November 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, November 14, 2018

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhay, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Dale Williams (PCC); Community: Mel Galletly, Christine Ford

Apologies: Pauline Morse, David Olsen.

Approval of previous minutes: after fixing spelling mistake; moved Paul, seconded Kate, none opposed, carried.

Appointment of Officers

Appoint four positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Motion: Appoint Iain as Chair. Moved Paul, seconded Brian. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Brian as Deputy Chair. Moved Iain, seconded Paul. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Nikki Winchester as Secretary. Moved Jonathan, seconded Brian. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint June as Treasurer. Moved Kate, seconded Jonathan. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Matters arising

Parish was paid for use of the chapel for meetings.

Kiwi rail and picnic area actions are carried over.

The footpath repair work is to be starting soon.


Main account: $64.43

Fundraising: $2387.28

Motion: Pay the outstanding Kiwirail invoice. Moved Iain, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Pay $670 to “The Print Room” for the calendars. Moved Brian, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Brian be made a signatory for the bank account. Moved Kate, seconded Jonathan. None opposed, motion carried.


Received 24 October, email from Craig Evans from Mainfreight, kind offer to supply food for the AGM. So awesome, our best thanks for that!

Received 20 October, from Axel Alexander, thanks to Pukerua Bay residents for the truck stranding.

Action: Iain to follow up a conversation with Mark Owen at NZTA about discussing the road blockage incident, and what we can be learned from the Civil Defence like community response in terms of future planning.

AGM discussions

New calendar, beach clean up, hub, district plan.

PCC district plan submissions

Submissions can be made online, currently open for Coastal Hazards and Resilience and the Growth Strategy.

Coastal workshop: More gravel and sand would help; and hard structures aren’t used nowdays – more “sacrificial” fill is better. Wood comes from West Coast and further north.

School Hall: Connor has contacted us to have a discussion with the hall committee, on Thursday 22 November.

Beach clean up: promote the event in social media channels, and Paul suggests putting a poster up in the notice board.

Calendar: sales – 20 orders so far.

PPC update

Community food forest garden: A capital budget of $7,000 has been approved to further support establishment of the community food forest garden – including the purchase and installation of a secure tool shed (storage container) and purchase of additional plants. PCC keen to discuss storage options, including the possible ‘re-purposing’ of the old station building in December as requested.

He Are Pukerua heritage project: The next stage ($14,500 allocated) includes additional research and the printing of information boards identifying areas of historic, cultural and natural significance for Pukerua Bay, and installation of a combination of (existing) large format signs and bollards. PCC have discussed and recently updated the list of information board sites (there are 18 in total). Content for the information boards is currently being prepared. PCC seeking approval for installation of the signs and bollards from Parks and Roading, KiwiRail and NZTA in the coming weeks.

Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives: Operational funding of $2,750 (in the form of a grant) has been approved to support Pukerua Bay Community Hub initiatives (working in partnership with PCC) to address social isolation and improve connectedness in the community. PCC glad to meet with Rebecca Davis and Angela to discuss supporting these initiatives. PCC identified possible resources and support, and opportunities to tap into some existing activities and networks, and keen to meet again in late November once they’ve identified a suitable survey development resource.

Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension: A capital budget of $5,000 (which will supplement the $40,000 carried forward from 2017/18) has been approved for surfacing of the Ara Harakeke shared pathway between the Pukerua Bay shops and Wairaka Road (SH1). This is to be undertaken following repair of the collapsed retaining wall and adjacent pathway. The PCC Roading team have tendered the retaining wall to support the footpath plus the associated works to reinstate the footpath with asphalt, and hope to commence work in the next few weeks. It is anticipated that the works will take at least six weeks, depending on weather, site conditions and NZTA traffic management requirements. The footpath will be completely closed for the construction period and pedestrian traffic will be diverted. PCC will be asking that people avoid walking through the area as much as possible and use the pedestrian overbridge to ensure their safety when crossing SH1.

Muri Reserve Te Araroa Trail way-finding signs: This project includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign). A capital budget of $1,047 has been approved for installation of the signs this year. The signs have been printed and are read for installation. PCC waiting on KiwiRail approval for 12 signs before they can be installed. KiwiRail has requested a yearly payment for each sign and PCC are currently negotiating this.

Other business

Recycling drop-off (Nikki): Proposing a drop off point to send stuff to Terracycle, Mobile Phone appeal and Recycling for Charity, Sustainability Trust will take batteries at $5 per kg.

The RA are prepared to support in principle, and investigate ways to support it from PCC and other potentially interested parties.

Action: Nikki to contact Dale Williams in the first instance to investigate potential support from PCC, e.g. through the existing waste minimisation strategy and other channels.

An enquiry about the skate park, can we install a water fountain? This can go into the council’s village planning process.

Mel: regarding the café options, Days Bay folks to talk to a local coffee business to lend equipment.

Action: Kate to offer help to support Hub with Christmas on the field on 1 Dec.ember.

Meeting ended: 9.14 pm

Next meeting: 11 December 2018