2017 Residents’ Association AGM minutes

Annual General Meeting

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse, Kate Dreaver, Beccy Davis.
Councillors: Dale Williams (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC).
Community: Robyn Moore, Pauline Morum, Mack Morum, David Olsen, Jenny Olsen, Joy de Geus, Janice Rodenburg, Paul Clegg, Lee Begg, Janka Thomas, Robert Oscroft, Gay Hay, Ashley lair, Margaret Blair, Fiona Sutton, Guy Marriage, Damian Harriss.
Apologies: Jenny Brash (GWRC).

Approval of 2016 AGM minutes

Motion: Paul FitzGerald moved to accept and adopt the minutes of the 2016 AGM. Seconded Kate Dreaver, none opposed, motion carried.

Matters arising

School decapitation: consultation is still continuing; Dale Williams suggests that the feeling is that there may be a new intermediate school by Aotea College, and retain Year 7-8 in the area.

Beach erosion: a report has been circulated with residents. PCC has been working with a coastal scientist around the coastlines, to get a broader picture and help derive long term planning and funding.

Report from the chair

This year there will be multiple presenters, so Iain doesn’t go hoarse.

Village Planning

Students from Pukerua Bay School, Mika, Mackenzie and Freya, presented school ideas for the village plan, and handed out some voting papers for attendees to vote on the ideas identified by the students, e.g. Skate park, Raroa Reserve, Greenmeadows, shade house mural, Scout Hall.

Village Plan Review

Some work was done during the year in preparation for developing a new village plan, which is likely to take a longer-term, more aspirational approach, looking to the future changes from Transmission Gully, SH1 changes, Plimmerton Farm development, etc.

Community Food Forest Garden

Work this year had been on building access to the site along the Muri Station platform, and planting the first shelter trees. A new committee has be set up to lead the development of the garden.

He Ara Pukerua

Presented by Brian Sullivan and Paul FitzGerald.
This was originally called the Green & Gold project. They have a good supply of Jarra timbers from the Airlie Road bridge, which will be turned into bollards and big signs. PCC Village Planning programme has given them $14,500 for this year. The group is Paul, Brian, Ashley and Margaret Blair and Pauline Morse. Paul’s the foreman and Brian does the talking. Community members can contribute!

Pauline: there’s a sample 2018 Pukerua Bay heritage calendar circulating, which is available for order from the website by credit card, and postage or pick-up from the school.

Muri Road safety measures

Presented by Pauline Morse. The number of houses on Muri Road has increased, and the Te Araroa walkway means a lot more traffic and pedestrians. The community has been lobbying for more safety measures for a few years. Now, we have a footpath, better lighting, road markers and paint, Go Slow signs and vegetation trimming. There’s still some works to be finished, curb repairs, vegetation around existing lighting, footpath finishing. Bill Inge (PCC) hopes it will be done by the end of November.

Hall Committee

The arrangement with the School/Community Hall is unusual in that it is jointly managed by the school and the community (our Hall Committee). The Committee has met with the school Board of Trustees twice this year to discuss the future management of the hall and how to free up the money contributed by the community over the years to the school’s accounts so it can be spent on improvements in the hall.

Ahu Charitable Trust ki Pukerua Bay / Community Hub

This group grew out of the desire to create a cafe in Pukerua Bay as a venue for bringing people together and to be a place where community activities could take place. Developing a cafe is a significant undertaking, which will require financial investment and thorough planning. While that is being investigated, the group has run a number of community art and culture activities, such as a Secret Valley Walk, Matariki in the Hall, Art Stars, Pecking Order movie fundraising, crafts workshops, which people from outside the area have attended as well. A couple of activity groups have formed, including a board gaming group and ‘Crafty Tuesdays’ at the RSA. Upcoming events: Christmas On The Field on 16 December 2017.

Te Araroa Walkway

The popularity of this has caused some problems with parking at the end of Muri Road and by the train station. It is more popular than Te Araroa Walkway Trust expected and there is an increasing need for toilets at both ends of the escarpment track, and better signs between the Pukerua Bay end of the track and the train station. The RA is working with PCC and Te Araroa Trust to improve the signage.


We made a submission to PCC’s Annual Plan, and urged them to fix the erosion at the beach, repair the collapsed footpath between the shops and Wairaka Road and take action to mitigate the impact of the increased number of people coming into Pukerua Bay on Te Araroa Walkway.

Pukerua Bay Civil Defence

Presented by Robyn Moore PKB Civil Defence Coordinator. The PKB group has a new co-coordinator, Ewan MacLean. In the past 12 months there have been a lot of slips around the region, cause by the Kaikoura earthquake and exacerbated by the wet weather at the same time. This shows the need for PKB people to be prepared for 15 days, not three. Water tanks have been installed at the school and the library. We should spread the word around and get water tank storage installed at home.

Boxing Day Beach Smash

Steve Wright organised last year’s Boxing Day event, which the RA underwrote.

Erosion on Beach

We are supporting beach residents in their efforts to get PCC to prevent the situation from getting any worse, but there has been no progress on this.

Reserve protection on coastal track

We are supporting efforts to raise awareness of the need to protect native animals and plants along the coastal track towards Plimmerton, including the erection of a sign about little blue penguins in the area.


Motion: Iain moved that the report be adopted. Seconded Janice Rodenberg, none opposed, motion carried.

Financial Report

Typo on presented report: “STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION at September 2016” should be 2017.

Motion: Iain MacLean moved to accept and adopt the (amended) 2016 financial report. Seconded Paul FitzGerald, none opposed, motion carried.

General business

Engine brake noise: David Olsen, resident from Te Pari Pari Road. Wants PCC to create a by-law to prosecute drivers using engine brakes in and around the 50 km/h zone. Hundreds of trucks a day go through Pukerua Bay. NZTA has a forum for truck drivers and can request they don’t use engine brakes, but can’t enforce anything. Police can’t prosecute without a PCC by-law. On still nights the sound can carry several kilometres. Dale Williams replied that it would be difficult to enforce a by-law on State Highway 1. PCC will review traffic bylaws once Transmission Gully is open, but that will be at least two years away. It will not be a quick process.

Speed restrictions through Pukerua Bay: Dale: movement on SH1 may depend on whether Transmission Gulley is tolled. If so, NZTA is required to provide a free alternate route, which means this road would become SH1A, which will restrict PCC’s ability to implement changes. NZTA will not move on 70 km/h zone between Plimmerton and leading into Pukerua Bay.

Road reserve on Gray Street: discussion earlier in the year around the usage for trail walkers parking. These and similar issues to be raised at November RA meeting.

Election of Executive Committee members

New nominations: Guy Marriage and David Olsen. All existing members keen to remain on the committee.

Motion: Acceptance of nominations moved by Margaret Blair, seconded by Gay Hay. None opposed, carried.


Meeting finished: 9.15 pm