
April 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 9 April 2024
7:30 pm, RSA, 5 Wairaka Road

Apologies: Jane Comben, Margaret Blair, Chris Kirk-Burnnand.
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Gay Hay, Iain MacLean

Approval of March minutes

Motion: Paul moved to accept February minutes, Iain seconded – all agreed, carried.

Council updates


Matters arising


Financial report

Have transferred money into interest bearing account. Finance Report to April 2024 Meeting, as at 31 March 2024:

BNZ         $11900.35

$ 460.00 CGFF TT Orders at Gala Day
$ 10.00 CGFF Seeds
$ 220.00 Korero Invoice
$ 0.68 Interest
$ 99.48 Ara Web Hosting
$ 57.50 He Ara Website Updates
$ 2.60 Interest
Funds Transfer:
$ 4500.00 From CGFF to 25 Act
Invoices Issued:
$ 64.00 Kōrero

Account balances as at 31 March 2024

Res Assn 000    $  255.19
He Ara 001      $ 1504.22
CGFF 002        $ 3075.41
Kōrero 066      $ 2409.87
Surf Seat 067   $  154.93
On Call Acct    $ 4500.73

2024 Budgets for Kōrero, CGFF, He Ara, Surfers’ Seat

Surfers’ Seat $ 70.00 On-going maintenance
He Ara $ 1000.00 Website development, Domain name
CGFF $ 1117.85 Kiwi Rail & Aon Insurance
$ 4275.00 Tea Towels 250 @ $17.10 each
Korero $ 2620.00 Print costs @16 pages $524 x 5 issues

Surfers’ Seat $ 50.00 Events
He Ara $ 400.00 Print Sales
CGFF $ 600.00 Plant Sales
$ 6750.00 Tea Towels
Korero $ 1350.00 Advertising

Motion: to accept the finincial report. Moved Paul, seconded Gay. Agreed.

Motion: Pukerua Bay Community Garden Food Forest to make an application to the NZ Tree Trust to cover any shortfall in expenses for the project to develop a rongoa medicinal garden. This is likely to cover specimen and ground cover trees, signage and pamphlet. Can apply for up to $2,000. Proposed Gay Hay, seconded Nikky Winchester. Approved by committee.


Email from Adele Hickford about drop-in session (PCC report forwarded by her).

Action items


Project updates

Community Garden Food Forest

  • Compost bins. Work in progress. Being painted.
  • NZ Tree Trust application is being processed.
  • Developing a worksheet with aerial photo to encourage people to nominate areas they can work in as part of working days
  • Winter prep for garden. Group discussion needed.
  • Plan for focused work day on the second Saturday of June.
  • Matariki — plan forJune 22. Peter Stevenson Welsh story teller has painted pictures for Cranke / story-telling performance. Ara leading harakeke star making. There will be an opportunity for shared kai.

He Ara Pukerua

  • A replacement seat in memory of Delma Mosen has been installed in Muri Reserve and Brian Pool’s memorial bench there too. The families and locals have expressed appreciation and presumably Te Araroa walkers are happy. And no, the seat does not block the gate! Thanks due to Dave Stone at PCC for organising this to happen.
  • He Ara Facebook stories have received good feedback. Stories about the seats, benches and sculptures around the Bay will be put up on a regular basis.
  • We displayed our panorama and Waikokako prints at the school gala. Good connections and conversations.
  • Application for grant submitted to Nikau Foundation.
  • A team visit to the Mt Welcome Bush has been organised as part of research for the Natural History section of our website.
  • A panel for Pou Tangaroa has been designed and is currently going through the approval process.


  • Issue 2 at final proofing stage. Delivery from 19 April
  • Issue 3 (themes Matariki and music) underway and stories already being sourced. 1 May deadline

Waste free PKB

Nothing to report.

Climate Change

Nothing to report.

General business

Long term plan

Three topics to focus on in submission:

  • Water meters from year 4. General agreement in committee to support their compulsory installation as a conservation tool.
  • Kerb side recycling and rubbish collection. Do we agree with this? Proposal to sort glass at kerb side is good idea, but probably don’t have a choice with proposed changes to the general rubbish going into large bins. Residents can’t save money by not putting out bin. Big bins don’t provide incentive to reduce their waste. Can PCC provide the black plastic bags for people who want to save money? Please bring back the non-organic recycling collection.
  • Village Planning – focus should be on community development, rather than Capex funding. Staff costs in operational budget, rather than capital expenditure on projects, structures, etc.

Provide a Kōrero story on LPT. Summarise RA submission, and link to full response on RA website.

PCC drop-in meeting

Publish PCC report on website.

Penguin signs

PCC putting in new penguin signs at beach. Dog bylaws being reviewed in 3 years. Rules and signs need simplifying.

Meeting ended: 8:46 pm
Next meeting: 14 May 2024

April 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing

Waha Kotahi has provied the following information regaring re-sealing of the highway from Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton. Not that you will not be able to turn into Airlie Rd when heading towards Plimmerton but will need to divert to the Plimmerton Roundabout and head north.

