Media comment on Fast Track Bill projects announcement

The Residents Association was approached for comment on the Mt Welcome farm housing development being included in the 149 in the Fast Track Approvals Bill. The Plimmerton Farm development is also included in the list of 149.

This is the response we sent to the journalist.

“We understand the need for extra housing and the Northern area of Porirua has been identified as a high-growth area. We generally support the approach being taken so far. Pukerua Bay residents, and the Residents Association have put a lot of work into ensuring that any development meets both the social needs of the community and protects the environment. We submitted to the council’s review of the district plan and there is a special district plan (Variation 1) that covers the area the Classic developers land is in. This includes a high degree of protection for freshwater in the area, particularly any water that flows into the Pauatahanui arm of the Porirua Harbour. It is also based on medium-density housing, which our RA supports. The environmental protection in the district plan is strongly supported by local residents.

“PCC had been working with Kāinga Ora on a potential Specified Development Project for the Northern Growth Area, which would have integrated all the housing developments between Pukerua Bay and Plimmerton, to ensure a joined up approach for roading, community facilities, public transport and other infrastructure. We would not support any developments being taken out of that holistic approach by this Fast Track process.

“Taking individual developments out of this integrated approach looks like a step backwards for the city if it allowed developers to ignore the work council, residents, developers and Kāinga Ora have already done and take a short-cut that can ignore the appropriate environmental protection. Any approvals under the fast track process should include the conditions and environmental protections that have already been negotiated by council and developers.”

Story on Stuff and The Post:

Media comment on Fast Track Bill projects announcement Read More »

August 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes


Minutes Tuesday 13 August 2024
7:30 –9:00 pm RSA Wairaka Rd

Apologies: Gay Hay, Iain MacLean, Nikky Winchester
Present: Ross Leggett, Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Jane Comben

Council updates


b. PCC

Wellington Water CE left, changes to be made. Work goes on with the wastewater holding tank and work in Eastern Porirua. Local Water Done Well – maybe more info next week. Hard to see what will happen with discussions ongoing about various councils joining a new water body. Councils work through the figures and model, and then after govt legislation has passed, putting together a new entity.

Aotea Lagoon renewal to start soon. New toilets and exercise area.
Papakowhai shared path is progressing.

Pathway by Brora Crescent had lots of leaks so the water main being put in at the same time as shared path.

Titahi Bay Road, price has gone up so cycleway yet to roll out.

Gun emplacement – resource consent sought.

Pathway between Dairy and Overbridge – two sections with slip. Paul has talked with PCC about it.

Footpath by Railway/old goods shed collapsing. Ashley having conversation with Claire Giblin.

Discussed the leaving of Bill and who will be our new contact at the council.

AGM set for 30 October.

Financial Report

Finance Report to August 2024 Meeting   as at 13 August 2024
BNZ $ 13924.44
$ 7.09 Interest
$ 150.00 CGFF Tea Towels
$ 400.00 PCC Annual Grant
$ 210.00 Korero Invoices
$ 750.00 Korero Grant Pelorus Trust
$5000.00 He Ara Donation

$ 200.00 Rent to RSA
$ 713.00 AON Insurance
$ 2.00 Bank Fees
$ 3000.00 From On Call Account repayment of loan of $3000 for printing of TT
Invoices – Issued
$5000.00 Lindsay Family

Invoices – Paid
$ 210.00 Korero
$400.00 PCC
$5000.00 Lindsay Family

Invoices – Outstanding

Account balances as at 13 August 2024
Res Assn 000 $ 455.19
He Ara 001 $ 6948.42
CGFF 002 $ 2239.11
Kōrero 066 $ 2568.07
Surf Seat 067 $ 174.73
On Call Acct 025 $ 1538.92

Action: Transfer fund not immediately needed to go to the on-call interest bearing account.



Action items

July Actions:


  • Paul to follow up with Richard Poll at the council.
  • Jane will respond to Patrika about the garden saying that it is a long standing issue. We have provided the council planting plan for the area and council agreed with it but were objections from NZTA about traffic management. This has stalled the project until the impasse can be resolved.
  • Margaret to follow up with Bill when chasing the PCC Invoice and also ask about the Plunket Rooms.
  • Paul has emails other local Residents’ Associations about a hui. Some have responded. Will follow up with others that haven’t responded.
  • Paul has resolved the garden boundary situation. PCC were responsible, they have put up a new fence.


