April 2017 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Rebecca Davis, Dale Williams (PCC), Tamsin Evans (PCC), Graham Grieve (PCC), Beverley Wakem (PCC), Anita Baker (PCC).
Community: Peter Roach, Aimee Porteners.
Apologies: Pauline Morse, Jonathan Harker, Justine McDermott.

Approval of previous minutes

Remove June’s attendance.

Motion: adopt the minutes from the previous meeting. Moved Brian, seconded Paul. Carried.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Ara Harakeke path

The slip is getting worse. We will follow up with Bill Inge (PCC). Conversion to a full cycleway has been part of the long-term plan for a long time. But on top of that, there are the repeated issues with slipping. These have been patched on repeated occasions, but each time, this has failed. Dale has agreed to follow up.

Brian – we’re being pushed around, and look like fools. This is a national walkway. We need a champion. We’re looking to Dale to speak for us. We need to know what we should do.

Dale – Village plan has the projects the community as identified as a priority. But with the floods, they’ve shifted down the list. He asked what our highest priority is? Peter wonders if it would qualify on issues of safety. Someone has been surveying it.

Brian – this is a touchstone issue, especially in context of the rates.


Roadside meeting planned for Wednesday 26 at 5.30 pm to discuss what is happening with the seats.

Tamsin Evans: Long-term response is shoring up against erosion. PCC has received the report from the consultant it commissioned last year. It is a preliminary report with options, but they won’t be done immediately and will be incorporated in a list of priorities. Protection work is more likely to go into the long-term plan rather than be addressed immediately.

Financial Report

Balance: $2,878.80 ($1500 for trails)

To pay: Iain to get Pauline to sign cheque before it can be banked.



Annual Plan consultation

Dale Williams presented the Council’s proposed Annual Plan. The storms in November have had a major impact on PCC’s finances. There are 307 significant incidents of damage PCC needs to repair, which is going to cost $3.5 million over two years. There is a shortage of contractors to do this work, especially in rural areas.

PCC needs to collect about $60 million in rates every year. The increase (based on the Long Term Plan) is 4.9 per cent (down from the initial 5.03 per cent in the LTP). However, property revaluations are having a big impact this year, with an average 24 per cent increase across the city. Pukerua Bay’s average property value increase is about 30 per cent.

PCC wants to reduce the burden of the large rates increases on residential properties, and has four options for residents to consider:

  • Option 1: Full impact of revaluations on all properties.

  • Option 2: Introduce a City Development Rate of $500,000 across the whole commercial sector (750 properties) to replace the Central City Development Rate of $150,000 (56 properties).

  • Option 3: Option 2 (City Development Rate) plus increase the Rural Differential from 0.7 (70 per cent) to 0.75 (75 per cent) of the residential rate.

  • Option 4: Option 3 plus reduce the Uniform Annual General Charge from $419.65 to $390.27.

With option 1, Pukerua Bay’s rates would increase 5 per cent on average, on top of the 4.9 per cent in the LTP (i.e. 9.9 per cent). With option 4, Pukerua Bay’s rates would increase an average of 8.3 per cent.

Kate asked what Porirua businesses get in return for the economic development expenditure by PCC. The LTP budgeted about $20 million capital expenditure and about $3 million operational expenditure over its 10-year life.

PCC is also consulting on a waste minimisation plan (part of a regional plan), upgrades to its administration building, and whether to pay the living wage to its employees (this would add about 1.5 per cent to rates).

Submissions are due 1 May. The RA will submit on the basis of supporting option 4, and the living wage (consistent with our position in last year’s Annual Plan).

Action: Iain to draft submission and circulate to the committee.

PCC update

Heritage Trail

The sub-group is working with a graphic designer on branding for the trail for once the name has been finalized and agreed by all parties. The stainless steel sign frame (which will sit inside the timber one) has been manufactured by Kenepuru Engineers and will be installed when the temporary signs have been finalized. The four decorative metal skinks have been cut and will be installed at the same time as the temporary signs. It is great that the PBRA is able to contribute up to $1,500 to this project.

Muri Road safety work

We suggest that community consultation on the draft plan include a mail-drop to the community with details of the proposal and an invitation to give feedback, plus the chance to take part in two community walk-overs. The walk-overs will provide an opportunity to explain the proposal, answer questions and record feedback for incorporation into the final design. We’ll seek your input to timing and content of the mail packs in the next week or so.

Community Garden (access)

Construction is well underway to create the new access. We are awaiting advice on and costs for the connection of the water supply. We are seeking alternative costings for the $5M public liability cover required for the project.

Community Garden (food forest)

The Parks team has signed off the plan for the food forest and has offered opportunities to work together. We look forward to receiving your signed copies of the licence for the use of Council land.

Te Araroa way-finding signage

Te Araroa Trail Trust is asking for this project to be put on hold to allow time to consider whether Muri Road is a better main access instead of through the reserve. As a result, we have requested the $5,000 budget be transferred to the next financial year on the understanding that the project will have started before the end of June. This will allow you and the Trust time to consider this following the pedestrian improvements in Muri Road.

Ara Harakeke footpath extension (shops to Wairaka Road)

The project is currently on hold while we resolve how to address the slip affecting the SH1 footpath. NZTA in partnership with the Council is proposing to construct a retaining wall alongside the footpath, which would also require widening and resurfacing of the path (and might also affect the existing barrier). Work is expected to begin next financial year starting July 2017.

With this project on hold, the Pukerua Residents Association could decide to seek approval to reallocate the $40,000 Village Planning funds to complete the Muri Road safety project in this financial year rather than across several years.

Village Planning Project Bids for 2017/18

Later this week we’ll be inviting villages to submit their priority project lists for the 2017/18 financial year for consideration and approval by the Council’s newly-formed City Delivery Committee. It’s timely to be thinking about projects for the coming year.

Dog owners

Animal Control team will be in Pukerua Bay on 19 April between 8.45 am–12 pm, and 12.30–3.30 pm. Dog owners can book a meeting by phoning 237 1089.

Decision: the committee confirmed its earlier decision from the March meeting to agree to the transfer of the money for the pathway to the Muri Road lighting improvements.

Hall Committee

Kate reported in the hall committee’s recent meeting.

Action: Iain will write a letter to the school Board of Trustees on our behalf to ask for a meeting to clarify governance arrangements.

Review of Pukerua Bay village plan – focus group

Focus group will be at the School Hall on Sunday 30 April, at 2.30 pm.

Fund-raising idea (Pauline, Paul & Brian)

Presented by Pauline, Paul, and Brian. A calendar using historical photos – then and now. Brian spoke to the school, and they’re interested in coming in on it. They would be the outlet.

  • Could make it an annual thing, with a new theme each year (e.g. the railway, characters and stories).

  • Could make it a half-year calendar: Matariki – Matariki.

The school will get some costings and report back to us with a budget.

Station opening/Heritage project

There is a new station and new signage, and an opportunity for a launch party. Could also launch the calendar. Idea to dress up in “old time gear”. Dale to attend in his official capacity.

Graffiti reduction

Presented by Iain. A phone call from Richard Whitford-Smith. A local young artist, originally from Plimmerton but back for Easter, and part of the graffiti art sub-culture. Commissioned to do some painting at the skate park, filling in some of the gaps.

Meeting finished: 9.03 pm.
Next meeting: Tuesday 9 May 2017.