Meetings of the Residents Association Executive Committee are at the RSA on 5 Wairaka Road (map), at 7.30 pm on every second Tuesday of the month (except January when everyone’s on holiday!)
Meetings are free and open to all Pukerua Bay residents.
Become a member of the Residents Association by completing this form.
Minutes archive of monthly meetings and AGMs
Annual Reports, presented by the Chair at the AGM
Please contact us if you have any enquiries, or you’d like to address or raise something at the next meeting.
Members of Residents Association Executive Committee
Paul FitzGerald — Chair
Iain MacLean — Deputy Chair
Margaret Blair — Treasurer
Jonathan Harker — Webmaster
Nikky Winchester
Gay Hay (Community Garden, Food Forest)
Purpose of the Residents Association
Under our constitution, the objects of the Residents Association are to:
Work on behalf of, and for the benefit of the community of, Pukerua Bay and surrounding areas on matters affecting their interests and wellbeing;
Protect and promote the residential, social, recreational, educational and environmental amenities of the Pukerua Bay area for the benefit of both residents and visitors;
Pursue matters of wider interest affecting the Pukerua Bay community, and liaise or affiliate with other community-based groups in matters of common interest;
Pursue dialogue and mediation regarding any development or activity considered detrimental to the above objects, including the lodging of any objection, petition, or appeal or taking part in any process relating to such matters;
Provide support to groups set up to promote community-based/initiated special projects intending to use or draw on Porirua City Council or Greater Wellington Regional Council (or any local government body established to replace either), reserves, properties, funding, or other community-oriented funding;
Represent the community in matters affecting the community undertaken by Porirua City Council, Greater Wellington Regional Council (or any local government body established to replace either), transport agencies, and government agencies.
Read the full constitution here (PDF).