April 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

12 April 2022

Present: Moira Lawler, Kate Dreaver, Iain MacLean, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Hugh Young, Jenny Brash (WRC), Jane Comden, Jenny Wrightson, Beccy Davis, Euon Murrell

Apologies: Jon Harker, Kelly McClean, Nikky Winchester, Lenka Horanska, Conor Twyford

Council Updates:

WRC flat out responding to government esp. with 3 waters reform. The establishment team has been set up. Also dealing with fluoride issue for region – break in the system and funding needed to upgrade plants. Finance and review policy has been out for consultation. Jenny focusing on transport rates coming down. There will be a general rate for predator control. Have applied to govt. budget for funding for new trains – for Wairarapa and Waikanae. Tawa bus trial is starting. Airport bus also about to be restarted – will be functioning before June.

Approval of previous minutes

Moved Kate, seconded Paul. Minutes go up on website. Paul puts them on the notice board.

Matters arising from previous minutes

None not already on agenda.


Secretary inbox now with Jonathon – nothing has come through.

Finance Report to April 2022 Meeting as at 9 March 2022

BNZ $ 7964.63

Income: 00 $ 150.00 CGFF Garden visit Koha

$ 92.00 CGFF Plant sales

$ 0.02 Interest

$ 1000.00 Korero

Expenditure: $ 100.00 CGFF Workshop

Invoices – Outstanding $ 460.00 Korero x 3


Action: Moira to chase up invoice. To send Margaret a budget for Korero.

Moved Paul, Seconded Iain.

Project Updates

  • See attached reports.
  • Korero: This issue focuses on urban planning and promotes structure plan workshop. Next issue focuses on climate change.
  • Community Garden: Whitby Garden club sent out 30 people to visit – made a koha. New flower bed in planning. Community hub keen on a Tangata Whenua medicinal plants bed.
  • Village Plan Review: Summary table has been sent around. Specific section on northern growth plan. Great feedback on 20-year vision. We took part in a review session run by Council on the village planning about a month ago. Have heard nothing since. Paul to follow up?
  • He Ara Pukerua: Additional panels ready for the designer. Lots of things bubbling away. Ashley working on the Charles Gray story. Also being written is the story of the Bevan children.

Action Items: None

General Business

  • Hub Strategy Meeting – getting sorted for next Matariki event July 2 (dependent on funding). Path needs significant restoration. Beccy applying pressure to Council to get track work done. Amy Porteous working on Te Ao Maori input.
  • Hub also keen to put local names forward for Civic Awards.
  • Pukerua Beach Rd Slips – Hugh Young is at 3 Haunui Way – used to be able to clamber down front slope. Had a platform on the edge of his section which came down in the latest slips. The gulch is getting bigger and bigger and moving across to No 2. Wellington water has checked out sewer system. Have also dye tested. Not a sewage leak. Area was established without connections therefore no proper stormwater installed. Sewer pipe running along sea side of sections at risk.
  • Mayor coming out April 20 5pm to meet with beach residents.
  • SH59 Consultation preparation – nothing will happen until TGM has been open for 6 months. We could consider a survey to see how people want road treated.
  • Could discuss at the AGM? Kate will start collating ideas. A pedestrian crossing has to go in within 6 months.
  • National Urban Growth Strategy. – Concern for where Kainga Ora might put housing.
  • Council structure plan – Council trying to complete variation to District Plan – the structure plan is part of that process. The information boards will go with the structure plan. Have to have Structure Plan in by August. Hearings for submission on district plan were staggered. Hearings for urban growth section were supposed to have happened in February/March but don’t seem to have happened. At least one local resident (Susan) has submitted but not heard back about hearings.
  • Workshop – Pukerua Bay Structure Plan Wednesday 27 School Hall.
  • 2 developers [Mt Welcome block and Muri developer (Muri Rd is still owned by the Kay’s)], coming to Council for plan changes. There is a variation to the District Plan, a structure plan that provides more explanation, and then the consenting process for the developers.
  • The outcome we want is to have Council fully aware of our bottom lines and major concerns. What do we want preserved in our community.
  • Iain to ring Stewart to discuss workshop.
  • Ideas for Civic Awards? Also ideas for Wellington Community Awards (the Community Garden?)
  • Jenny Wrightson – would like to see signage at the Pou. A plaque has been designed and will be being installed once it is ready.
  • AGM planned for October
  • Mel is looking at EV charging point for Pukerua Bay.

Meeting closed 9.15 pm.