September 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Present: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, Rebecca Davis, June Penhey, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Rob Oscroft (community).
Apologies: Dale Williams (PCC).
Approval of previous minutes: (See August 2017 minutes) Moved June, seconded Brian. Adopted.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Dogs on beaches: the grant for signage has been sent in. Possibility for school children to contribute signs raised by one of the teachers at Pukerua Bay School, which would have an positive impact on dog walkers (and indirectly “educate” parents!) to increase leash use.


Balance in cheque account $1,265.29 – Gained $2.11 in interest.



Porirua City Council update

Village plan update from Justine McDermott.

Muri Road safety work

Work is underway on the road and pedestrian safety improvements agreed to through consultation with Muri Road residents and the Pukerua Bay Residents Association.

As Downer have had to divert resources to urgent roading network repairs (from recent slips and water damage) they haven’t been able to complete the safety works. Approximately a third of the works are yet to be completed. Further branches are marked with white crosses which need to be removed to improve light spill for pedestrians. It is anticipated the works will be completed by 25 September.

Community Garden (food forest)

It would be good to arrange a meeting to plan the works this year where the Council can support initiatives to develop the garden.

Te Araroa way-finding signage

Iain MacLean met with representatives of local Te Araroa Trust in late August to discuss the best route for walkers between the walkway and the station.. The Trust now estimates over 1,000 walkers will be using the track per day during peak summer weekends.

Iain volunteered to gather information on community preferences for either Muri Road or through Muri Reserve and along Sea Vista Way to the station.

Ara Harakeke footpath extension (shops to Wairaka Road)

Designs by the Council and New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) engineers (for retaining works to remediate the slip) are currently being discussed and will be reviewed to find the best long-term solution. It has been agreed that NZTA will be leading the slip repairs. In the meantime a temporary steel footpath will be constructed to give better access over the area affected by the slip.

It is planned to start consultation on formation of the proposed shared pathway in October or November as it will have an impact on some local residents.

Village Planning Projects for 2017/18

The Council has now approved the Village Planning projects and budgets for the 2017/18 financial year. A letter confirming the approved projects/initiatives for Pukerua Bay and associated funding allocations was emailed to you two weeks ago. We will begin reporting on the status of all of these projects in the October update.

Action: ask NZTA and PCC how could school be involved in the repair of the SH1 footpath in order to raise the school’s profile and beautify the area.

GWRC update

Trains to increase fares by 3% which is the first increase in a few years, and a reorganisation of and reduction for student fares, starting July 2018. A meeting will be coming soon about proposed Paremata roundabout safety improvements.

Community Garden future organisation

A meeting to discuss future running of the community garden, and the communication and consultation with immediate neighbours and wider community. Elect local coordinators, to liaise with the council, RA and community, and arrange events, funds and resources. Ask for nominations.

Action: Jonathan to arrange a meeting in two weeks to discuss above.

Planning this year’s Annual General Meeting

The AGM is to be held within one month of the end of the financial year. Brian suggests we use it as an opportunity to celebrate our community successes, e.g. the Village Plan, community garden, He Ara Pukerua, etc.

Motion: AGM to be held at 7pm on 17 October 2017, at the Pukerua Bay School Hall. Moved Iain, all in favour. Motion carried.

Civil Defence open day this weekend

Wellington Regional Emergency Management Office (WREMO) are holding an open day at the Pukerua Bay School Hall, 2pm – 4pm this Saturday 26 September. Pukerua Bay has a local CD group with a well developed local plan and local community engagement in Pukerua Bay.

Action: Iain to assist Rebecca Jackson on the day.

Project updates

Pukerua Bay Village Plan update

Presented by Kate Dreaver. Seniors interested in adding signs in Te Reo Māori, and interested in environmental clean-ups, fixing the crack in the skate park, and turning the gully into a Kereru “landing strip”.

He Ara Pukerua

Calendar is now a 12 month calendar (instead of 18 months). The 2018 calendar will be historic places, 2019 will be people, and 2020 a photo competition. Aiming for a $20 cost for fund-raising. Jonathan suggested adding a credit card payment gateway and e-commerce on the Pukerua Bay website to sell calendars. The “share your history” sign at the station seems to be working and engaging local folks, and has produced two photos of historical interest. A dry secure local storage location has been found for the timber to be used for signs.

Ta Araroa walkway meeting

There’s been an awful lot of new planting going on.

Other business

Pukerua Bay Community Hub: since Matariki developing a series of workshops in September and October. Croche, Harakeke weaving, making cosmetic products from Kawakawa, Crafty Tuesdays, Boardgamers, Rotten Luck brewing club. Also secured funding for a Christmas event on Saturday 16 December, called Christmas on the Field. Music, carols, activities for the kids. Stalls available, for information, e.g. RA selling calendars, heritage, community garden, etc.

People are picking daffodils on public land.

Meeting finished: 9:47pm.
Next meeting: 10 October 2017.