  • Iain to respond to Brian about colour in Kōrero

Project updates

Community Garden & Food Forest

  • Vicky is collating a plan of crops planted over the last 3 years to establish a rotation of root, legume, leaf and fruiting vegetation. We will display plan in pavilion windows for community to share.
  • To battle the codling moth, we have purchased pheromone confusers, we will see what happens. We will continue with the compost liquid to improve the soil quality. We should continue with the corrugated cardboard tray.
  • Ara and Ralph are meeting with Pania Solomon next week to move forward to purchase plants from PCC. Beating the Cape ivy is a big challenge. Good to have another stash of sacks coming.
  • Pukerua Bay School kids prepped for planting seed potatoes.
  • Crop swop 25 August at the Pop-up pavilion 25 August.

He Ara Pukerua

Pukerua Bay Meals on Wheels volunteers, 1974

  • Pou Panel: Waiting to hear from kaumatua.
  • Potatoes: Ashley has been asked to talk to some of the classes about the history of growing potatoes in Pukerua Bay. Loosely based on the FB story published in 2022.
  • Gun emplacement: Waiting to hear back from PCC
  • He Ara FB: A new story put up about Meals on Wheels. Set up 50 years ago.
  • Website: These stories have been handed over to designer: Mystery Trains; Ames family; Wall family; Charles Gray; Stores; Post and Telegraph; Electricity. Other stories are being worked on.
  • PKB Hub Pop-Up Parlour: Ashley has been asked to facilitate a session on 10 September – “Do you remember?”
  • Donation: He Ara are grateful for a very significant donation from the Lindsay Family so He Ara can complete on-going projects.
  • PCC: Advice from Bill Inge that there is now no need in Council for a Village Projects Coordinator. We gratefully acknowledge all the time and expertise which Bill has given to He Ara over the years.
  • Wellington Heritage Festival: He Ara presentation on Saturday 9 November at the RSA.
  • The garden party at the Community Garden when we revealed the panel for Ngita Woodhouse featured in the July issue of NZ Gardener and on Stuff on 8 August.



Waste Free Pukerua Bay


Climate Action Rōpu


Spring Series have been incorporated with the Hub’s Pop-up Parlour. There is going to be a CropSwap, Recycling collection, and Mike Jebsons talk at St Mark’s. The final talk will be at the RSA.

General Business

AGM – ideas to appeal to new people. Possible talk – perhaps Judy McCoy, Friends of Tāupo Swamp? Mike Jebson? Friends of Mana Island?

Close: 8.30pm

August 2024 Residents’ Association meeting minutes Read More »

Logging about to start on Muri Road housing development site

Logging of the pine plantation is about to start on part of the Muri Road housing development by Pukerua Holdings Limited.

The area is the part of the development that has been zoned as residential for many years and is the area closest to the existing houses in Muri Road. This is the Muri Road Stage 1 development. Porirua City Council has issued a resource consent to Pukerua Holdings for the work and their contractors will begin working there in the next couple of weeks.

It’s anticipated the operation will last about four months.

Here is a letter being distributed by Pukerua Holdings to neighbours over the next few days. Access to the site will be by a temporary entrance at the northwest corner of the site adjacent to 50 Mui Road (marked with an ‘X’ on the map). Logging trucks will be limited to three loaded trucks per day, and the trucks will have a pilot vehicle along Muri Road.

No trucks will run between 7:30am–9:00am and 3:30pm–4:30pm.


Please stay out of the site if you are used to using it for recreation. Forests are dangerous places during logging.

Logging about to start on Muri Road housing development site Read More »

Winter Clean at the Garden

Join us at a working bee to get stuck in and tidy up the garden. There will be lots of jobs like laying cardboard, shifting mulch, prepping growing beds and weeding around trees.
Time: 10am – noon, Saturday 8 June 2024
Venue: end of Muri Road by former Muri station
There will be a cuppa and baking for everyone.
Feel free to bring gloves and tools. Supervised children are very welcome too.
We look forward to seeing you.

Winter Clean at the Garden Read More »

RA submission to Porirua City Council on its 10-year plan

The Residents Association made the following submission to Porirua City Council on its 10-year plan up to 2023.

The increased costs ratepayers are now expected to pay for necessary work in the city are a direct consequence of the approach of previous councils to keep rate increases as low as possible by not investing in infrastructure. This same error has come back to bite councils across the country, and we hope that has changed the approach PCC will take in the future. We understand this might be unpopular with ratepayers, but there are important intergenerational equity issues in this, and councils cannot continue to ‘kick the can down the road’ for any longer.

RA submission to Porirua City Council on its 10-year plan Read More »