November 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Date: 9 November 2021
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Ashley Blair, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Pauline Morum, Jonathan Harker, Kate Dreaver, Iain MacLean, Kelly McClean, Euon Murrell (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)
Apologies: Lenka Horanska

Election of Officers

Paul stepped down and Euon chaired the election.

Chair – Paul (unopposed)
Deputy Chair – Iain (unopposed)
Treasurer – Margaret (unopposed)
Secretary – Moira (unopposed)

Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Need to change reference to land sale – Mt Welcome Farm has sold.

Motion: Moved Paul, seconded Mel – approved.

Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

  • Fridge magnets – Euon is happy to pay for them but we need to agree a design. Main point is to direct residents to website.
  • Barrier to go on zig zag end SH1 to Haunui – Waka Kotahi want to come to next meeting to discuss. We also need to discuss walkway down to Whenua Tapu walkway – there is a gap at top of Te Ara Harakeke where you go to railway station.
  • Paua fishing signs – MPI believes there are enough signs but people are poaching again currently. Agreed we invite a Fisheries Officer to speak to the Residents Association.

GWRC update (Jenny)

Apologies for AGM – Jenny didn’t get the notice of the meeting. Palmerston North Community train business case has been submitted. Electric buses also underway. Third platform going in at Plimmerton – will eventually be a train every six minutes. Working on the Annual Plan.

PCC update (Euon)

Three waters is the major issue. PCC supports even though Euon opposes. Council can’t afford to bring the infrastructure up to the required standard. Approved $17.5M plan to fix drainage in infrastructure. District Plan review underway. Resource consents applied for Landfill and Wastewater Treatment station. Contract for wastewater treatment station is under review.

Ward changes are agreed – we will be a new Pauatahanui ward, a new East/West Onepoto ward, and a new Maori ward. Our next election will use these wards.

Whenua Tapu Crematorium has been upgraded and reopened.

Finance Report

To November 2021 Meeting as at 9 November:

BNZ     $ 3944.68

Income, 00:

        $  567.08   2022 Calendar Sales for past month
        $   20.00   He Ara (Tote)
        $  285.00   CGFF Spring Festival & Cent H’way Event
        $    0.07   Interest
        $ 1000.00   Mana Community Trust (Korero)

Expenditure Owing:

        $  444.39   KiwiRail
        $  100.00   J. Hay (Worm Workshop presenter)
        $   20.30   P FitzGerald (Cairn Refurbishment)             
        $  704.95   J. Hay (Calendar reprint)
        $   47.07   M. Blair (Centennial H’way event)

Invoices Outstanding:

        $ 2000.00   Waka Kotahi Cairn Refurbishment He Ara



        $ 2485.15   Printing costs (400 copies)
        $ 4175.17   Sales to date


        $ 2134.92   Printing costs (3 issues @ $501; 1 @ $630)
        $ 2450.00   Invoices

Motion: Move report received Paul, seconded Iain – approved.


  • Notice from Capital Journeys re fixing the barrier at top of Beach Rd – tomorrow night.
  • Email from Pamela Nunn asking if Barbara Windsor could come and talk to the Residents Association.
  • Tony Shaw from Paremata Residents Association asking us to meet to discuss management of Mana Esplanade during Waka Kotahi’s monitoring period post TMG opening.

Projects Update

He Ara Pukerua (9 November 2021)

  • 13 October a group from He Ara Pukerua attended the PCC Funding Expo.
  • 26 October Discover Porirua app was launched at a function. Features He Ara Pukerua, Plimmerton Heritage Trail, Pauatahanui Village Heritage Trail, Places of significance around Awarua-o-Porirua and various walkways.
  • 30 October Heritage Talk, Muri Station. Miria Pomare retold the history of Ngati Toa and the significance of Pukerua to Ngati Toa.
  • 6 November: Centennial Highway Panels unwrapped. 61 attended including Mayors of Porirua and Palmerston North, representatives from AA and Waka Kotahi and 27 descendants of men who worked on the project.

Thank you to all the Committee members for organising this event. It was a credit to all of you and both my daughters and one son in law plus myself thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. I have always been very proud of the work my father plus others put into building this road and especially the concrete sea walls which are still standing to this day. It was a great slide show and morning tea and I was thrilled to identify my father in one of the photos.
Thank you on behalf of my family.

Elsie Ewing
(Daughter of Ernest Isaac Smith)

  • Proposed 2022 Budget for He Ara Pukerua:
Public liability insurance (50%)          $   332
Completion of heritage panels             $ 12720
Design He Ara Pukerua web site            $  1500
Concept drawing for Pukerua Waharoa       $  1800 
                                          $ 16352

Proposed resolution: The Pukerua Bay Residents Association supports the application by He Ara Pukerua for funding to design and develop a heritage web site for Pukerua Bay. Agreed.

Food Forest/Community Garden

Good open day on October 30th. Good turnout. Fruit trees blossoming and doing well. Access way off Muri Rd underway. Council will provide a mulcher and will handle advising neighbours. Good allies in the Council parks department.

Kōrero Community Newsletter

Last one coming up for the year. Committee has met to review for the year to come. There will be 5 issues again next year. Advertising rates will go up to ensure we can cover costs. We were awarded $1000 from Hutt Mana Charitable Trust. Euon has offered to support the newsletter for another year.

Village Planning Programme

A basic structure for the village plan has been prepared. Kate ran the committee through the structure. To come to committee at December meeting.

Executive Committee handbook

No update.

Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)

General Business

  1. Toilets at end of Muri Rd – to support Ara Harakeke walkers and community garden users. This has also come up in village planning and is noted as an ongoing issue.
  2. Community Hub AGM December 9th at Sandbar.
  3. School Gala will happen in first quarter of next year
  4. No Christmas on the Park this year due to Covid Restrictions
  5. A condolences card was signed for Chandu at the dairy.
  6. At the AGM the issue of reports from other groups such as the RSA was raised.

It was agreed that these are independent groups so they could be invited as speakers. We are also supposed to have a hall report.

  1. Feedback from the AGM – it would have been good to have some hard copies of reports, or a brief precis from those who had written the reports.

Agreed Actions

  1. Agreed to ask for planner to attend meeting to discuss planning intent for PKB. Paul to write to Nick Ethridge
  2. Still need to talk to Bill Inge about the Paua sign on the beach
  3. Possible speakers for Residents Association meetings 2022:
    – Fisheries Officer – December?
    – Barbara Edmonds
    – Council planner re development plans for Pukerua Bay – February
    – Miria Pomare – local history

Meeting ended: 9.06pm
Next meeting: 14 December 2021, 7.30pm