemic and the resulting economic uncertainty.
We still have huge challenges to come. Changes to the Resource Management Act, Local Government reforms and the three water reforms are all affecting the business of Council and to meet these challenges, we need an honest, upfront leader willing to put everything on the table, and I believe I am that person. I ask you to support my re-election as Mayor.
I acknowledge the issues affecting Pukerua Bay including the recent slips and their effect on roading, storm water and recent proposals for intensification. These matters are widespread across the City and we all have to work through them to find the best long term solution for everyone and I am committed to working with the residents of Pukerua Bay to meet this goal if elected.
As Mayor, I’ve shown over the last three years that I’m always upfront and tell it like it is. I’ve never let politics get in the way of delivering the best outcomes for Porirua. It’s Porirua First for me.
Please support me again as Mayor by voting me number 1.
Porirua City Council candidates, Pauatahanui General Ward
David Christensen

Hi, I’m David Christensen, many of you know me as the owner of Laughalots Playland in the CBD and I’d like to show you why I think you should vote for me in this, very different, election for Porirua City Council.
The role of an elected Councillor is to provide governance and guidance to the many talented technical experts employed by PCC who look after the planning, development and operating of the Council’s assets. That means that we must ensure that all Council decisions are made in the best interest of the whole Porirua Community, not just the people who elect us, and not the small minorities who shout on social media, but all of us.
This year we have an unprecedented situation in our society where events of the past 2 years combined with political decisions by central government and the influence of social media have created a seemingly divided community with strong voices and actions from both the far left and far right of the political spectrum. However we must not lose sight of the vast majority of New Zealanders who just want to get on with their lives. These people pay their Council Rates which Council and Councillors must decide how best to deploy to benefit all ratepayers, not just the vocal few. Councillors must work to unite the community, not support division or specific political beliefs.
3 years ago, none of us could have imagined how lives across the world, and in Porirua would change because of a single virus. None of the Long Term Planning by Council had any of the appropriate level of risks associated with housing, travel, health, water, roading, parking, office working.
I’m sure you’ll hear other candidates talking about how there’s a Housing Crisis, a Healthcare Crisis, a Climate Crisis, a wages and Cost of Living Crisis. I say “Crisis, What Crisis?”
PCC can’t fix the crises on their own, but Council can improve how they respond to a rapidly changing world and how they communicate – talk to and listen to – with their Ratepayers. That has been my focus with governments and large businesses all my working life, and that’s what I want to bring to you as an elected Councillor.
I’ve lived in Porirua since I arrived in NZ in 1999. I invested hundreds of thousands of dollars to build Laughalots Playland in the heart of the CBD because I care about our community and especially our kids. I want them to have a great city to inherit after I’m gone. Laughalots is a start and I want to build on that start by helping Council to build the best city for all of us.
Thanks for watching.
Ross Leggett
I’m asking for your support to re-elect me as one of your local councillors. We live in a great part of the world and I am proud to call Porirua home. The role of the council should be to deliver good services (at affordable levels) that enhance the lives of residents.
I acknowledge that the council is far from perfect. However, I have worked hard to try and improve our local infrastructure and environment. I am keen to serve for another three years to continue that work and to ensure the proposed investment in water, sewerage and stormwater services, along with stream-side planting to improve the health of our harbour is actually delivered.
I’ve worked closely with Mayor Anita Baker to ensure the council almost doubled the amount planned to be spent on the 3 waters infrastructure to $201 million over the next three years.
If we are going to maintain good public health and improve the condition of our harbour, it’s important that councillors are elected who ensure this commitment of additional investment is not reneged on.
The last three years have been disruptive for every household, business and organisation. The same has been true for the council.
My priorities over the coming term will be to contain spending and to ensure the council balances its books by getting rid of its net deficit by 2023/24 as has been forecast. There may be some candidates who believe we should spend on all sorts of good ideas; but the consequence of more spending is even greater rate increases than we have already experienced.
Change is on the horizon, with likely water, resource management and wider Local Government reform. We need councillors who will fight in our city’s corner so we don’t lose out in negotiations.
I am also a councillor who can respond to local issues. For example, the recent slips and their effect on roading and storm water along with recent proposals for intensification will be of concern to Pukerua Bay. While these matters are widespread across the city and we will have to work through them to find the best long-term solutions for everyone, we also need to act on the specific concerns of the residents of Pukerua Bay as part of this process.
Having lived in the wider city my whole life, I am in a good position to continue to be your advocate.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you wish to discuss anything on or 027-536-7636.
Greater Wellington Regional Council candidates
Hikitia Ropata

