October 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, June Penhey, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, Dale Williams (PCC), Bill Inge (PCC), Rob Oscroft (community).
Apologies: Kate Dreaver, Rebecca Davis, Jenny Brash (GWRC).
Approval of previous minutes: Moved Paul, seconded Pauline. Adopted.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Community garden: an open day with immediate neighbours to discuss plans, will be held at the site at 11 am on 15 October.

Open Day: an opportunity to look at scenarios and the emergency plans, and discuss with members of the community.


Balance in cheque account $1,205.29

Annual meeting room hire yet to be paid, $180.


September NSG newsletter, from local Senior Constable Simon Bygate.

Porirua City Council update

Still haven’t heard from NZTA about the SH1 slip. Bill has suggested black and white walkway signposts through the Muri Reserve to Sea Vista, $50 each. Village plan update from Claire Giblin follows.

Muri Road safety work

Downer has had to divert resources to urgent roading repairs from recent slips and water damage, only about two-thirds of this work has been done. Whilst disappointing, it is an issue affecting all areas and we understand the need to prioritise keeping our roads safe and fit for use. PCC contract manager Paul Hewitt assures us that work will be restarted as soon as the bulk of the priority repairs have been completed.

Village Planning projects for 2017/18

Council has now approved the Village Planning projects and budgets for the 2017/18 financial year.

Community garden (food forest)

It would be good to arrange a meeting to plan the works this year where the Council can support initiatives to develop the garden.

Te Araroa way-finding signage

Iain MacLean met with representatives of the Te Araroa Trust in late August to discuss the best route for walkers between the walkway and the station. The Trust now estimates over 1,000 walkers will be using the track per day during peak summer weekends. Iain volunteered to gather information on community preferences for either Muri Road or through Muri Reserve and along Sea Vista Way to the station. The Council’s Roading Team will have to give formal approval if the route is changed to Muri Road instead of the reserve route.

Ara Harakeke shared footpath from shops to Wairaka Road

Designs by Council and NZTA engineers for retaining works to remediate the slip are being discussed and will be reviewed to find the best long-term solution. NZTA will be leading the slip repairs, but are being restructured; projects regarding slip repairs appear to be on hold. PCC will inform us of repairs as soon as something is known. It is planned to start consultation on formation of the proposed shared pathway in November as it will have an impact on some local residents in Te Kura Road.

Heritage trail

Capital Journeys have now approved the relocation of the earlier installed heritage bollard along the Ara Harakeke walkway from its current location to the Weigh Station. It is great to work with such a passionate and knowledgeable group to achieve this community project.

District Plan Review & engagement

The PCC District Plan Review team are looking forward to coming to the next RA meeting on 14 November. This round of consultation is about checking the Council has identified the right themes and issues for the draft District Plan, and that important issues are included.

The Porirua District Plan is a document that manages the balance between development and use of the environment, while protecting and safeguarding it for future generations. It sets a framework for land-use planning, and imposes provisions and rules to protect it. PCC are required to prepare a District Plan under the Resource Management Act.

Planning for the AGM

We need to give 14 days notice through a noticeboard or newsletter, or 5 days notice through a letterbox drop. Children possibly to present ideas on village planning. Calendars can be launched!

Motion: Move the proposed date to AGM Tuesday 7 November. Moved Iain, seconded Paul, none opposed. Motion carried.

Community Garden open day

A meeting was held to discuss future running of the community garden, and local coordinators have been nominated. An open day will be held this Sunday 15 October at 11 am to discuss the community garden with immediate neighbours. Flyers were dropped in letterboxes on Monday.

He Ara Pukerua update

Anne has come up with a cool calendar which is ready to print.

Action: Jonathan to stick his $0.02 in about selling them through the website using the Stripe credit card gateway.

Other business

Penguin sign: We’ve secured funds from The Hutt Mana Charitable Trust and the Kāpiti Biodiversity Project. Sign to go at the end of the car-park, at the start of the DOC scientific reserve.

Move at least some of the daffodils to the community garden site on Muri Reserve.

Gray Street neighbourhood support group to survey 44 properties by letter drop to collect contact details and catalogue some community resources, and to create a newsletter to extend the work done by Michelle Block for the last eight years.

Meeting finished: 8:55 pm.
Next meeting: 14 November 2017.