December 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, June Penhey, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, Dale Williams (PCC), Gay Hay, Gillian Chandler.
Apologies: Guy Marriage, David Olsen, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Anita Baker (PCC).

Matters arising from previous minutes

District plan: PCC landscape people also involved, with student architecture projects.

Approval of previous minutes

Moved Pauline, seconded Paul.



Cheque account: $3835.84 / $1600 loan from David Olsen, $410.55 Railway insurance

Fundraising account: $913.94

We need to raise an invoice to Department of Conservation, for $350; amend to say “part payment” for the penguin sign. Reimbursed Ashley and Margaret $1794.00 for the printing of the calendars.

Motion: pay back $1600 to David Olsen, $61.20 to Iain McLean for AGM printing expenses, and $376 to Pauline Morse for calendar expenses, moved Brian, seconded Jonathan. Carried.

Motion: payment of $410.55 KiwiRail platform access fee moved Iain, seconded Paul. Carried.

Motion: to register the domain now that it has cleared contention, for a fee of approximately $25-35 annually. Moved Iain, seconded Jonathan. Carried.


None this month.

Penguin Sign

Gay: The Penguin sign is all ready to go. Anne’s design, Paul proof-reading, and new dog-handling rules and no fires. Map includes DoC scientific reserve, fishing restriction areas and a “you are here” mark. PCC are going to put up the sign at the end of the car park and maintain the sign. PBRA to send in the Pukerua Bay logo for the sign, and to help with promotion of the penguin sign on the website and social media.

Gillian: existing dog restriction signage is confusing, vague, and potentially misleading. PCC has reviewed and passed new dog bylaws, Bill Inge will be able to help with wording. DoC and Pest Free Pukerua Bay will be increasing trapping in the scientific reserve over the summer months.

Engine braking

This was an issue identified when NZTA extended 50 km/h zone further down the hill and removed the 70 km/h zone in 2013. NZTA have a sound-operated camera that can catch engine braking. Engine braking is only an issue on older American trucks that don’t have electro-regenerative or hydraulic brakes. We would need to canvas the wider Pukerua Bay community to gauge support. Dale: the earliest PCC could do a bylaw for Pukerua Bay would be next financial year due to tight resource and timing, and by the time it was reviewed and passed it would be months away from Transmission Gully (TG) opening; which would need immediate review; trucks would affect new areas once TG is opened. Because we don’t know yet whether this will be SH1-A or not (TG tolled or not), PCC won’t start any realistic canvassing or planning around bylaws until then.

Action: Iain to contact Steve James at NZTA about a previously agreed interim “No engine brakes please” sign on the existing 50 km/h sign northwards before the downhill.

PCC Village planning update

Muri Road safety work (2016/17 year project)

PCC and contractor Downer are confident the following items can be done by Christmas:

  • Completing outstanding vegetation trimming and flax removal,
  • Removing woodchips from outside No. 114,
  • Connecting power to the two streetlights,
  • Reducing the height of one of the street light isolators (this is currently a trip hazard),
  • Repairing the gravel path by the light (this was damaged during cable installation),
  • Re-grading the bank above and below the new pedestrian path,
  • Replacing a section of damaged concrete kerb,
  • Encourage the natural spring on the bank to drain off the path on the corner instead of over the track,
  • Installing the outstanding ‘wash-over’ pad.
Muri Reserve way-finding signage – Te Araroa Trail (2016/17 year project)

Current plans include installing information signs at both ends of Muri Reserve (i.e. one at the site of the former Muri Road Station and another at Pukerua Bay Station) and further directional signs along the route. PCC are unsure who would own and maintain the signs, but sent through a draft sign location plan and possible sign designs for comment. A ‘walk-over’ date and time is to be confirmed to view the sign locations. PCC look forward to sharing details of the proposal with the Te Araroa Trust and the local community in due course. This project is being completed with funds carried-forward from the 2016/17 year.

Community garden (food forest)

PCC understand the Pukerua Bay Residents Association has recently made arrangements for a local farmer (rather than a council contractor) to cut the grass within the area to be occupied by the community garden.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath (shops to Wairaka Road)

NZTA is leading the slip repairs and all related work appears to be on hold at present. As noted previously, formation of the proposed shared pathway would have an impact on some local residents in Te Kura Road. Consultation on the proposed pathway has been delayed until the new year.

Heritage trail

The heritage bollard has now been moved to a new location at the truck stop weigh station. Wording for four additional bollard signs has now been approved by the Pukerua Bay Heritage Group and Ngāti Toa, similar approval is required from the PCC heritage and communications teams as well as from Ngāti Toa for use of their logo. It’s great to work with such a passionate and knowledgeable group to achieve this community project.

District Plan Review & engagement

Consultation on the review of Porirua’s District Plan ran for six weeks and finished on 24 November. The ideas expressed included support for more diverse housing types, coastal walkways and parks, and cafes and shops around the city. There was an acceptance of the need to grow, but most people wanted less outward sprawl, more high density housing and more attention paid to improving the CBD and harbour health.

The feedback will be used to create a Draft District Plan that will go back out for consultation around October 2018. Thank you to the Pukerua Bay Residents Association for welcoming the team into your meeting and for the useful feedback you provided.

The Porirua District Plan is a document that manages the balance between development and use of the environment, while protecting and safeguarding it for future generations. It will guide Porirua’s future land use and development over the next 10-30 years.

Other business

Tree trimming: shenanigans, lines company.

Ocean Parade shoreline erosion: The erosion repair work went out to tender in the first week of December and should be awarded before Christmas. It is likely to be done over the summer holidays.

Meeting finished: 9:08 pm.
Next meeting: 13 February 2018.