Have your say before the end of the April

Pukerua Bay residents! We encourage you to make submissions to your local councils about their long term plans, and have your say about things that matter to you. Please have a look at the following two sites, both due before the end of this month:

Porirua City Council: Make submissions on the new proposed Long Term Plan before 23 April at submissions.porirua.govt.nz. The long term plan emphasis is on much needed infrastructure investment in the ageing water supply and waste/storm water systems funded with a 5.25 % rates increase per year over 4 years. Other changes include paid parking in the CBD, strategic property purchases and revitalising Eastern Porirua, subsidised recycling for schools and preschools, improved access to Titahi Bay, a second fenced dog park, and increasing fees and charges to reduce the increase in rates. Click here for the whole document (PDF).

Greater Wellington Regional Council: Submit your opinions online at www.whatmatters.co.nz before 29 April and have your say. Porirua City Council have argued they are paying too high a transport rate due to shortcomings in economic modelling, so revising these models should improve costs for flood protection and transportation. We think Porirua residents should submit in support of this change (by choosing Option 1 in the Revenue and Financing Policy proposal) to help counteract likely votes against it from Hutt and Wairarapa councils. Three other issues are 1. long term plans for the Wairarapa and Capital Connection rail services, 2. improving the Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office, and 3. support for the Water Wairarapa Project.