Te Araroa Track progress, March 2017
We had a good day on Saturday. The weather behaved, and three new people turned up (Mike, Alan and Simon) and then there were the usual suspects!
Gay and John Hay weeded the entrance area and spread mulch around. We carried on further along the track. Mike removed the wattles growing behind Pamela’s fence while we released ti kouka (cabbage trees) and harakeke (flax) at Reveg area 1. We then walked further again along the track and removed wild fennel and ragwort from where the track starts to go up the hill, approximately Reveg area 4.
We have confirmed planting dates for Sunday May 28th, June 25th and July 30th beginning at 9.30am.

Thanks to Gay, Vicky and Paul for organising the working bee.
Te Araroa Track progress, March 2017 Read More »