Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Pukerua Bay RSA, 5-7 Wairaka Road
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Pauline Morum, Jenny Brash (GWRC).
Attending: Ron Millena, (Planning and Programme Mgt Transport PCC), Lachlan Forsythe (Communications, Waka Kotahi), Matt Hunt, (Programme Management/Revocation Waka Kotahi), Brian Sullivan.
Apologies: Iain McLean, Jon Harker, Josh Trlin (PCC).
Approval of previous minutes:
Corrections to November minutes:
Expenses re June Penhey presentation $100.00
Income from seed sales $107.00
Moved Mel, seconded Nikki, none opposed, carried.
Matters arising
Presentation: Changes to the State Highway Network Relating to Transmission Gully
From Waka Kotahi.
Overall project scale and progress covered. Roading very busy and Linden to Wellington already congested.
Working with GWRC on getting public transport use back to pre-Covid levels. New CCTV cameras up to improve visibility of issues. Extending variable speed from Johnsonville to Mungavin. Encouraging – spread the jam behavior. Traffic volumes post TG modelled. Paekakariki to PKB down from 25,700 to 5,400. Modelling does not consider Plimmerton Farm development. PCC will model 10-20 years out.
Have we considered promoting carpooling? This would be a GWRC project.
Revocation of road back to PCC – State Highway 58 and SH1 Linden to Mackay’s Crossing.
Key determinant of what happens next is the decision on how the roads will be used in the future- Future Function. Discussions start with GWRC, Ngati Toa, PCC in February. We need to talk to both PCC and Waka Kotahi to influence decision re Future Function. Might find Neighborhood Accessibility Plan useful.
Will come back to community March/April with progress. Lachlan as first point of contact: lachlan.forsyth@nzta.govt.nz
PCC update
Bill has contacted NZTA regarding memorial cairn on Centennial Highway looking for funding for renovation. Community Food Garden and Hub Activities continuing. (see appendix)
GWRC update
GWRC working on Long Term Council Community Plan. Climate change response a big part of the programme. Parks strategy also being finalized. Expensive but some funding available from government. Plimmerton rail being extended with a turntable.
Could invite GWRC to send a ranger to the next meeting to talk about rabbits (Jenny to find out who).
Finance Report to December Meeting
BNZ account balance $4902.06
Income: $107.00 Lottie Boys Sale of seeds – Community Garden
Expenditure: $435.68 Kiwi Rail – Muri Station; $ 50.00 David Pepperell – Surf Seat Garden; $100.00 M. Blair – Refund for plant voucher for June Penhey’s presentation; $200.00 RSA – Koha
Motion: Moved Report be received: Paul, seconded Kate. None opposed, motion carried.
- He Ara – Ashley has made a submission to PCC District Plan on getting road block on to their list. Working with Pataka on Porirua Pathways project. Gathering material for Centennial Highway panel. Just about finished the memorials from around the Bay. Bill has been out to show group new GIS mapping system.
Plaques for Kath and Ernie have been made and seat has been refurbished.
- Community Garden Food Forest – Still dealing with noise complaint issues. Paul and Brian met with Julian Emeny from PCC. Terms of use and ways to reduce noise still under discussion but a positive outlook.
- Village Plan Review – still no result from Council on available funding for survey costs. Kate to send survey to Moira for comment.
- Community Centre – no update. Iain to recirculate information.
- Executive Committee Handbook – Jon has put it on line. Iain has had a look and is making changes. Paul to log on and have a look.
- Community Newsletter – the group met and has agreed next tasks. Nikki is looking at costs and we will consider advertisers once we know. The school is happy for the Residents Association to take over. The RSA could be asked to pay. Agreed the newsletter will come out under the Residents Association banner and invoicing etc. can come through the Residents Association. The editorial committee will have a mandate to get on with producing the first copy in February 2020.
Other Business
- The School has published a new Vision and Strategy. They are keen on community partnership. Suggest we ask Chris Els to the February meeting.
- The Pa Rd track trespass sign has been taken down again.
- Nuala at the PKB library is finishing on December 17. Kate will drop in a card from the Residents Association.
- Wairaka and SH1 Garden – might be a new possibility for a working bee. Could be part of Future Function discussion for SH1.
Action Items:
- Action: Kate will check with Robyn Moore on where the generator in Pukerua Bay is.
- Action: Paul to reach out to other Residents Associations to see if we can work together once the review process starts.
- Action: Jon to add the information about the 25 memorials around the village to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
- Action:Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.
- Action: Kate to ask Whetu Bennett to run a Civil Defence survey at the 2021 school gala.
- Action: Iain to follow up with Brent Tandy at DOC re signage on the beach.
- Action: Iain to provide information on the Scout Hall’s entry on the Heritage Register to He Ara Pukerua.
- Action: Iain to email everybody on Mailchimp to ask if they still want to be on our mailing list.
- Action: Jon to circulate information to the committee on how to access the cloud storage.
- Action: Paul to ask Chris Els to speak at a meeting
- Action: Paul to look at Executive Committee Handbook
- Action: Kate to send village plan survey to Moira
- Action: Kate to drop card to Nuala
- Action: Iain to re-circulate Community Centre information
- Action: Moira to talk to GWRC ranger re rabbits
Meeting ended: 9.30pm
Next meeting: February 9th 2021
Appendix: email from Bill Inge, PCC
He Ara Pukerua: Multiyear project
I have contacted NZTA on your behalf, to help identify which team in NZTA manages historical structures in the car park along Centennial Highway and to see if they have budget available for you to renovate the structure.

It’s great you have found the living relative of J Wood the Engineer in Chief and you will be asking him to be a participant in revealing of the new He Ara Pukerua pictorial panels, about the construction of Centennial Highway around late March next year.

Community food forest Muri Reserve
It’s was great to see the renovations now underway again following the COVID 19 lockdown on the former northbound Muri Station building. Please keep all receipts for the materials, as they need now to be submitted to Council before the end of the month for accounting purposes.
Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives
This project – which focuses on creating opportunities for community connections – has an operational budget allocation of $4.750 to support initial research and a local programme of activities. It was good to meet with you earlier in the year to agree the way forward which now has been delayed to COVID 19 lockdown. Justine McDermott is looking forward to working with you on this initiative in a way that aligns with broader village planning objectives.