Muri Road safety improvements — community feedback wanted

Pukerua Bay Residents Association is working with Muri Road residents and Porirua City Council to improve aspects of road and pedestrian safety along Muri Road.

We’re after feedback by the end of the first week in June before 28 May.

In early 2016, we asked Muri Road residents to take part in a survey on how Muri Road could be made safer for everyone.

They told us that they wanted lighting along the road improved, some form of footpath and to reduce the speed of cars using the road.

With this information we put in a successful bid to the Council for funding to undertake a village planning project for 2016/17 to make changes that would improve road and pedestrian safety.

This document outlines proposed work to improve lighting, walkability and the speed of cars along Muri Road. It also outlines some opportunities for other work that could be done at the same time.

Please study this document and provide any feedback on this form by the end of the first week in June before 28 May.

It can be dropped into the letterbox at 84 Muri Road or dropped back to the Council’s Village Planning Team at the main administration building in Cobham Court.

Feel free to discuss this project with us (Iain MacLean 027 420 3056, or Pauline Morse 239 9838) or with the Council’s Village Planning team who can be contacted through the main Council number 237-5089.

Your feedback will be incorporated into development of the final plan and we will be in touch to outline the next steps.

What are we suggesting?

1. Lighting

  1. We propose to install two new street lights to improve lighting along Muri Road for pedestrians and cars.
  2. As part of improving lighting we propose to trim trees around some of the existing street lights, where it is required. In some cases this may mean removing a tree (or trees) to ensure light gets to the footpath and road.

2. Walkability

  1. We propose to create a new 1 metre wide, gravel footpath along a section of Muri Road to ensure people can walk safely along the side of the road.
    1. As part of creating the new footpath we will need to cut back the soil bank and trim vegetation in places to allow enough space.
    2. We will also need to remove two small manuka trees.
  2. We propose to trim back vegetation and trees overhanging the existing footpaths, as required, to give full pedestrian access. This means that in some locations (primarily at the north end of Muri Road) vegetation may need to be cut back 1.5 to 2 metres from the road edge.
  3. We also propose to cut back soil to create a pedestrian refuge in one area along Muri Road (to the north of the proposed footpath).
  4. We propose to install white and red road edge markers alongside the new footpath.

3. Speed of cars

  1. We propose to create a ‘Slow Zone’ or ‘Shared Zone’ to provide visual clues to slow traffic along Muri Road. This could include:
    1. The words ‘Slow Zone’ or ‘Shared Zone’ painted on the road at each end of the zone.
    2. ‘Slow Zone’ or ‘Shared Zone’ signage at either end of the zone.
    3. White lines painted on each side of the road in the zone to make the road appear narrower and encourage drivers to slow down.

4. Opportunities while we are working in the area

While we have contractors doing the safety work along Muri Road, we could take the opportunity to combine it with other projects:

  1. We propose to trim vegetation along and below power lines along Muri Road in association with Wellington Electricity. It is a requirement to keep vegetation 1.5m clear of powerlines and a mandatory cut will be required in the near future. By including this work we would make cost savings for the City.
    The options are:

    1. No cut as part of the current project.
    2. A 1.5 metre cut below powerlines.
    3. A 3 metre cut below powerlines.
    4. A cut of more than 3 metres.
  2. We also propose to remove some vegetation along Muri Road that is growing into the road to give full road access to vehicles.

2 thoughts on “Muri Road safety improvements — community feedback wanted”

  1. Thanks for this initiative. i am a puketai place resident and walk this stretch of road regularly. Just one thing. There is a majestic kahikatea at the southern end of muri road on the western side which often side trimmed. It would be heartbreaking to see this tree disturbed any further by this initiative (if it would be at all anyway). Thanks again. Cherllisha Silva

  2. Michele Andrews

    I am very pleased to hear this. A proper footpath all the way would be great. Speed bumps would slow cars down effectively.

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