April 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, David Olsen
Community: Yvonne Fletcher
Apologies: Dale Williams (PCC), Kate Dreaver, Jonathan Harker, Pauline Morse
Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Brian Sullivan, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Iain had shared the report about the truck accident with the Civil Defence team.

Action: Jon to create a demonstration QR code on one of the plants in the community garden, pointing people to the RA website where they will find more information about what the plant is, when it flowers/fruits etc.

Action: Iain organising date for a meeting at the end of April with Board of Trustees to discuss the School and Community Hall.

Skatepark: Kate contacted Richard Witheford-Smith (PCC Graffiti Management Coordinator): he’s been in touch with the school and will probably be able to do some work on graffiti removal in Term 3.

Footpath and pedestrian crossing: After the survey, there was a small majority that liked the idea of the pedestrian crossing but there were also a lot of people concerned about it. PCC have decided not to install a pedestrian crossing but will do the footpath on Rawhiti Road, and are also talking to the school about options for slowing traffic down near the school.


As at 1 April 2019:

Main account: $830.46
Fundraising: $3453.53

June now has her ID card. She needs to take it to the bank along with other documentation to prove her address and identity. Brian has given June $30.00 to bank for the last of the calendars. Some money was used to buy chocolate as prizes for the quiz at the School Gala.

Action: Iain to check what documentation June needs to take.

Motion: Pay Brian Sullivan $117.66 for community garden expenses. Moved Iain, seconded David.

None opposed, motion carried.


Received 8 April, two emails from PCC response to Growth Strategy – a generic response plus the specific response to the PBRA submission. Also an update email from Friends of Taupo Swamp.

Village Planning

Submissions need to be in to PCC by Thursday 11 April. Submissions have so far been received from:

  • Community garden
  • He Ara Pukerua
  • Skatepark, starting with a water fountain. Te Araroa Walkway have said they will support this. They are also supportive of a toilet block at the Muri Road end of the walkway, rather than at the skatepark. Another possibility might be to get a tourism grant to help with the cost.
  • Funding to produce a new Village Plan (printing and design costs).

Action: Iain to contact Chris at the school to suggest adding into the Village Plan the creation of steps and a boardwalk to make the path at the end of the school field safer.

In addition, the Community Hub grant needs to be rolled over to the new financial year.

Action: Beccy to clarify with PCC if the Community Hub grant should come through the Village Plan or not.

There was some discussion about the zigzag path at the end of Brendan Beach. Yvonne pointed out that it is a good egress point in case of tsunami evacuation – otherwise it’s a long walk around to the other end of Brendan Beach. But it might need a lot of work to make it safer.

Action: Iain to present the Village Plan to PCC next week.

Community shed proposal

Paul suggested that a building could be relocated to Raroa Park near the library, or Greenmeadows Park near the Scout Hall, to use for a community Menzshed or similar.

Action: Iain/Paul to research the classification of Council reserves in Pukerua Bay and may then speak to PCC about the possible use of some land.

PCC update

Community garden: Bill has received quotes for moving the old station building and fixing and making more secure (new guttering, door and window) of $6,800. He is waiting for a quote for a container to go on the site as an alternative. Bill is meeting with Rob and Iain next week on site to discuss this.

Ara Harakeke extension: Bill had prepared a tender document for building a retaining wall and resurfacing along Ara Harakeke between the shops and Te Kura Road, which had been put on hold. However, the PCC roading group has asked whether, if it provides $40,000 to add to the $5,000 from the Village Planning budget, the project could be completed this financial year. The current proposal uses timber posts in the retaining wall to give 10 years’ life. The design is being checked by Geotech experts to see whether it meets their requirements. If it does, it might go out to tender.

Te Araroa signage on Kiwirail land: PCC has been approached by Kiwirail’s business development manager, who wants to conclude this agreement to allow PCC to finish installing all the signs on Kiwirail land. PCC has been waiting to complete this for several months.

Heritage Group

The group had a stand at the School Gala. The positioning of the next set of plaques has been approved by PCC, Roading and Parks. Permission from NZTA was more difficult to obtain. The plaques should be installed before the end of this financial year.

Other business

Yvonne asked who owns the land where the daffodils grow, because it’s getting overgrown with blackberries and hasn’t been mowed for a couple of years. Iain clarified that it is all NZTA land.

Action: Iain to talk to NZTA?

David has had positive feedback about the new “no braking” sign which has been reducing sound for a number of residents.

Action: Iain to pass the feedback on to Steve James.

The community are encouraged to use the Antenno app to request maintenance from PCC, as well as finding out what is going on around the city.

Meeting ended: 21.13 pm
Next meeting: 14 May 2019