2008 Residents’ Association AGM minutes

Annual General Meeting

Thursday, 20 November 2008, 7.30 pm
Pukerua Bay School Hall

Approximately 40 people attended the Residents’ Association AGM. It was particularly pleasing to see a significant number of new residents in attendance.

The AGM was also attended by Councillors Leggett, Murrell and Sheppard as well as Ian Barlow of the PCC staff. The Residents’ Association expressed its appreciation for the interest shown by the councillors who regularly attend our meeting throughout the year. The excellent work undertaken in support of our community by Ian Barlow was also noted.

Agenda Items

Skate Park

Work is now well underway and it is hoped the redevelopment will be completed by Christmas. Appreciation was expressed for the fundraising by the Skate Board Society who have raised $20,000 towards the costs of the redevelopment.

State Highway 1 Works

There is a new authority called the NZ Transport Authority. The Regional Manager is Deborah Hume. It was suggested that we invite Ms Hume to meet with the Residents’ Association. Concerns were raised about the complete failure of any progress on the issues that have been raised for many years. Despite completing the Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan, as requested by Transit, we appear to be no further ahead. It was indicated that PCC had been advised that there were works planned for Pukerua Bay this financial year, however the Residents’ Association have not been advised of any planned works.

Landscaping at the Beach

This project is ready to proceed this financial year. The plans have been on display at the book shop and there have been no concerns raised by residents.

Marine Protection

The meeting’s attendees were advised that the Ministry of Fisheries has written to the Residents’ Association indicating that the current temporary protection measures (Rahui) will be extended until long term protection can be put in place. It is proposed by the Ministry that a specific regulation be enacted for Pukerua Bay along the same lines as the current temporary measure, i.e. the regulation would provide permanent protection but still allow line fishing while prohibiting the taking of shell fish, etc. Such a regulation could be in place by October 2009. The Residents’ Association and Ngati Toa will work with the Ministry to have this regulation implemented.

Civil Defence

Jack Fry, who coordinates Civil Defence for Pukerua Bay, reported on a planned First Aid Course which he hopes will be run by Red Cross at a cost of $25.00 per person. 20 people will need to enrol. A notice will be placed in the School Newsletter inviting interested people to sign up for the course. If there are not enough people from Pukerua Bay, the invitation will be extended to Plimmerton and Paekakariki residents. Jack also advised that anyone with special needs can register with a new web site and join an email list – see Jack for more information.

Car Park Pukerua Bay Station

Concerns were raised regarding the poor state of the car park on the eastern side of the Pukerua Bay Station. This matter is to be taken up with the Wellington Regional Council.

Muri Reserve

It was suggested that something needs to be done to improve safe access to this reserve. A new gate at the railway end should be installed to improve safety.

Weed Control

Concerns were raised regarding the use of non-selective sprays which appear to be contributing to erosion. Margaret Shields agreed to take up the matter with DoC.

Residents’ Association Committee

The Committee members are: Pat Hanley (chair), June Penhey (treasurer), Graham McLaughlin, Dene Wade, Jack Fry (civil defence), Kate Dreaver, Robyn Moore, Dagmar Pesendorfer (web site), Gill England, and Iain MacLean who agreed to join the committee.