November 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 14 November 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, June Penhey, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, Dale Williams (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC), David Olsen. Brett Osborne (PCC), Torrey McDonnell (PCC), Mike, James Beban (Hutt City Council), Nic Etheridge (PCC).
Community: Charles and Danielle.
Apologies: Guy Marriage, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Anita Baker (PCC).
Approval of previous minutes: Moved Paul, seconded Pauline. Adopted.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Penguin sign: We’ve secured funds from The Hutt Mana Charitable Trust and the Kāpiti Biodiversity Project. Sign to go at the end of the car-park, at the start of the DOC scientific reserve.

Heritage: bollard has been moved to the Z truck stop.

Appointment of Officers

Appoint four positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Motion: Appoint Iain as Chair. Moved Paul, seconded Pauline. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Brian as Deputy Chair. Moved Paul, seconded Pauline. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint Jonathan as Secretary. Moved Iain, seconded Kate. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Motion: Appoint June as Treasurer. Moved Iain, seconded Paul. No other nominations. None opposed, motion carried.

Approval of previous minutes

Moved Iain, seconded Paul.


Balance in cheque account $1,825.29

Turnbull Library, for permission for use of images in the calendar, $30. Reimburse Ashley, all approved.


Received an invoice from KiwiRail for the annual $410.55 fee for the station platform right-of-way for Muri Reserve, but PCC may cover it this year but will report back next month.

PCC reviewing the rating policy, submissions close on Thursday 16 November. Dale: only significantly affects rural rate payers and Porirua CBD commercial zoning. Decided to submit individual submissions.

October NSG newsletter, from local Senior Constable Simon Bygate.

Porirua City Council Distrct Plan presentation

Natural hazards: SH1 subsidence. Tracks, slips. Future planning to budget for fix-ups

How we live and grow: 10,000 more people, 5,500 new houses in next 30 years. That won’t fit in “green field” growth (re-zoning rural land to residential), plan to use mix of green field and infill development. Mixture of low and medium density housing – semi-detached and terraced housing, apartments in the CBD.

How we move: TG modelling predicts reduction of traffic by 80%, and by 50% at Mana Esplanade. Walkways, café to catch the walkers. Electric vehicles.

How we look after our environment: significant ecological sites, surveyed 2001, updated 2011. Consulted with landowners 2012, Regional Policy Statement finalised (GWRC) with significance criteria, 2013. Rural significant sites surveyed 2015, not yet consulted with landowners.

As a result of a commissioned peer review, issues were identified: the databases are a mix of regionally significant sites and amenity tree groups, protection levels too complicated, issues of identification or description of sites and species. Want to be more user-friendly, fill information gaps, more regionally consistent, use more community input.

Encouraged to participate in “Go deep” groups, on several “hot” topics.

PCC Village planning update

Muri Road safety work (2016/17 year project)

We’re pleased to report that Downer (our roading contractor) has now installed the ‘slow zone’ markings at both ends of the slow zone, as well as the white lines that run through the zone. Power is yet to be connected to the two recently-installed street lights and a small section of kerb requires some repairs. We hope this, as well as outstanding vegetation trimming and flax removal, will be completed within the next three weeks.

Muri Reserve way-finding signage – Te Araroa Trail (2016/17 year project)

It was great to walk the Muri Reserve route with Iain MacLean last week, and to hear of the Pukerua Bay Residents Association’s recent resolution to progress with the Muri Reserve walking route (rather than Muri Road). Current plans include installing information signs at both ends of the reserve (i.e. one at the site of the former Muri Road Station and another at Pukerua Bay Station) and further directional signs along the route. At this stage we are unsure who would own and maintain the signs. We look forward to sharing details of the proposal with the Te Araroa Trust and the local community in due course. This project is being completed with funds carried-forward from the 2016/17 year.

Community garden (food forest)

At our recent meeting with Robert Oscroft we shared details of the licence and the history of the site. We are able to facilitate further introductions between Robert and members of our Parks team to discuss how we can support your initiatives to develop the garden.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath (from shops to Wairaka Road)

We understand designs by the Council and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) engineers (for retaining works to remediate the slip that occurred in late 2016) are still being discussed and will be reviewed to find the best long-term solution. It has been agreed that NZTA will be leading the slip repairs.

NZTA is being restructured at the moment and all work relating to the slip repairs seems to be on hold. We are still hoping to start consultation on formation of the proposed shared pathway prior to Christmas, as it will have an impact on some local residents in Te Kura Road. We will be in touch again once we know more about the timing of the slip repairs and consultation for the proposed shared pathway.

Heritage trail (part 2)

Capital Journeys has now approved relocation of the earlier-installed heritage bollard along the Ara Harakeke walkway from its current location to the Weigh Station. We anticipate the bollard will be moved to its new position this Wednesday. It is great to work with such a passionate and knowledgeable group to achieve this community project.

District Plan Review & engagement

Our District Plan Review team are looking forward to coming to your meeting on 14 November. This round of consultation is about checking the Council has identified the right themes and issues for the draft District Plan – and that issues that are important to you are included.

The Porirua District Plan is a document that manages the balance between development and use of the environment, while protecting and safeguarding it for future generations. It sets a framework for land-use planning, and imposes provisions and rules to protect it. We are required to prepare a District Plan under the Resource Management Act.

Matters arising from the AGM

Results of the school group vote: Skate park repair, followed by the Skate park mural, then the Raroa mural. Skate park repair and lighting request has been passed to the PCC parks team.

Brian: would like to get people to leg some calendar flyers around the letterboxes.

Other business

Pauline moves to print the first lot of calendars. Suggest contributing float money, there’s 13 orders for 25 calendars, which is $500.

Meeting finished: 9:45 pm.
Next meeting: 12 December 2017.