September 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Present: Iain McLean, Brian Sullivan, June Penhey, Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, Paul FitzGerald, Kate Dreaver, Bronwyn Kropp (PCC), Euon Murrell (PCC).
Community: Keryn Martin (Bishop’s Community Development Trust), Cameron Gubb (Solicitor for Pukerua Bay Store), Chandu Patel (Pukerua Bay Store operator), Steve Wright (Beach Bash), Susan van de Vorstenbosch, Peter Roach.
Apologies: Nick Vincent, Jenny Brash (GWRC)

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Kate, seconded June.

Matters arising from previous minutes

The fishing sign has now been damaged.

Action: Kate to contact MPI again to get the now broken sign repaired and moved.

Financial Report

Balance: $3218.57

Interest payment of $4.02, and an invoice for renewing the domain name.

Motion: Iain to be reimbused the $28 invoice. Moved Jonathan, second Pauline, all carried.


Received NZ Police Neighbourhood Support Group newsletters from Simon Bygate, for July and August 2016.

Pukerua Bay Store liquor licence

The online survey of Pukerua Bay residents has received 261 responses so far, overwhelmingly in support; 97% of respondents have no concerns about the store selling liquor and most responses have included additional comments in support. It is unusual to have so much support for a liquor licence, and there have been no known complaints or other evidence of harm in years of operation of the store.

The change to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 is in §36 “no off-licences for .. dairies, convenience stores”, despite there being no definitions of “dairies” or “convenience stores” to complement the lengths gone to define a “grocery store” in §33 “Determining whether premises are grocery store”. This new §36 rule now overrides exceptions made elsewhere in the act, most pertinently §34 for remote or uneconomic premises. Rick Mead is the new local liquor licensor, and the local NZ Police senior sergeant is opposed to the licence. The same battle has taken place at Pauatahanui.

RA will write up a supporting letter and provide someone to be available to speak in support of it. There will be an initial hearing on 26 September to consider arguments, and the client will move that it be transferred to ARLA (Alcohol Regulatory Licensing Authority) for consideration since there is a point of law involved. If successful it will be heard in a few months by ARLA, or if denied it will be re-heard on 3 October.

Action: Iain to summarise the online survey responses and comments in a letter of support for the store liquor licence.

Boat ramp

Originally a village planning item. Interested in seeking a resource consent to repair or rebuild it. Would need to seek regional and local council input, and probably Transit NZ for access from the main road. Many benefits could result, but it would require extensive repair. Possibly a large drop from the bottom of the ramp to the sand below, which may be damaging the bottoms of boats using it. To get PCC backing it may require a canvassing of users.

Action: Susan to figure out and report back the ownership and/or stewardship of the boat ramp and, if it a council asset, when the next maintenance is scheduled.

Beach bash

Steve Wright intends to re-run the Boxing Day Beach Bash again this year, to continue on from Tia’s work last year. We will need to organise road access, get some local acts and use it as a community-based platform. Limit advertising to Pukerua Bay residents. PCC has provided support in the past for the stage, PBRA has a generator and provided flyer printing and minor assistance from the village planning budget. Bands don’t get much out of it because there’s very little in the way of cashflow. Introduce more incentive-based management, so there’s more engagement. Try to obtain some cash sponsorship to allow reimbursement of acts. Some alumni from Pukerua Bay school are in secondary school bands.

Action: Steve to put together an approximate timetable for consideration at the next meeting.

Council Updates

PCC: last full council meeting tomorrow, and will be fairly quiet until a new council is elected. Approximately 60,000 people have walked the trail between Paekakariki and Pukerua Bay since it was opened. Café business in Paekakariki is up 25% as a result, and Chandu reports an increase in custom especially at the weekend. Council are keen to consider putting in a public toilet in vicinity of the Pukerua Bay railway station.

PBRA wishes to thank Bronwyn for her many years of support and tireless advocacy!

Muri Reserve and Community Garden

Jonathan has been away on holiday for two months, but now that we actually have a garden licence for the Muri Reserve land, we can reconvene a get together of heads and get started with the items in our published Planting Guide and Plan for Autumn-Winter 2016 that we can do while we wait for the access to be built.

Action: Jonathan to organise a gardening bee.

Road safety on Muri Road

Bill Inge met with Downer today to come up with design options, including safe refuges along the berm, and sections of footpath where room allows, and some form of speed control. Hoping to push that through and in November present options to the public. Justine McDermott will be running the process. Barring complications work to hopefully start around March/April 2017.

Green & Gold Trails

Brian and Paul had a productive meeting with Bill Inge, and with Margaret and Ashley Blair have figured out the most important sites, with information boards and marker posts. Brian has researched construction of signs, Pauline on the designs. Has been difficult to get in touch with folks from Pauatahanui and Plimmerton who were involved with their sections of trail. Margaret has proposed a possible new name, Te Ara Pukerua Heritage. Will need to run the planning past Ngāti Toa Rangatira, best to be done through the council (via City Partnerships). Intend to build a working model to present to Bill, to effectively convey the concept.

Future of St. Mark’s church building

Keryn Martin works for the Bishop’s Community Development Trust and reports to Bishop Justin. Many high maintenance historic buildings, approximately $500,000,000 of assets to administer with one or two part-time staff members. We need to consider the future use of St. Mark’s, as there is not the resource available for the NZ Anglican Church to continue to manage it effectively. Pukerua Bay also has the community hall on the school grounds, and the scout hall, which is not currently being used by the Scouts.

Other business


Meeting finished: 9.05 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 11 October 2016