April 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Pauline Morum, Moira Lawler, Marie Hook, Josh Trlin (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Claire Giblin and Luke Benner (PCC)

Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Nikky Winchester, Chris Kirk-Burnand (GWRC)

Approval of previous minutes: No changes.

Motion to receive: moved Paul, seconded Mel, motion carried.

PCC update:

Ara Harakeke Improvements – NZTA have funding for improving shared pathways etc. around NZ. This enables PCC to continue work started in footpath widening north of the shops. New work has to be delivered by end June. First priority is improving intersection at Wairaka Rd to slow turning traffic. Second priority is zig-zag between SH1 and Haunui Rd. Will try not to take out too many trees and will aim to put in LED lighting. Also improving walking/cycling standard through the city from PKB south. Stage two awaiting confirmation of funding.

GWRC update:

Jenny left links to the GWRC LTCCP. Key issues on electrification of rail and bus and use of electric vehicles.

Climate change and environment top priorities.

Regional parks – policy decision to remove stock. How fast to go with replanting is a decision to be made.

Battle Hill facilities being upgraded. Harbour restoration with Ngati Toa.

Whaitua programme for Porirua Harbour still waiting for implementation.

Other major workstream the Wellington Regional Growth Strategy – a spatial plan for the whole region. GWRC proposes to contribute more to the planning process.

Closing date for submissions is May 2nd.

Porirua City Long-term Plan:

Three waters update – proposal to DIA to fund water infrastructure. Infrastructure to go to water entities – possibly 3-5 across the country. There will need to be 4 if Wellington region is to get their own entity.

These new entities will own the infrastructure and set their own charging. Initial governance will include local government and mana whenua. Three tiers of governance – but no direct public accountability. Might be easier if a govt Minister takes responsibility. New statutory entity. Trying to design model so that government cannot sell it off e.g. will not be allowed to pay a dividend. Councils will retain an interest in the entity. Scottish model being looked at.

LTCCP – some consultation events have already happened. Online Q&A session Wednesday night 7-8pm.

2 northern ward events. Second event at Pauatahanui Lighthouse – main topic will be rates increase for rural rates. Drop in sessions also at Pataka and North City shopping centre.

Major focus in on infrastructure spend – $800M over 30 years.

Also a proposal for a cultural arts centre as an extension to Pataka.

Shared pathway from Wineera to Onepoto.

$300K to set up a team to work on climate change. Need to establish an emissions reduction timeline.

Strategic priority of proactive response to climate.

Sale of Moana Court of note.

Harbour protection investments include speed up of riparian planting.

If we doubled funding from $600K to $1.6K annual we could replant in a decade.

City centre parking causing a stir.

Should Council agree to pay contractors a living wage? Not the same as whether Council should become an accredited living wage employer (where wages are benchmarked).

Should we smooth out rates increases or not?

Closing Date April 27th.

Matters arising from previous minutes: none

Financial Report:

BNZ 00 account balance $6423.15

25 account balance $85.10

Income: $710.00 Korero advertising

$ 15.00 He Ara Bag

Expenditure: Nil

Invoices – Outstanding: 2021-009 Mark Minenkoff $50

2021-011 Euon Murrell, Tommy’s $250

Motion to receive report: Moved Margaret, seconded Paul, motion carried.

Correspondence: Request for assistance in tracing family heritage – Margaret has provided information.

Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates):

Projects Update:

a. He Ara Pukerua – We have applied to the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust for funding, and the accountability report for the penguin sign was signed off first. Launch of centennial highway panels will coincide with opening of TG. NZTA will contribute $2000 to repair of memorial cairn.

b. Food Forest/Community Garden

c. Kōrero (Newsletter) Note receipt of the budget for Korero.

General Business: none

Meeting ended: 9.40pm Next meeting: May 11th 2021.