April 2016 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 11 April 2016, 7:30pm

Present committee members: Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Paul FitzGerald, Pauline Morse, June Penhey, Jonathan Harker; Bronwyn Kropp (PCC), Olivia Dovey (PCC), Robyn Moore (Civil Defence), Phil Dyer (Vice Chairperson, Whitby RA).
Apologies: Dagmar Pesendorfer, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Tim Sheppard (PCC).

Approval of previous minutes: Moved Kate, seconded Paul.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Muri Road: PCC has mown the verge.

Financial Report

Balance: $3,214.55


PCC: documents now online.

Action: Jonathan still to sign up for PCC alerts and documents by email.

PCC Update

Village Planning
  • Community garden: The Council Parks Manager Olivia Dovey will attend your meeting tonight to discuss this and any alternative access options into the garden with your community.
  • Upgrade of footpath from shops to Wairaka Rd: This project is with our roading team who will arrange for the barriers between the footpath and SH1 to be installed once MWH has finalised the plan.
  • Muri Rd footpath access under SH1: MWH is waiting on approval from KiwiRail to get onto the rail corridor to do a survey of the land before any design work can begin.
  • Muri Rd lighting and speed issues: The Community feedback will be analysed and the project will then be handled by the roading team as a minor road safety project. The general agreement is to improve lighting where very little currently exists on the windy sections of Muri Rd, to put in two speed humps to lower speeds along the road and to improve road markings.
  • Future village planning contact at the Council: With the of Village Planning Manager Ian Barlow on Friday, your village planning contact for the next few months will be our new City Partnerships Manager Robyn Steel – rsteel@pcc.govt.nz and 237 1422 or 021 505 621. As well, Claire Giblin will remain the communications person for village planning for the immediate future.

Paua and fishing signage: If GWRC won’t fund an extra sign, then PCC VP or harbour funding should be available.

Rock garden: After some discussion, it may be preferable to replace it with something that can be more easily mown or managed.

Action: Iain to write and suggest to NZTA an alternative layout.

School mobility park: this went through meetings last week, and should result in action to be taken soon.

Village planning: Ian Barlow retired last week, PCC Village Planning liaison is now Robyn Steel.

Community Garden

Olivia Dovey, PCC Parks Manager. The Pukerua Bay garden and Dale’s Plimmerton garden will go to licence approval at the same time. The Reserves Act 1972 is complicated to deal with, and documents need to go up the chain (4–6 weeks) before they are approved at the council meeting. Much of the delay has been resistance from KiwiRail around vehicle access; PCC has had similar frustrations with a cycleway project in another area. Also current bad timing with the new Health & Safety Workplace Act changes coming into force in April 2016. PCC to liaise with KCDC about volunteer work guidelines on parks land. In the interim, a draft community garden safety guidelines document, possibly even for PCC to use as a policy starter; pull in local expertise and qualified contractors.

Muri Road Safety Consultation

Pauline met with PCC roading, with the results from the road consultation. There is support for a footpath, more lighting, the road visibility to be cleared more regularly, and the potholes and roadside edges repair. Two speed humps will be added, with signage, this financial year.

Annual Plan submission

Unhappy about cutting things that enable community and volunteer work to be done that council would otherwise have to manage or employ workforces themselves. Broad support for the living wage provision in the annual plan, for both employees and contractors. Rubbish and recycling.

Civil Defence

Wellington Region Emergency Management Office now use the word “hub” everywhere, asked to re-organise the Pukerua Bay emergency plan in accordance with their new process. Successful day, lots of new folks recruited and willing to volunteer. Geert and James are undergoing Urban Search & Rescue training, as well as a special training programme with the Fire Service. In Pukerua Bay meets once every six months, but members involved in neighbouring suburbs are more active.

Other business

Path from Muri Road to Gray Street St Mary’s needs attention. Possible candidate for the village planning process in the next financial year.

Meeting finished: 9.20 pm
Next meeting: Tuesday 10 May 2016