14 June 2022
Present: Moira Lawler, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Chris Kirk Burnand (WRC), Jon Harker, Iain MacLean, Pauline Morum, Euon Murrell
Apologies: Kate Dreaver, Nikky Winchester, Lenka Horanska, Jenny Brash
Council Updates
Quiet at Council at the moment. Significant flooding over the weekend – all the usual flooding issues but also in new spaces. Beach Rd is triggering the conversation about a managed retreat. Already the remediation work is too expensive for Council to carry. Good communication out to residents during recent storm events. Decision on village planning won’t be made until next Council comes in. In meantime work underway will get completed.
Chris has been critical of the ‘Great Wellington Moving’ plan. Thinks it is to expensive for the benefits to the region. Airport buses starting next month. Requires $2M a year public subsidy. On demand transport has started in Tawa – not yet clear about the cost – a trial for a year. Snapper card being extended beyond Johnsonville line – starting in November. There will also eventually be a zone review.
Lots of activity with Porirua stream. Flooding issues in Tawa. Trying to give clarity to people on who will assist to replace bridge accessways etc.
Alan Gray working on flooding around Grays Rd. Waka Kotahi have to reinstate Lanes Flat but have not started yet.
Lyndsay Gow working on pest control.
Problems with motorbikes racing in Titahi Bay, Whitireia and on the track by the rail line from Kenepuru.
Working to clear culverts around Pauatahanui Inlet.
What is GWRC’s role is protecting the wetlands under threat with the new developments planned in Pukerua Bay? Concern that GWRC has tried to prosecute for environmental damage and lost the case. Euon’s advice is that Council is much more focused on protecting the wetland than previously.
Next election will be under 3 ward system. Nominations open next month.
Approval of previous minutes
Moved Paul, seconded Iain – Approved
Matters arising from previous minutes
We never completed the magnet design – with Kate.
EV charger – Mel is now working with Mayon Wills at Meridian Energy. Going to test pole loading at the shops. Outside the bike shop is a good alternative.
Financial report
Finance Report to June 2022 Meeting as at 12 June 2022
BNZ $ 6847.90
Income: 00 $ 0.08 Interest
$ 400.00 PCC
Expenditure: $ 649.75 AON Insurance
$ 630.20 Korero
$ 85.57 CGFF John Hay
Invoices – Issued $ 395.00 Korero
Invoices – Outstanding $ 210.00 Korero x 3 (2 months)
Moved financial report Jon, seconded Mel – approved.
Project Updates
- Community Garden Food Forest
Person doing community service is helping – 45 hours available. Now a credited agency for community service.
- Executive Committee Handbook
Nikky sends apologies for the delay with the handbook – they will be adding in the draft section on our IT/tech systems and then sharing the handbook with you all in advance of the next meeting.
- He Ara Pukerua
He Ara Facebook
He Ara reached 955 people in the last seven days. Great feedback from these stories.
‘QE11 National Trust in Pukerua Bay – Nga Kairauhi Papa | Forever Protected’ post acknowledged the Queen’s leadership especially in the area of conservation.
Ready to go on He Ara Facebook:
- The Battle of the Rocks
- Storage of Huakaroro potatoes at Pukerua in 1906, for Matariki
- Beautifying the roadsides
Waiting for Maori version for Pou panel.
Copy for three panels has been sent to designer.
Stories of Gray and Ames families
Working through process of setting up Friends of He Ara Pukerua.
Following up with QEII Trust about the signage at Taupo Swamp.
Naming of Mt Welcome in progress.
Collecting material for exhibition “Pukerua through lens and brush”.
Surf Life Saving NZ will be returning the Te Rau o Te Rangi Memorial in the next few days.
- Kōrero
June’s issue was distributed last week. It focused on climate change and the theme of kaitiakitanga. and promoted a workshop on climate change that Conor Twyford has kindly agreed to facilitate later this year. Next issue will continue with long-term thinking about urban planning and sustainability, with a focus on local businesses. That thinking will be greatly enhanced with a contribution from Margaret and He Ara, helping us look to the past in order to plan for the future.
We will review distribution numbers and also promote receiving it online.
We will ask the designer about putting it on line in colour.
- Village Planning
Our own framework
The feedback on the Structure Plan has gone online, and we began promoting the planned climate change workshop in Kōrero.
Porirua Village Planning Programme Review
The paper prepared by Council officers was presented to Te Puna Kōrero on 2 June. Officers reported widespread support for the Programme, with a desire that it return to its core principles. Officers presented the following proposals, which were agreed to by Council:
Item 6.1 Page 12
17. It is our intention to run a wide engagement programme that will seek the views and input of communities and people currently not engaged with Village Planning.
18. A consultation and engagement plan will be developed to ensure that there is wide community consultation on the development of the principles and proposed final model to be brought back to Council
- Waste Free PKB
Waste Free PKB would like to report that Terracycle have amended their Oral Health collection, and as of 20 June will no longer be accepting non-Colgate branded oral health products for recycling.
- Community Hub
Reminder from Kelly that that Matariki Celebration is on in 3 weeks, signage to go up this weekend. We would love help on the day so if anyone wants to volunteer please reach out to myself or Angela Brown.
- Correspondence from Wellington Water re a workshop in PKB on flood management June 12th.
- Robyn Smith re putting up a FB post – standing for GWRC. Agreed to promote all or none.
- Claire Giblin will have plans to show RA on Wairaka Rd intersection and Beach Rd by July 12th – next meeting.
- Mel has been volunteering at the shop helping restore signs.
- Rule changes to incorporated Societies Act. The Companies office has let us know of rule changes to the Inc. Societies Act. We now need the consent of members to be members. Will need 10 agreed members to exist. Need to change our constitution at our next AGM.
- Structure Plan – Council has our feedback. Now we wait for Council to put out the Draft variation for us to submit on.
- Local government candidates meeting – agreed to do a meeting. Election Day is October 10th. Late September? Lynley Bailey at PCC can give us election info.
Meeting closed 8.36pm. Next meeting July 12th