September 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes


Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhay, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Pauline Morse, David Olsen, Dale Williams (PCC); Community: Mel Galletly, Christine Ford

Approval of previous minutes: moved Brian Sullivan, seconded Paul Fitzgerald, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Discussion on the action for Iain to contact Plimmerton, Whitby, Pauatahanui RAs and arrange a presentation evening about Ta Awarua O Porirua Whaitua Committee, and whether this was necessary. Dale advised that the committee is consulting with community groups before taking their proposals to councils in October.

Action: Iain to contact other RAs.

Kate has contacted Capital Journeys about the Wairaka Road/SH1 garden. They were planning the planting but she has not heard back from them.


Main account: $5249.00

Fundraising: $2386.88

Still need to do reimbursements from last month. Iain has prepared a letter for he and Pauline to sign to transfer $300 from 025 to 000 to cover the extra money required for the penguin sign.


From a resident wanting to find activities for 11 year-olds.

August Neighbourhood Support Group newsletter.

Community School hall update

We have had no response from the Board of Trustees (BOT), and the OIA request yet, which expires on Friday. However, they have published the financial information about the hall from 2009, which we requested, on their website by the end of August.

This shows that very little money from the hall account, other than that spent on the kitchen and the painting this year, has been spent (beyond power bills and some minor maintenance).

The information includes the claim that large amounts of money have been spent n the hall, but hall policy states that major capital works are paid for from the School (Ministry) property fund. The hall hire money is supposed to cover things suggested by the community and recommended to the BOT for their consideration.

The BOT have not attended hall committee meetings since 2016, and are ignoring the hall policy. The policy cannot be changed without the agreement of both the BOT and the hall committee.

We’re not as concerned about the missing money as we are about the unilateral behaviour and BOT decision-making to dissolve a 45-year partnership, without any community consultation, and in violation of their own hall policy.

We have also had a response to our OIA request to the Ministry for any advice they had provided to the BOT about the hall. They provided us with some emails from 2017 from before the meeting we had with the BOT and the Ministry’s property office in September 2017, but told us they have not given the school any advice about the management of the hall, the health and safety legal obligations or the management of the hall fund.

We remain focused on getting the BOT to engage with the RA and hall committee over the future management, and will continue our efforts to get them into some form of mediation or negotiation. The next step is to see how they respond to our OIA request at the end of this week and respond appropriately.

AGM in October

Proposing to have the AGM on Monday 29 October 2018. Dale suggests Mike Jebson, from the QEII National Trust / Friends of Taupō Swamp group, which could tie in with the potential future developments of Plimmerton Farm.

Two years ago we had a presentation from some of the older pupils at the school on their vision for Pukerua Bay, and we will ask the school if they have items the kids would like to share at the AGM. We’re waiting to see how the discussions with the Board of Trustees pan out, and we still hope that we can resolve the hall committee issues.

We will invite discussions or reports on:

  • Mike Jebson, QEII National Trust Chief Executive, plans for Taupō Swamp
  • School presentation,
  • School Hall,
  • Community Garden,
  • Community Hub,
  • Pest Free Pukerua Bay,
  • He Ara Pukerua, who hopefully can launch this year’s fund-raising calendar.

PCC update

Muri Road safety work: Work is underway on the road and pedestrian safety improvements agreed to through consultation with Muri Road residents and the RA. As Downer have had to divert resources to urgent roading network repairs (from recent slips and water damage) they haven’t been able to complete the safety works. Approximately a third of the works are yet to be completed. Branches need to be removed to improve light spill for pedestrians. It is anticipated the works will be completed by 25 September.

Community Garden (food forest): PCC would like to arrange a meeting to plan the works this year where the Council can support initiatives to develop the garden.

Te Araroa way-finding signage: Iain MacLean met with representatives of local Te Araroa Trust in late August to discuss the best route for walkers between the walkway and the station.. The Trust now estimates over 1,000 walkers will be using the track per day during peak summer weekends. Iain volunteered to gather information on community preferences for either Muri Road or through Muri Reserve and along Sea Vista Way to the station.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath from shops to Wairaka Road: Designs by the Council and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) engineers (for retaining works to remediate the slip) are currently being discussed and will be reviewed to find the best long-term solution. It has been agreed that NZTA will be leading the slip repairs. In the meantime a temporary steel footpath will be constructed to give better access over the area affected by the slip. It is planned to start consultation on formation of the proposed shared pathway in October or November as it will have an impact on some local residents.

Village Planning Projects for 2017/18: The Council has now approved the Village Planning projects and budgets for the 2017/18 financial year. A letter confirming the approved projects/initiatives for Pukerua Bay and associated funding allocations was emailed two weeks ago. PCC will begin reporting on the status of all of these projects in the October update.

Slip repair progress

Dale checked on the slip progress, as of last Monday out to tender; works to commence October/November. NZTA keen to get on with out, so that the 30kph work further north to be done before Christmas holiday traffic season. The slip work due to proximity to the stream will be restored to footpath width, and the footpath width extension will make the SH1 road slightly narrower, which has been approved by NZTA.

Other business

Village Planning projects: Justine to meet us. This year’s are (aside from carried forward projects) the food forest, He Ara Pukerua, and Community Hub.

Action: Iain to contact folks at the three projects to coordinate a meeting time in the next couple of weeks, and to consider planning for how the funds are to be used.

Dogs on the leash at the beach: there are still people running dogs without a leash on the beach and in full view of the penguin sign. There are also seals on the beach, can be common at this time of the year with weaning pups. We should look at an education campaign next year to coincide with seal breeding season. Could work with DoC, PCC, concerned locals and environmental groups.

Pot holes in shop car park, Mel: a Downers engineer has by now hopefully contacted Debbie at Archway Books to solve the pot holes.

Café cart, Mel: trying to find a second café partner to get back to the Days Bay group.

Meeting ended: 9.00 pm

Next meeting: 9 October 2018