ROADWORKS: Laying a new surface of chipseal on the state highway


State Highway 59, 2 separate sections south of Pukerua Bay to Plimmerton roundabout

Monday 30 October daytime, subject to postponement because of weather 

  1. 7am – 10am approx: a  short 100m section of the 2 northbound lanes beside the Airlie Road intersection
  2. 10am – 4.30pm approx: a 1km section of the 2 southbound lanes from the Weigh Station to Plimmerton roundabout 



  • No right turn into Airlie Road if heading south from Pukerua Bay

o    Either continue south to Plimmerton roundabout, turn back north and use the slip lane into Airlie Road

o    Or use the main access to access Plimmerton at the Steyne Avenue traffic lights

  • Access north or south onto the state highway from Airlie Road
  • Left or right turns – traffic controllers will stop and hold vehicles until it is safe to wave you through
  • Or travel through Plimmerton to the southern exit at Steyne Avenue lights


  • One lane closed for works, traffic uses the other lane beside the works at restricted speed limit


  • A temporary speed restriction will be in place following the works while the chips bed into the new seal 
  • 30km/h is the usual speed at first as this slower speed helps protect your car and others from loose chip
  • The speed limit will rise as traffic helps settle the chip into the new seal on the road surface

Sh 59 Pukerua Bay-Plimmerton Chip Sealing Read More »

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track

PCC has provided an update on the slip remedial works on the track to Brendan Beach

Monitoring and geo-technical work is ongoing at the slip below the Pukerua Bay lookout on SH59.

This project is being led by Wellington Transport Alliance (WTA), in partnership with the various land owners in that area, including Porirua City Council.

In February this year, technical experts from WTA installed a number of geo-technical survey pins across the slip site.  These are being regularly monitored to assess for land movement and so far there has been no significant land movement.

Remote tilt sensors have also been recently installed to provide another source of data for the slip assessment.

This information will help guide the project’s next steps regarding what further slip assessments are required and how best to manage the land in the short and long term.

In the meantime, the pathway from the lookout car park to Brendan Beach will remain closed as it is not safe for the public to use.

Update on Northern Look-out to Brendan Beach track Read More »

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay

Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has advised that a small team will be in Pukerua Bay tomorrow Thursday night, weather permitting, to clear slips from the footpath in the area of SH 59 between Pukerua Beach Road and Wairaka Road.

This will be one of several minor slip-clearing jobs around the highway network that the team will be undertaking tomorrow night so Waka Kotahi cannot say what time the team will arrive. It should only take an hour or so.

Slip Clearance Pukerua Bay Read More »

SH 59 Work on Slipface

Waka Kotahi has advised that further work is to be undertaken on the slipface just noth of the Northern Lookout.

You will have noticed work restarting on the slip face north of Pukerua Bay.

Phase 2 of the coast road slip control project is about to get underway.

Two stop/goes during the daytime this week on the coast road are a taste of things to come.

The work won’t have much impact on traffic at first – just the shoulder closed with the current 50km/h speed restriction continuing on.

The Phase 2 hillside stabilisation and safety project follows the earlier work to stabilise the hillside where a large slip in late August closed the road for several weeks.

This second phase of  work will strengthen the earlier slip control work and will include drilling drains to improve drainage, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.

  • December stop/go

From 6 December, stop/go traffic control will be in use fulltime day and night until the Christmas/New Year break, then will resume on Monday 9 January through to Friday 27 January.

Only one lane will be open and traffic lights will control the flow of vehicles.

Road users should expect delays.

However, we will be directing through-traffic to use the alternative route of  SH1 Transmission Gully and leave this area of SH59 to the locals as much as possible.

There will be a break from the works over Christmas and New Year when both lanes will be open.

Pedestrians and cyclists can continue using the path beside the seawall throughout the project, though they should be aware there may be times when our traffic controllers ask them to wait.

While the contractors are busy with this hillside stabilisation work, we will take the opportunity to reseal sections of State Highway 59 between Plimmerton roundabout and Pukerua Bay.

The resealing will take approximately 4 days and is planned for early December.

We will send you more information when the resealing dates are confirmed. Regular updates will be sent on progress with the Phase 2 hillside stabilisation project.

FYI – please see the media release below on the Pukerua Bay slip site for you to share. Please contact us with any queries.

Ngā mihi,

Kerry du-Pont, Anita De Klerk & Lynsey Morgan / Customer Communications and Engagement Team
Wellington Transport Alliance

E anita.deklerk@wta.nzta.govt.nz; / M 027 227 9841 / w nzta.govt.nz

E lynsey.morgan@wta.nzta.govt.nz  / M 027 202 1670 / w nzta.govt.nz

21 November 2022 9:20 am | Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

The work site

More work is planned to stabilise a slip face on State Highway 59, Pukerua Bay, on the Kāpiti Coast.

The section of highway was closed for around four weeks in late August and early September for slip clearing and stabilisation work.

Mark Owen, Regional Manager Wellington/Top of the South, says phase two of repair works at the site begins this week.

“It will strengthen the earlier slip control work and includes drilling drains, installing mesh and soil anchors in some areas, and spraying a concrete surface (shotcrete) over others.”

“We know regular users of the road and local residents have noticed the effect the weather has had on the earlier repairs. It was always our intention to do more work at this site. Keeping this vital transport link maintained and resilient is a priority”, Mr Owen says.

Contractors will get the work underway this week from Monday, 21 November. There will be stop/go traffic control in place for two days while concrete barriers are placed on the road shoulder to protect the work site. This should not have a major effect on traffic flows as vehicles will be able to move freely while work is done behind the barriers

The main works will begin on 6 December under fulltime stop/go traffic management. Mark Owen says this will affect road users more.

“Only one lane will be open, and traffic lights will control vehicle access. It means there will be delays on this part of State Highway 59. We recommend drivers detour via State Highway 1, Transmission Gully, while this project is underway.”

Works schedule:

  • 21 November to 6 December
    • Stop/go traffic control for 2 days to install shoulder closure
    • Then 50km/h speed limit with road shoulder closed
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 6 December – 20 December
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation works
  • 9 January – 27 January
    • One laned open and stop/go traffic control will be in use full time, day and night
    • Slip stabilisation Works

SH 59 Work on Slipface Read More »