Friends of Mana Island 2018 AGM

Wednesday, 21 March 2018
7.30 pm, Mana Cruise Club
Ngāti Toa Domain, Paremata (map)

You are warmly invited to attend the Friends of Mana AGM featuring a talk by seabird expert Graeme Taylor from the Department of Conservation about our planned translocation of white-faced storm petrels. There are plenty of challenges moving chicks from the Chathams to Mana Island.

You will also hear updates about FOMI’s work during the past year. And the evening marks the beginning of FOMI’s 20th anniversary this year – “Celebrating Our Volunteers”. Find out first-hand what’s happening, including a special preview of a 3-minute video produced for the anniversary.

As part of the election of officers, FOMI will be seeking to elect a new president.

Supper afterwards. It’s going to be a very interesting evening!