February 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 9 February 2021
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Pauline Morum, Jonathan Harker, Josh Trlin (PCC), Whetu Bennett (WREMO,) Chris Kirk Burnnand (GWRC)
Apologies: Jenny Brash, Josh Trlin for lateness
Approval of previous minutes: Mel requested his comments re coordination of residents’ groups for feedback to Waka Kotahi on future use of SH1 be included.
Motion to receive with amendments: moved Paul, seconded Iain, motion carried.

Financial Report

BNZ account balance $4902.06

Income: $107.00 Lottie Boys Sale of seeds – Community Garden
Expenditure: $435.68 Kiwi Rail – Muri Station; $50.00 David Pepperell – Surf Seat Garden; $100.00 M. Blair – Refund for plant voucher for June Penhey presentation; $200.00 RSA – Koha

Motion to receive report: Moved Margaret, seconded Jon, motion carried.


  • Thank you from PKB librarian Nuala for farewell card
  • December email from Ollie Gibson letting us know a history marker sign has been removed
  • Email from Clare Giblin re extension of Ara Harakeke between Pukerua Bay and Porirua.

PCC update

Plimmerton flooding major concern of Council’s at the moment. Meeting with residents to discuss catchment studies commissioned by Council. Studies will cover many of the high-risk areas in Porirua. LTCCP consultation gearing up. Face to face meetings March/April. Future of village planning a specific consultation issue. Under investment in 3 waters a major concern. Trying to prioritize and still bring in rates increase below double figures. Renewals of Wellington Water 3 waters infrastructure funded by Councils now 70% of investment – up from 30%. Review of water provision underway by DIA.

GWRC update

GWRC working on next LTCCP. Parks plan out for region. Looking to plant 125,000 hectares in native plants to improve water quality.

100 electric buses ordered to come on stream in next 3 years. Plan to become fully electric. Issues on rivers and streams coming up. Problems for larger landowners in removal of vegetation and earthworks – same limits regardless of land size. Rates increases close to 13% planned – working to try and keep increases down.

WREMO Update

Plimmerton flood resulted in activation of the Emergency Response center. Plimmerton opened their Emergency Hub – families used it for refreshments and reassurance rather than accommodation.

Whetu is initiating a Tsunami ‘Blue lines’ project and wants to start in Pukerua Bay. GNS will help determine where the line should go. There will be a sign and information Board.

Whetu is keen to do some preparedness work with Pukerua Bay. Ministry of Health and Regional Public Health are the Covid-19 leads. Whetu offered to run a ‘Planning and Preparedness’ workshop with the RPH for the community. The workshop would cover hazards, hazard mitigation and preparedness for a local response. Whetu can do flyers, promotion etc.

Action: Whetu happy to contact the school re using the hall. March 20 suggested as a date.

Progress on Action Items

Action Items:

  • Action: The generator in Pukerua Bay is (now in container at food forest – has been tested and works)
  • Action: Paul to reach out to other Residents Associations to see if we can work together once the SH1 review process starts (Mel offered to help)
  • Action:Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members (done)
  • Action: Iain to follow up with Brent Tandy at DOC re signage on the beach (Iain has not heard back will chase up again)
  • Action: Iain to email everybody on Mailchimp to ask if they still want to be on our mailing list.
  • Action: Paul to ask Chris Els to speak at a meeting (yes will speak at next meeting)
  • Action: Paul to look at Executive Committee Handbook (still needed)
  • Action: Moira to talk to GWRC ranger re rabbits (has done – we need to learn to live with them)
  • Action: Paul to write to Josh Trlin re rabbit control on the beach

Projects Update

  1. He Ara Pukerua – working on augmented reality app. Meeting tomorrow with Pataka team. Working with Bill Inge for refurbishment of Cairn on coast rd. Will not restore drinking fountain. Invoiced PCC for use of timbers at Plimmerton.
  2. Food Forest/Community Garden – garden is productive. Electric weed eaters are successful. New people coming along to volunteer. Looking tidy and watering regime in place. Completed an inventory of the gear in the container, and a key register has been developed. Cubs putting in a garden area. Jon has found list of plants he will put on the website.
  3. Community Centre – no update
  4. Kōrero Community Newsletter – Copy organized, advertising in, themes mapped out for year. Ann Johnston has agreed to design it. General theme for first issue is launching a positive year. Includes a survey reflecting on Covid response. Leafletting offers from Pauline, Margaret, and Mel. First edition print costs covered by Kylie Lynne from Clark and Co.

Other Business

  • Paul to write to Josh Trlin re rabbit control on the beach
  • Paul to submit to PCC on dog control on the beach re a clearer sign on dog control.
  • Paul meeting with Plimmerton TA to discuss planned removal of village programme funding.
  • February 20th Surfers Remembrance Day
  • Village Planning Survey – will come out after Covid-19 survey. Will put village plan survey in next issue.

Meeting ended: 9.10pm
Next meeting: 9 March 2021.