August 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 9 August 2016, 7:30pm

Present: Pukerua Bay Residents Association committee members: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Pauline Moore.

Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Bronwyn Kropp (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Anita Baker (PCC), Nick Vincent.

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Brian Sullivan.

Matters arising from previous minutes


Financial Report

Balance: $3,214.55

We had been given the incorrect form to apply for a PCC grant for the Association this year. June is going to get correct one and get Iain to sign it.


Notice of Village Plan spending from PCC:

  • $40,000 SH1 Ara Harakeke walkway extension (other components of the project will be funded by PCC Roading and NZTA).
  • $5,000 for Green and Gold trails project.
  • $5,000 Muri Reserve community garden/food forest.
  • $5,000 Muri Reserve development (non-community garden part) to improve walkers’ access from the Te Araroa Trail to the railway station.
  • $27,000 on design and consultation in Muri Road and implementation of some safety measures. Some funding comes from other budgets.

Email from Gay Hay on the project involving the school to build penguin boxes.

Ara Harakeke extension/Crash reduction study/Armco barrier

Geoff Marshall at PCC is liaison for a joint PCC-NZTA crash reduction study in Pukerua Bay. Iain reported that Geoff is expecting an initial report by end of August. Iain will get back to Geoff later in the week. A consequence is that they were going to look at the Armco barrier on the SH1 garden as part of the study. Installation of that barrier is now on hold, pending the results of the study.

Action: Iain/Kate will ask Bill Inge what PCC and NZTA can do about dealing to the weeds in the garden at corner of SH1 and Wairaka.

PCC update

No councilors present at the meeting.

Muri Road safety

Pauline met with Bill Inge and Justine McDermott (PCC), who had come for a walk to familiarise Justine with Muri Road. Pauline provided a synopsis of the issues and what has happened to date. There seems to be acceptance by PCC that the survey has been done. (Out of 72 houses, Pauline got 33 responses.) There was some suggestion of chicanes, but residents haven’t suggested them and we think they would narrow an already narrow road.

Green and gold trails

Brian and Paul met with Justine McDermott (PCC). We welcome the funding from PCC. It’s likely that PCC will cut the bollards and install them. Discussed how the spaces will be identified with GPS co-ordinates and timing for the wording of the plaques and background material. Justine will arrange a meeting with the Plimmerton people to get a feel of how they did and whether there are commonalities. The meeting hasn’t been arranged.

Paul and Brian have spoken to Tony Jackman and he’s happy about the developments.


  • Iain will use email to introduce Brian and Paul to Colin Bleasdale (Plimmerton RA).
  • Paul and Brian to talk to the Te Araroa Trust about possibly connecting the local project with their trail.
  • Paul, Brian, and Pauline will meet on 10 August to take things further.

Halo pest control

Linda Kirkmeester phoned Pauline about this. Pauline will phone her back and let her know Nick is taking it on for the Pukerua Bay Residents’ Association.

Nga Uruora planting day

Brian and Paul participated in a planting day at the woolshed.

Fisheries sign at the beach

We’ve been concerned that the sign re- marine protection regulations at the far car park is positioned where it is often obscured by cars. Kate phoned the MPI fisheries office in Petone to ask if they could shift it. She spoke to Mike Green, who was not very encouraging. They would need to get PCC consent and get it dug out and concreted in. He will get Aaron, his ‘sign guy’ to take a look.

Action: See if anything has happened in a month. If not, we install our own sign.

Meeting finished: 8.42 pm

Next meeting: Tuesday 13 September 2016