With the endorsement of my iwi, Ngāti Toa, I am putting myself forward to represent the Porirua Tawa Ward and will give my commitment to delivering better environmental results, improved public transport systems and sustainable economic development across the Wellington region. I have already been contributing for the past five years to the GWRC’s environmental discussions through my community representation on the Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua, and most recently the Te Whanganui-a-Tara Whaitua. Now is the time to draw on that experience, and my skills as a senior policy leader to represent 77,000 aspiring and resilient residents. I have already gained a valuable understanding of the GWRC organisation, the aspirations and expectations of Ngāti Toa and I am ready to push through the changes needed to improve our relationship with our environment as well the communities and organisations who contribute to our health and wellbeing.
For me, this is my 7 generation mokopuna strategy. I want to make a contribution to building a future where our grandchildren can live, love and learn. We need to work collectively to return mana back to our waterways, regenerate our native flora and fauna and continue to build a transport network that is accessible, affordable and kind to our whenua and environment. This will mean working with our current generations to encourage changes in attitudes, behaviours and habits. I will work hard to represent the voices of all Porirua/Tawa residents at the regional council table.
Robyn Smith

Kia ora, I’m Robyn Smith and I’m standing for one of two seats representing Porirua and Tawa on Greater Wellington Regional Council.
I’m standing because of my deep concern for our waterways, Te Awarua-o-Porirua (Porirua Harbour), climate change and biodiversity loss. I am passionate about reducing our impacts on the environment.
Having worked in local and central government, I know how Council works and I will be a strong advocate for Porirua and Tawa at the Council table.
- Clean waterways and harbour
Decades of underfunding to our wastewater infrastructure means our waterways and harbour continue to be polluted by sewage, sediments, heavy metals and other pollutants. This impacts aquatic life and our cultural and recreational activities. The Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua Implementation programme published in 2019 identified targets to reduce all these pollutants.
I support the vision of Ngāti Toa Rangatira to restore the mauri of Te Awarua-o-Porirua.
Consent conditions must prevent off-site impacts of earthworks and land disturbance. If elected I will work hard to;
- Ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the Te Awarua-o-Porirua Whaitua committee.
- Promote an accelerated planting programme on stream-sides and highly erodible land.
- Advocate forconsent conditions to prevent off-site impacts and for consent holders to pay the true cost of development and monitoring.
- Reducing emissions
Weather patterns are changing, we are seeing more frequent and intensive storm and rainfall events in winter and very dry summers. Sea levels are rising with tidal surges becoming more frequent. Increasing the use of convenient and reliable public transport will help reduce our emissions. For climate I will work hard to:
- Ensure public transport meets the needs of our communities. We need ‘On-demand’ buses, affordable fares, cross regional links and public ownership.
- Build partnerships to help support communities most at risk from climate change.
- Expand large scale planting programmes to help reduce the effects of climate change.
- Protect nature
Natural areas keep our environment and communities healthy and provide recreational opportunities. Porirua has less than 15% of its original forests. Wetland loss is even higher with only 2.3% remaining in the Wellington region. Loss of wetlands and vegetation in the catchments of the Harbour has increased flash flooding, worsening erosion and sedimentation. I will push hard to:
- Advance planting programmes on public land whilst providing for recreation.
- Support iwi, community and Porirua City Council restoration programmes.
- Seek incentives for the protection of biodiversity on private land, prioritising covenanted land.
About me
My work history includes managing Otari-Wilton’s Bush, wetland and biodiversity advisor for Wellington Regional Council and managing 10 regional reps for QEII National Trust (protecting biodiversity on private land). I have been a trustee on several trusts and have been one of the coordinators of the Whitireia Park Restoration Group since its inception in 2005. I support several other restoration groups. In my spare time, I tend my nursery, garden, knit, visit my two mokopuna and walk our dogs.