Contribute to new Pukerua Bay community newsletter

Kia ora koutou katoa … and Happy New Year

As you know, the school has published a community newsletter for many years. This has now ceased, so a group of us from the Residents’ Association thought we would give it a go.

We have developed some initial ideas about format, size, and content, and the main purpose will be to celebrate our community and help bring people together. We know we have the Facebook groups and website, but this will be for everyone. Something that doesn’t require a digital connection and that you can stick on the fridge.

The theme for the first issue will be, “2020 was tough – how can Pukerua Bay work together to make 2021 amazing?”

We’re not asking for details – just one or two sentences with a brief response to that question. Maybe you’d like to invite people to join your group, or maybe there’s a big event planned? What would you like people to know about?

We’re looking forward to hearing from you about the exciting things you’ve planned!

Please send your responses to our group email at by Friday January 29.

Moira, Nikky, Jonathan, Iain, and Kate