October 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Present: Iain McLean, Brian Sullivan, June Penhey, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse, Paul FitzGerald, Kate Dreaver, Anita Baker (PCC), Ross Leggett (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC).
Community: Nikky Winchester, Kelly McClean, and Rochelle Grace (St. Mark’s group); Mark Owen, Geoff Marshall and Steve Jones (NZTA); Peter Roach, Gay Hay.
Apologies: Nick Vincent, Dale Williams (PCC), Barbara Donaldson (GWRC).

Approval of previous minutes: Moved June, seconded Kate.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Liquor Licence: lawyers acting for the grocery store attended the scheduled hearing, which was referred to the ACLA on a matter of law. They are very grateful for our support in organising the survey. The hearing will probably be some time early next year.

Boat ramp: we have contacted the council, and they know about it. Work to repair the recent storm damage is being quoted.

Financial Report

Balance: $3218.57.


Received NZ Police Neighbourhood Support Group newsletters from Simon Bygate, for September 2016.

NZTA/PCC crash reduction study

Geoff Marshall, Steve James and Mark Owen. Crash reduction study which follows a standard procedure of data collection, analysis and design and dissemination of solutions. 2011-15 has had 45 crashes: one fatal, three serious, five minor, and 35 non-injury. The year 2015 had twice as many as other years. Reasons include:

  • primarily driver intoxication, inattention and fatigue, but also
  • poor visibility at intersections,
  • pedestrians crossing dangerously,
  • speeding,
  • quality of footpaths design.

Minor improvements from the crash reduction study are limited to $300,000 per proposed item. Suggested improvements discussed:

  • To improve visibility, intersections can be changed to stop controlled (rather than give way), since intersections must be stop-controlled if there is less than 120 metres of visibility in any direction. As a result of this study it was found that none of the intersections in Pukerua Bay have sufficient visibility and should be stop-controlled anyway.
  • Pedestrian refuges at the Wairaka Road and Teihana Road intersections (see below).
  • Speed indicator devices at two more locations on entry to the 50 km/h zone, and replacing the existing indicator near the overbridge with a fixed camera (pending operation by NZ Police).
  • New safety barrier at the Pukerua Beach Road intersection with SH1.
  • New steps and better lighting on the pedestrian over-bridge.

The improvement to the pedestrian siding from the shops to Wairaka Road is waiting for the outcome of this study.

A pedestrian refuge by the shops would replace the right turning bay for south-bound traffic turning into Teihana Road. The road is too narrow for it to function as both a refuge and car turning bay, and SH1 traffic volume and road visibility mean it is the only place a refuge can go. Southward traffic will have to turn right at Wairaka Road instead, and the shops will need to be appropriately sign-posted there. This would also redirect shop traffic along Rawhiti Road past the school, which may not be desirable (but also past St. Mark’s, which may be desirable if there is a café there).

Additionally, NZTA will be conducting resurfacing maintenance at night in mid-November, and a letter will be be mail-dropped later this month.

Beach smash

Steve Wright: skating and boxing at the entrance. Iain is organising the stage, and a bond for the use of the reserve. Cannot find a food van, suggestions welcome. Going back to basics – barbecue sausages, drinks and ice blocks. Asked Tia about music and suggested acts, and involving the local folk club. There is currently no back-up plan; in the past, the event was to be cancelled in the event of bad weather.

Te Araroa planting and weed control

Gay Hay: working bee on Tuesday 18 October. School shade house to produce plants for this work, and PCC to fund the maintenance work. DoC to present about the rat trap programme.

Launch of pest-free Pukerua Bay

Pauline Morse: there are about 90 rat traps and 100 mouse traps available to be sold to keen volunteer households around Pukerua Bay. Pamphlets will be posted around the village later this month, and published in the school newsletter. This will be a good effort towards a pest-free coast in combination with similar efforts in Plimmerton and Paekakariki, and the mustelid trapping programmes being conducted by the Department of Conservation, Friends of Mana Island and Ngā Uruora.

Motion: that we reimburse the launch for purchase of food. Seconded Paul, all carried.

St. Mark’s church building usage

Nikky Winchester: a group of people have formed a “taskforce” as a result of the meeting with parish folks and interested residents earlier last month. Proposed under some sort of non-profit association or charitable trust, to turn the building into a café and creative workshop and community space. The group would like to present a summary to residents at the AGM, and letter-drop a questionnaire, perhaps off the back of the trapping mail drop.

Porirua City Council update

SH1 toilet sign: The sign has been installed and we trust it’s having a positive effect.

Community garden access: We are working with KiwiRail to try and separate the access issues along the platform to initially focus on just your access to the garden so you can get started. We will then look at resolving the wider platform access issues at a later stage.

Muri food forest: We have a draft lease agreement for you to use this Council land and are summarising some of the key issues before sending you a copy to review and ultimately sign.

Heritage Trail: Bill Inge is seeking a second costing for the three design options proposed, as discussed at our recent meeting of sub-group.

Te Araroa way-finding signage: We are continuing to look at how best to survey walkers about what signage is needed and where.

Ara Harakeke extension footpath work: from shops to Wairaka Road; this project is on hold pending the outcome of the crash reduction study discussed above. The study area includes this section of road.

Muri Road safety work: Downer, the Council’s Roading Contractor, is due to return to do another cut-back of vegetation along the road to follow on from the street light reveal which has recently been undertaken. Both of these operations will give residents an opportunity to see how this improves the existing lighting along the road. We are also waiting on a proposal and price from Downer for the work required to improve access and safety issues on Muri Road – as discussed.

Heritage trails

Formerly “Green & Gold” trails, but the name will be changing soon pending consultation with iwi and other groups. In early September Ashley reported on his chat to Jenny Brash (GWRC) who offered to support signs on the Pukerua Bay railway station, especially since the Te Araroa Trail opened with insufficient signage. A meeting will be held tomorrow to discuss signs.

Village plan

Kate proposed to update the village plan, last updated in 2011.

AGM proposal

This year’s AGM needs to be held in the first week of November.

Motion: Iain proposed that we have the AGM on Tuesday 1 November. Seconded Paul, no objections, carried.

Items should include: NZTA road crash reduction study, village plan, St. Mark’s church, community garden, heritage trails.

Other business


Meeting finished: 9.15 pm

Next meeting: AGM Tuesday 1 November 2016, committee Tuesday 8 November 2016.

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