March 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Jenny Brash (GWRC), David Olsen, Jonathan Harker
Community: Rob Oscroft, Renee Cowley, Frank du Toit, Jake Lawrence, Lido Harron, Kahu Wood, Jamie Kelly, Kase Lawrence, Arita Campbell, Mark du Toit, Mike Herron, Paul Kelly, Matt Johnson
Apologies: Pauline Morse, Dale Williams (PCC)
Approval of previous minutes: moved Brian Sullivan, seconded Paul FitzGerald, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

An engine braking sign should be installed by NZTA in a couple of weeks.

NZTA did a report on the truck accident and Iain has asked if we can have a copy.

Action: Jon to create a demonstration QR code on one of the plants in the community garden, pointing people to the RA website where they will find more information about what the plant is, when it flowers/fruits etc.

Friends of Taupo Swamp have been given funding from GWRC.

AMI Neighbourly Community Grant: Dale discussed with Bill the possibility of installing a new sign at the beach about fire safety. Fire permits are no longer issued by PCC but instead from FENZ. PCC are looking at whether they can work with FENZ to install a sign. Discussion ensued about the number of signs that already exist along the length of the beach.

Action: Iain/Kate to take photos of all the signs on the beach.

Action: Iain to organise a meeting with the Board of Trustees about the School and Community Hall in a couple of weeks.

Skatepark facilities proposal

A group of Y7/8/9 children who are passionate about skateboarding presented to the RA. They suggested the installation of a water fountain, toilet block, lights, graffiti boards, and a mini ramp, as well as more artwork and maintenance of the vert wall surface. It was suggested that they work with college kids for the creation of regular pieces of new artwork, and to the Heritage Group for images that link to the village’s history. Kate explained that the RA had previously supported the creation of the school mural at the end of the skatepark. Graffiti boards also were there previously. Some of the suggestions (such as lights) would need consultation with local neighbours, which could be done as part of the Village Plan process. The group might be able to access grant money or sponsorship as well as or instead of money from PCC. It was noted that the paint which has been used to cover graffiti on the skatepark surfaces is slippery and dangerous.

Action: Iain to ask Bill to look at the condition of the skatepark surface and see what can be done to improve it. Does paint removal and resurfacing come within PCC’s maintenance budget?

Action: Kate to contact Richard at PCC re graffiti removal and installation of graffiti boards.

Action: Matt to create a working group to liaise with the RA.

Action: RA to include lights, water fountain and toilet in the next Village Plan.

Village Planning

Kate, Brian, Paul and Mel met to discuss the process. The intention is to do community consultation online, as well as having paper copies available at appropriate sites such as the school office, library and/or dairy. One survey is to be completed per household, not per individual. The plan will need promotion, including a flyer in everybody’s letterbox, and online via the website, Facebook and Neighbourly. Last time PCC did a draw for a Civil Defence kit to encourage completion. It was suggested that the RA could run an “open door” session at the RSA one afternoon/evening (or both) to help people fill in the online form.

Action: Kate to produce survey draft and associated explanation.

PPC update

Community food forest garden (Muri Reserve)

A capital budget of $7,000 is available to further support establishment of the community food forest garden this financial year – including the purchase and installation of a secure tool shed (storage container) and purchase of additional plants.

As you know, we’ve now received a costing from Rough Terrain Transport for relocation of the old northbound Muri station building ($1,750). Other items for which costings are yet to be confirmed include:

  • Installation of a concrete pad, replacement of damaged timber and treatment of borer (approximately $3,200);
  • Construction and installation of a new door and strengthening of windows (approximately $1,550).

We look forward to further discussing the potential relocation and use of the old station building as a storage facility for your community garden team.

He Are Pukerua heritage project (next stage)

This project ($14,500) comprises the next stage of the He Ara Pukerua (Heritage Trail) project – including additional research for, and the printing of information boards identifying areas of historic, cultural and natural significance for Pukerua Bay, and installation of a combination of (existing) large format signs and bollards.

