February 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 12 February 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhay, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Dale Williams (PCC)
Apologies: David Olsen, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse, Jenny Brash
Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul, seconded Mel, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Action: David to chase NZTA regarding installation of an engine braking sign.

Bank: June has been to the bank several times but the money transfer issue has not yet been resolved. The bank said they would get in contact with June.

Action: Iain to email NZTA to ask if they did a review after the road closure incident, and if so whether they would be able to share it with us; or if they received any feedback which might be helpful to the community for future Civil Defence planning.

There was some discussion about the expected impact of Transmission Gully on road usage across the region as a whole.

Community recycling scheme: The pilot has started slowly but successfully.

Action: Jon to create a demonstration QR code on one of the plants in the community garden, pointing people to the RA website where they will find more information about what the plant is, when it flowers/fruits etc.

Water fountain at skatepark: Paul investigated the situation. Installing a water fountain would require a lot of additional pipework, which would be expensive; however, he discovered that the local water and sewage pipes run under the grassy area by the station car park, near the Secret Valley. Dale suggested the RA consider putting a submission into the Council for funding from PCC for a consultation/design process re parking, toilet and water facilities, particularly for the Escarpment walkers (the numbers of whom will continue to increase). Such a project would need to tie into the wider village planning process, and requires asking the community what they want, both in the short term and longer term, for different aspects of the community – including the consequences of the Plimmerton Farm/Mount Welcome developments, Transmission Gully, the Escarpment Walk, and rising sea level, as well as other developments elsewhere in Porirua which may have implications on the village (such as the proposed Adventure Park). Clarity is needed about what village planning funds should be spent on (eg signs) and what PCC is responsible for (eg toilet facilities).

Action: Consultation group (Kate, Iain, Jon, Paul, Brian) to meet on Sunday at 2pm to discuss how to consult the community about what the issues might be re the Escarpment Walk, including doing surveys around skatepark and end of walk, and gathering relevant statistics such as how many people walk the track and how many use the skatepark, in preparation for writing a request for seed funding from the PCC annual plan (March-May).


Main account: $708.91

Fundraising: $3378.83

Motion: Pay Brian $21.00 for postage for the calendar and Margaret Blair $90.00 for photographs for the calendar. Moved Iain, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.


Received 10 February, letter from PCC thanking us for our feedback on the Growth Strategy. They will be in touch regarding presenting at the hearing on 21 February.

Porirua Growth Strategy

There was some discussion about the intensification of urban areas and greenfields development along with the impact of the proposed developments on the natural environment (particularly sensitive areas such as Taupo Swamp), local public transport systems and schools. Porirua as a whole is looking at a probable 50% population increase in the next 25-30 years. The RA need to look at how to protect the community’s special identity, even if new developments are built right up to the edge of the current village.

Action: Iain to present highlights/additional points to PCC.

AMI Neighbourly Community Grant

A small amount of money is available, which could possibly be used to pay for a sign at the beach highlighting the area’s permanent fire ban. However, there is also the possibility that PCC might be able to put up a sign; or it could be included in the next village plan.

Action: Dale to speak to Bill Inge about whether PCC could put up a sign.

PCC update

The Council’s first meeting of 2019 will be held on Wednesday 20 February. The Village Planning report was not received in time for the meeting. Dale strongly encouraged everybody to conserve water and to report any leaks immediately.

Village planning update

Community garden: Paul met with Bill to look at the shelter. The shed which is currently on the Woolshed land needs to be moved back down into the garden: this will require use of a truck, and some time to prepare the site in advance.

Calendar sales: $870 net profit is expected from the sales. 150 were printed, of which 115 were sold and the remainder were gifted to people who participated/assisted in the project. 62 were sold through the website. Pataka has put a copy into their archive. For next year’s calendar there will be a photo competition; the final images will be selected by Ivor Earp-Jones.

Other business

School and Community Hall: There was a meeting with the Hall Committee a couple of weeks ago to discuss who should represent the committee in smaller meeting with the school Board of Trustees.

Action: Iain to get in touch with the Board of Trustees to arrange a meeting soon (2 people from each group).

Café: Mel has had discussions with 2 couples: David Petterell may be looking to do something later this year; and the couple who organised the food for the truckers are considering some possibilities.

Mel noted that Nuala the librarian ran the London Marathon last year.

Meeting ended: 9.19pm
Next meeting: 12 March 2019