February 2008 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 12 February 2008, 7.30 pm

Present: Jack Fry, Tim Bright, Dagmar Pesendorfer, Graham McLaughlin, Pat Hanley, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Robyn Moore, Gill England, Tim Sheppard, Ian Barlow, Sue Driver
Apologies: Euon Murrell

Minutes: agreed.

Matters Arising: on agenda

Financial Report: $5,034.75 mainly accounts owing on Waimapihi Stream project.

Correspondence: Special consultation on the silt and discharges into inlet. No action required.

Transit New Zealand: Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan (NAP)

Ian Barlow and Sue Driver updated committee on developments. Sue will be working on the NAP as consultant to PCC and the Residents’ Association. Will liaise closely with Transit and Land Transport NZ. Work to be completed by June 2008. Residents survey to be developed. A package of projects to include safe crossing of Teihana Road, crossing of State Highway 1 near Muri Station, cycleway completion, treatment of other intersections and priorities. Package to include educational initiatives and environmental programmes. Will work with school and other organisations to include their ideas in the package.

Liaison group to include Graham, Robyn, Dagmar and Kate working with Sue.

Marine Protection

Tim Bright reported on continued efforts to get broad section of the community to support long-term protection measures. Support sought from the school. The letter to the Minister will be cc’ed to Winnie Laban (Labour) and Chris Finlayson (National). Suggestion that Morgan Williams (environment commissioner) also be approached as he lives locally.

Village Planning

  • Foreshore reserve draft plan.
    Foreshore reserve draft plan.

    Skateboard bowl: Ian Barlow reported that the design still needs some fine-tuning and will then go to Spencer Homes who will do the technical drawings and then out to tender. Hope building will commence in April. Noted that the skateboard group received a grant of $10,000 from the Mana Trust which will be added to the available funds for the bowl reconstruction.

  • Investigation of mountain bike trail: No further action to report.
  • Planning for south area of Ocean Parade: Linda Kerkmeester is completing the design. It will be linked to marine protection, agreement with Ngati Toa, also linked to history of the area, archaeology, and biological features. The plan will be made available to the community and if agreed, we will then include an estimated cost in next year’s (2008/2009) Village Plan budget for the required work.
  • Civil Defence: Jack Fry reported that he has had discussions with the Scouts. Also, the Council has appointed a new Civil Defence officer, Trevor Farmer.

Other Business

  • Hall Committee Liaison: Kate Dreaver
  • Footpath from Wairaka Road to bus stop and from the dairy to the path to the school is subsiding. Needs attention, including fence.
  • Tim Sheppard noted a complaint from a resident regarding ongoing ringing of the train bells near Muri station. He will follow up. Tim also suggested that if there were any concerns regarding the Long Term Council Community Plan process, these should be brought to Council’s attention now, as the process will be commencing again. He also highlighted the water restriction measures and their seriousness at this time. He further advised of a Focus Group to look at manure discharges. Gill and Robyn to be kept informed.
  • Suggest we put the Enviro School on the agenda for discussion with Gay Hay.
  • Article to be in the School News Letter by the 3rd Friday of the month, updating on Residents’ Association activities.

Meeting closed 9.00 pm.