It’s great to hear that content and illustrations for the information boards is progressing well (noting these will be installed using the kit-sets manufactured in 2017/18). We’re pleased to report that we’ve received approval for those signs and bollards to be located on Parks and Roading land.

Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives

Operational funding of $2,750 (in the form of a grant) is available to support Pukerua Bay Community Hub initiatives (working in partnership with Porirua City) to address social isolation and improve connectedness in the community. We understand your team is currently exploring survey development options and look forward to discussing how we might best support your planned initiatives.

Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension

A capital budget of $5,000 (which will supplement the $40,000 carried forward from 2017/18) has been approved for surfacing of the Ara Harakeke shared pathway between the Pukerua Bay shops and Wairaka Road (SH1). With the slip/footpath alongside SH1 having recently been completed, we’re now exploring a range of pathway options, including the resilience of each option and associated costings. We hope to be able to discuss this with you in the coming weeks.

Muri Reserve way-finding signage – Te Araroa Trail

This project includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign). A capital budget of $1,047 is available to install the signs this financial year.

The outstanding signs are ready for installation pending KiwiRail approval for those located within the rail corridor.

GWRC update

There are now more trains on the Kapiti line because the number of passengers has increased substantially. The latest issue of the Whitby Newsbrief has done a large article on the new development plans – this can be found online at

Plimmerton Farm meeting

Iain and Paul attended a meeting with the Friends of Taupo Swamp and the developers of Plimmerton Farm, to discuss their current plans. Wellington Water are already talking to the developers.

Community Garden

Rob reported that the community garden group met last week. The main aim for this year is consolidation of the current work: adding a few more trees plus plants underneath, as well as carrying on with mulching, weeding and watering. The group is investigating options and prices for putting a shed or container on the site. There was some discussion about the $7000 given by PCC for the 2018/19 financial year (which is to be spent by 30 June 2019), as well as discussion about the necessity of paying for liability insurance as well as the access fee from Kiwirail.

Action: Iain to email invoice details of insurance payment to Rob.

The suggested “best practice” for a community garden/food forest model is to set up a Trust to run it, and then that the land is leased to the Trust in perpetuity from PCC. The group could also look at community grant options to help with paying for the insurance and access fee in future years.


Main account: $708.96

Fundraising: $3453.26

June banked $128.50 on 5 March, but it isn’t on the latest statement which is dated 1 March. $34.66 and $39.51 were also banked in March, for Pataka calendar sales. June is still having problems getting access to the bank account.

Motion: Pay for June to get an AccessNZ card. Moved Jon, seconded Paul. None opposed, motion carried.

Six invoices have been received for the community garden.

Motion: Pay $454.96 to Rob Oscroft and $177.38 to Paul FitzGerald for community garden expenses. Moved Iain, seconded Brian. None opposed, motion carried.

Heritage Group

Three signs are almost finished and ready for erection. The place for each sign has almost been approved by PCC, and the wording and pictures are almost approved by the group. The signs should go up in the next few months.

PCC proposal for new footpath and pedestrian crossing

PCC said they would consult with the community in 2016/17 about a proposed footpath extension opposite the school on Rawhiti Road. Iain has emailed to ask if this proposal could include a pedestrian crossing to the school. PCC has also proposed installing a pedestrian crossing with refuge island on Teihana Road. They have requested a response to the proposals by 25 March.

Action: Iain to consult with the community via website and Facebook, as well as speaking to Pukerua Bay School, contacting the affected residents of Rawhiti Road, and putting an A3 copy of the plans on the community noticeboard.

Action: Iain to contact Gordana Savic at PCC to get information on pedestrian statistics.


Received 12 March, email from Permaculture in New Zealand – may be of interest to the community garden group.

Other business

Neighbours Day Aotearoa is 22-31 March.

Meeting ended: 21.56 pm
Next meeting: 9 April 2019