December 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 11 December 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhay, Kate Dreaver, Paul FitzGerald, Pauline Morse, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Dale Williams (PCC)
Apologies: David Olsen, Brian Sullivan, Jenny Brash
Approval of previous minutes: after fixing spelling mistakes; moved Kate, seconded Paul, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Action: Iain to follow up a conversation with Mark Owen at NZTA about discussing the road blockage incident, and what we can be learned from the Civil Defence like community response in terms of future planning.

School Hall: A meeting was held with the Board of Trustees, and a joint statement was released about the meeting.

Action: A small group (comprised of representatives from the Board of Trustees and the Hall Committee) will meet soon to talk through the issues in more detail.

Beach cleanup: About 25 people successfully removed lots of bags of rubbish.

Community recycling scheme: PCC approve of the idea and are supporting it in first instance by printing leaflets for a letterbox drop after New Year.

Action: Nikky to run a three month pilot, starting in January.

Water fountain at skatepark: Iain talked to Bill Inge. They are very expensive, and the cost depends on how far the water pipe would have to run. It would also be good to have one by the toilet at the beach.

Kiwirail are charging $300 per way-finding sign for Te Araroa Trail. PCC is discussing the cost with Kiwirail.


Main account: $64.43
Fundraising: $2678.42

Kiwirail and Print Room have been paid. Brian is completing the paperwork to become a signatory on the bank account. Since the last meeting, it has not been possible to transfer money between the two accounts.

Action: June to resolve problem with bank about money transfers.

Motion: Pay Mel Galletly $15.52 to cover expenses related to cafe research. Moved Iain, seconded Jon. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Pay Iain $46.00 for printing of AGM papers. Moved Jon, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.


Received via the website, 10 December: newsletter from NZ Police Neighbourhood Support Group. Constable Eliza Beaumont is our new point of contact.

PPC update

Council staff have been decanted out of the big building in central Porirua while it gets refurbished, and are now in several locations around the city. PCC’s front desk is now in the old Kapimana office, and the Council chambers are at Pataka.

Appreciation was expressed for the speedy work done do repair the path to Brendan Beach. PCC were also thanked for doing maintenance work on the Goat Track and in Raroa Reserve. There was some discussion about the new District Plan and housing issues especially with regards to resource consents for new buildings on the beachfront.

Community food forest garden: A capital budget of $7,000 is available to further support establishment of the community food forest garden this financial year – including the purchase and installation of a secure tool shed (storage container) and purchase of additional plants. Bill is keen to meet with Robert to discuss storage options, including the possible ‘re-purposing’ of the old station building.

He Are Pukerua heritage project (next stage): This project ($14,500) comprises the next stage of the He Ara Pukerua (Heritage Trail) project – including additional research for, and the printing of information boards identifying areas of historic, cultural and natural significance for Pukerua Bay, and installation of a combination of (existing) large format signs and bollards. Content for the information boards is progressing. PCC will start seeking approval for installation of the signs and bollards (from PCC Parks and Roading, KiwiRail and NZTA) after the Christmas break. It’s great to see the 2019 calendar which has been created to raise funds and promote awareness of the trail.

Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives: Operational funding of $2,750 (in the form of a grant) is available to support Pukerua Bay Community Hub initiatives (working in partnership with Porirua City) to address social isolation and improve connectedness in the community. PCC are more than happy to continue discussions in the new year, including how the planned initiatives might be best supported. A couple of Council staff members with experience in questionnaire / survey development are also happy to assist at the appropriate time.

Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension: A capital budget of $5,000 (which will supplement the $40,000 carried forward from 2017/18) has been approved for surfacing of the Ara Harakeke shared pathway between the Pukerua Bay shops and Wairaka Road (SH1). This is to be undertaken following repair of the collapsed retaining wall and adjacent pathway, which is currently underway. The footpath will remain closed (and pedestrian traffic diverted) for the entire construction period.

Muri Reserve way-finding signage (Te Araroa Trail): This includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign). A capital budget of $1,047 is available to install the signs this financial year. The 12 printed signs are ready for installation. While PCC now has approval from KiwiRail’s Operations team, approval from their Property team is still required.

Village planning update

Heritage project: The team will talk to Ngati Toa about the sign being installed at the Outlook and a new Po which will be installed on Te Araroa Track (likely to be ready in about a year).

Community garden: The team hope to do a big planting in the autumn. Some trees might need staking.

Action: Jon to create a demonstration QR code on one of the plants, pointing people to the RA website where they will find more information about what the plant is, when it flowers/fruits etc.

Calendar sales: 50 have been sold to date, which covers the costs. Reds Hairdressers have some in stock and they can also be ordered online.

Other business

Café: Mel has had a set back with the Days Bay lady, who is probably not now going to be able to take the idea forwards in the near future. He has been talking to a local builder who is interested in having a change of lifestyle. He has also talked to the owner of Perching Parrot in Paekakariki, the Little Black coffee cart in Porirua, and Fiona at Coastal Eats. He is currently looking at the possibility of setting up a coffee machine at the RSA during the day.

Meeting ended: 8.40 pm
Next meeting: 12 February 2019