May 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 10 May 2016, 7:30pm

Present: committee members: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Dagmar Pesendorfer, Paul FitzGerald, Brian Sullivan, June Penhey, Jonathan Harker; Bill Inge (PCC), Justine McDermott (PCC), Tim Sheppard (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC).
Apologies: Bronwyn Kropp (PCC).

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Paul, seconded Kate.

Matters arising from previous minutes

  1. Jonathan has signed up with PCC document alerts.
  2. Annual plan submission was sent in after email consultation with RA members.
  3. Muri Reserve community gardening licence to be at May council meeting, health and safety guidelines for community activities are currently being drawn up.

Financial Report

Balance: $3,214.55


PCC: letter acknowledging receipt of our written planning submission.

Council Updates


Hearings about surplus property sales and annual plan submission hearings start next week. Northern ward councillor re-elections are in October, Bronwyn and Tim standing down.

Action: Iain to get in touch with candidates to attend our meetings, and Plimmerton RA to host a combined community meeting (to maximise numbers).


Upcoming sustainable transport meeting, trialling bicycles on Wellington buses. More parks planned for Porirua train station, land to be purchased; dangerous parking is happening. Consultation ongoing with water quality and RMA amendments, and Wairarapa irrigation planning. Collaborating with DoC and PCC around pest control.

Action: Jonathan to get in contact with Lauren McKenzie to come along and speak at the AGM.

Village plan

The allocated Pukerua Bay VP budget is about $76,000 which expires June 30.

Bill Inge has put together a proposal for a retained track, mains supply water ducting, culvert and gate for the Muri Reserve community garden, to be done for around $15,000 by 30 June.

Shops to the overbridge footpath: Requires an Armco barrier from the shops to the overbridge. Asked NZTA to narrow the lanes in order to widen the footpath afterwards. If an Armco barrier is present around the corner garden with a 1 metre paved buffer behind it (or gravel, but it grows weeds), then we only need hi-viz jackets in order to weed the corner garden (instead of a traffic management plan).

Muri road safety improvements: By June 30, PCC should be able to replace sodium lights with LED, $700 installed each, and add one more light column, for about $20,000. Mowing is recognised to be too irregular and infrequent.

Walkway under the rail bridge can’t happen due to planned NZTA work to strengthen the bridge.

Community Garden

Tagasaste seedlings to pot on. Revegetation work requires cleared ground and a water supply. Suggestion to start a cleared nursery area by the entrance.

PCC Annual Plan submission

Pukerua Bay School road crossing — ask PCC to talk with the school board to get this to happen.

Other business

Shops noticeboard is out of date.

Meeting finished: 9.15 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 14 June 2016