March 2018 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Present: Jonathan Harker, Paul FitzGerald, Guy Marriage, Brian Sullivan (chair), June Penhey, Pauline Morse, David Olsen; community: Mike McDermott, Mel Galletly.
Apologies: Kate Dreaver, Iain MacLean, Jenny Brash (PCC), Dale Williams (PCC).

Approval of last minutes: Moved Jonathan, and seconded Pauline.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Beach erosion, contaminated water

(Mike) some of the eroded bank has been hydro-seeded, seemingly without coordination with any planned repair work. Residents are sceptical that sufficient repair work will be done, given what has been done so far. Rip rap wall was installed 20 years ago but has had almost no maintenance since; Tellingly, Pukerua Bay is missing from the online PCC district plan consultation. The beach at Pukerua Bay is far behind the standard of other beach developments in the region, e.g. Titahi Bay or Plimmerton, and our suburb is often left out or neglected when it comes to regular maintenance – e.g. verge mowing, tree trimming and slip repairs.

Action: we would like PCC to furnish the RA with the Coastal Engineer’s planned permanent repair solution for Pukerua Bay erosion, including cross sections and rip rap wall design. Moved Brian, seconded Paul, carried.

Brendan Beach

Power pole and footpath damaged especially around No. 40, in the recent tropical storm Gita. Pole removed and have removed a lot of driftwood, but only just recently cleared the sand from the footpath, yet the corner is still unusable. Information about planned repair work would be appreciated by residents.

Action: ask PCC (Dale) to email RA about planned repair work around Brendan Beach.

Village Get-Together

Vague email received from PCC about a village get-together with no information about the venue and conflicting dates: April 21 in the subject, and April 24 in the body of the email.

Action: Clarify the Village Plan date (April 21 or 24?) and the venue with Justine McDermott.



Not for profit: $602.03

Fundraising: $3051.61

Action: Pauline to resolve letter to the bank.

Action: June to investigate switching banks to Kiwibank or ASB instead.


Neighbourhood Support Group January newsletter (in Comic Sans) from NZ Police.

PCC update

Muri Road safety work (2016/17)

While Downer has recently completed some of the outstanding work items, the following items are yet to be completed to finalise the project:

  • Completing outstanding flax removal,

  • Connecting power to the two streetlights,

  • Re-grading the bank above and below the new pedestrian path (only partially completed to date),

  • Replacing a section of damaged concrete kerb,

  • Encouraging the natural spring on the bank to drain off the path on the corner (instead of over the track), and

  • Installing the outstanding ‘wash-over’ pad.

PCC are continuing to work with Downer to ensure these items are completed as soon as practicable.

Te Araroa Trail / Muri Reserve way-finding signage (2016/17)

Current plans include installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station. Metlink’s recent amendment of the Pukerua Bay Station platform sign (to now also include trail-related details) means there’s no longer a need to locate a second information panel at that location.

The final sign design is underway and PCC would like to get our feedback (and that of the Te Araroa Trail Trust) before printing and installing the signs. Details of the final plans can be shared with the local community in due course.

This project is being completed with funds carried-forward from the 2016/17 year.

Community garden (food forest)

PCC are waiting for the newly re-formed group to decide on the priorities for the next three months, to make use of the $7,000 allocated for this project.

Heritage trail

Wording for four additional bollard signs has now been approved by the Pukerua Bay Heritage Group and Ngāti Toa. PCC has approval from their heritage and communications teams, waiting on approval from Ngāti Toa for use of their logo on the heritage signs.

Terence Head Building Services have now manufactured three large kitset timber sign frames and 12 bollards. These can be installed in the next financial year (funds permitting) once historical and photograph details have been confirmed. In the meantime, the frames and bollards are in storage.

Kenepuru Engineers are currently manufacturing the stainless steel inserts for the large signs, as well as the skink designs for all the signs. This and the four bollard signs will complete the current-year budget this project.

PCC are happy to work with a team who are so passionate and knowledgeable about the history of Pukerua Bay.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath from shops to Wairaka Road

Cr Williams has updated you on his recent conversation with Ashley Gore (the council’s Executive Officer, City and Community Infrastructure) regarding the status of NZTA’s slip repair work and the associated impact on the shared pathway project. As repair of the slip appears to be a lower priority for NZTA, the Council is now beginning to take a greater lead. Kate Cushing (PCC project manager for land reinstatement following slips) has engaged ENGEO (the Council’s engineers) to undertake geotechnical investigations and develop plans to stabilize and repair the affected area – for consideration by the PCC, NZTA and the community. We have emphasised the need for the shared pathway project to be accommodated at an early stage of the ENGEO design process.

District Plan Review & engagement

Housing, suburban sprawl, harbour protection and public transport were hot topics raised by residents during consultation on Porirua’s District Plan review. The “Make Your Mark” campaign ran for six weeks during October and November last year to encourage residents to have a say on how our District Plan should guide Porirua’s development for the next 10 to 30 years. After that, the aim is to notify a proposed District Plan in 2019 and have an operative plan in late 2020, subject to the outcome of hearings.

More detail about the feedback received is in the District Plan November-October 2017 Engagement Report, available online through the PCC website and in hard copy at Porirua libraries and at the main Council building, Cobham Court.

The Porirua District Plan is a document that manages the balance between development and use of the environment, while protecting and safeguarding it for future generations. It will guide Porirua’s future land use and development over the next 10-30 years.

Other business

He Ara Pukerua heritage group

Timbers for signs have been moved to a new storage location, ready for assembly and installation as per the PCC update.

Community garden

The meeting at the RSA resulted in some more planning, and a planned consultation on site with Gary Williams, a local permaculture practitioner and expert.

Engine braking sign

David: would like to get a by-law considered in the next financial year; in the meantime we should move to get an engine braking sign installed.

Action: David to make contact Steve at NZTA about the engine braking sign.

Meeting finished 9:00pm.

Next meeting 10 April 2018.