February 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben, Gay Hay, Nicky Winchester, Chris Kirk Burnard, Iain MacLean, Chris Kirk-Burnnand
Apologies: Ross Leggett
Motion: Iain moved to accept December minutes, Gay seconded – carried
Matters arising from previous minutes.
Action completed: Paul sent the letter to Chris Kirk-Burnnand as per correspondence.
Finance Report to February 2023 Meeting as at 13 February 2024
Motion: That any adhoc expenditure over $300 from any of the subgroups groups should be approved by the RA committee. This could be by email. Authority is delegated to subgroups to approve adhoc expenditure under $300.
Proposed by Margaret, Seconded by Nikky – Carried
BNZ $10,919.43 Income: $ 3000.00 CGFF Tea Towel loan $ 740.00 CGFF Tea Towel Prepay $ 27.70 CGFF Donation $ 1500.00 CGFF Donation K & I MacLean $ 170.00 CGFF Plant Sales $ 240.00 He Ara Prints $ 470.00 Kōrero Advert Expenditure: $ 3.24 Bank Fees $ 101.74 CGFF Gas & Kettle $ 40.00 CGFF RSA Voucher Invoices - Issued $1350.00 Kōrero Account balances as at 13 February 2024 Res Assn 000 $ 238.10 He Ara 001 $1637.00 CGFF 002 $6978.21 Kōrero 066 $1911.15 Surf Seat 067 $ 154.93
Motion: To approve the Financial Report Dated 13th February 2024 moved Paul, seconded Gay – Carried
21 Dec 2023: From Richard Pole PCC, content about rail and Muri Road history. Response from Paul FitzGerald suggesting He Ara
16 December 2023: From Paul FitzGerald To Chris Kirk-Burnnand Content – KiwiRail cost of access to CCFF
19 December 2023: From Chris Kirk-Burnnand – contact with Fiona Abbott GW to KiwiRail cost of access to CCFF
December to the website, from Tom RE: He Ara – bollards
10 Jan 2024: from Maureen Clift – regarding Ross Brown
13 February 2024 : Contact from Bill Inge – regarding the cleaning of mural tagging next week.
Project Updates
Community Garden
Gay Hay –
Successful Summer Celebration on Wellington Anniversary Day
Despite some rain, 25-30 ish locals visited the garden for our Summer Celebration. We had plant and flower sales, tea towel orders, local art, rock painting and storytime for the children, refreshments and the official presentation and planting of Iain McLean’s plum tree (that was donated to him by Ahu Charitable Trust). Brian kindly wrote this poem on behalf of the PKB Community:
Iain’s Plum Tree Poem
Here we stand in readiness
On a day that’s orchestrated
To see the place where we will plant
A tree that Iain’s donated
This isn’t just a fruiting tree
Like the others already here
This one will help remind us of
Today, this month, this year
You see if it wasn’t for Iain’s drive
His strength and his tenacity
To match the Council’s rules and regs
With his patience and technocality
There wouldn’t be a Garden here today
Where we can join together
To celebrate the Community spirit
In this perfect planting weather
(22 January 2024)
Summer Watering
We’re decided to divide the garden into areas which various people will take responsibility to keep
watered (while we’re still able to use hand held hoses).
Progress on Pavilion
The scaffolding is down and the pavilion is looking great! Special thanks to Paul for fixing up the school desks.Some more work to be done inside but it’s looking very smart.
Progress on composting
The worm bin is installed and in use.
Fundraising tea towel
Pre-orders are open for our beautiful tea towel featuring Kate Jacobs artwork.
Statement of the community garden
We’re working on a statement of purpose for the community garden to share with Ngati Toa and aid funding applications. To date it is:
At Pukerua Bay Food Forest and Community Garden, we unite as a collective strength, fostering social bonds, engaging tamariki, and educating our community on sustainable gardening practices.
Run by volunteers, we strive to produce healthy, local food while supporting community resilience through sustainable initiatives.
Our garden is a thriving hub. Together, we are sowing the seeds of a greener, healthier, and more connected Pukerua Bay for generations to come.
‘E hara taku toa I te toa takitahi he toa takitini.’’
‘My strength is not as an individual, but as a collective.
Family Day
Whanau from Ireland and the UK attended a morning tea in the garden with lots of delicious baking!
Childrens’ Gardening Group
Gay is looking at funding for a possible gardening club for children, possibly in the holidays. Pip who has taken over the School’s after school care is interested.
Iain’s Wake
The CCFF are helping Kate and family cater and set up the school and community hall for Iain McLean’s wake when the time comes. They have generously offered us funds to do this.
Approached The CCFF regarding matariki events in the garden
Paekakariki Community garden have offered to run a biochar workshop in the garden in their new machine.
He Ara Pukerua
St Luke’s Panel: Installed and blessed by Rev Motekiai Fakatou at service on Sunday 11 February.

• Stores Panel: Margaret to follow up with Janine Thomson, grand daughter of Annie and Arthur Lindsay, to come along for the reveal of this panel.
• Pou: Draft returned to Jane for two small layout changes.
• Website: We will send through material to Anne according to what we have in budget to pay her.
• Funding: We will keep at this.
• Mission Statement: Considered, to read:
“The vision of He Ara Pukerua is that of a community where everyone has the opportunity to share knowledge of Pukerua Bay’s history and heritage.
“For a community to thrive they need to know their history.”
• Muri pavilion: Final stages of renovation nearing completion. Then we will celebrate.
• Stuff archive: Ashley contacted Lance. Lance talked to management and was informed that Fairfax Media had removed them and sent to the Wellington Library? He is still pursuing this.
• Responded to email query received via Residents website regarding bollards without panels.
Gone to Anne for layout and a meeting is being held on Thursday.
Wastefree PKB
Want to set a date for a new recycling day. Nicky wants to reach out to the climate group for helpers
General Business
Motion: Gay proposes approval to apply for funding from the Sutherland Self Help Trust for educational purposes associated with the CCFF. Moved Gay – Carried, all agreed
Muri Road Development update
Jennian Homes (PK homes development) have approved consent. 144 lots, 2 local purpose reserves, mixture of stand-alone and terraced housing. Trees removed out onto Highway 59.
St Marks
Question about progress on the use of St Marks.
Closed: 9pm
Next Meeting: March 12th
February 2024 Residents Association Meeting Minutes Read More »