September 2023 Residents Association meeting minutes

12 September 2023

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Iain McLean, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Moira Lawler, Gay Hay, Mel Galletly
Apologies: Nikky Winchester
Motion: To approve previous minutes: moved Margaret, seconded Mel, none opposed.

Matters arising

Paul will get hold of Dave Stone PCC to discuss a community mulch pile in Pukerua Bay.


8 August: Linda Hill circulated to us a response from GWRC (attached) to Low Carbon Kāpiti’s inquiry into restoration of the QE Park wetlands.
13 August: Yann (and Étienne and Ludovic) Moalic inquired about community garden allotments, inquiry handled by Lenka.
1 September: Micky Gunn reminded us about Kāinga Ora’s Northern Growth Area development plan and submission deadline; Iain posted on the website about it.
7 September: Zeta Ford, new Pukerua Bay library assistant got in contact about community notices; have replied and invited to tonight’s meeting.

Financial at 11 September 2023

BNZ            $ 6391.43

Income:        $  290.00 He Ara Prints
               $    1.73 Interest
Expenditure:   $    1.20 Bank Fees
               $  517.50 Korero 
               $  200.00 RSA for rent

Invoices - Issued $ Nil

Account balances as at 11 September 2023
Res Assn 000   $  342.31
He Ara 001     $ 1277.69
CGFF 002       $ 2575.88
Kōrero 066     $ 2040.23
Surf Seat 067  $154.93

Motion: to accept the financial report; moved Paul, seconded Iain, none opposed.

Porirua City Council update

None available

GWRC update

None available


Community Garden

  • Ashley is investigating tanks for rain water collection
  • Spring Festival Sept 23 10am to midday
  • 3rd Kindergarten visit September 26 (making a scarecrow)
  • Invitation to neighbours on garden boundary to discuss projects – kai and korero early October
  • Pavilion progress – new roof in place, preparing for painting
  • Tea towel fund raising project
  • Incident with damage to gate and container locks

He Ara Pukerua

  • Accountability Report accepted by Hutt Mana Charitable Trust 
  • Robert McClean came to He Ara meeting. He has confirmed the location of pa sites and named the streams in Pukerua Bay. He is happy to work with He Ara.
  • Waikokako and Pukerua panorama prints on sale, eleven purchased
  • Presentation for Heritage Week [28 October] is being prepared
  • Waddilove family have given us Meg’s life story
  • Search on for Residents’ Association minute books from 1990.

Waste Free

A successful workshop was held as part of the August Climate Action workshops.

Kōrero newsletter

The year’s final issue will go out in mid to late November and have the theme of ‘summer reading’.

General Business

PBRA Constitution draft revision – Iain has made changes to the constitution to meet the new requirements of the amendments to the Incorporated Societies Act 2022. We are now required to keep a list of Association members. The constitution would be presented to the AGM for approval. It needs to be made available at least 5 days before the AGM

Motion: to approve the recommended changes to the AGM; moved Moira, seconded Paul, none opposed.

Iain has circulated updates in the North Growth Area Plan. Kainga Ora is holding an open day this Saturday at the RSA. All residents have been letterboxed.

Kainga Ora Northern Growth Area SDP
Iain has circulated updates in the North Growth Area Plan. Kainga Ora is holding an open day this Saturday at the RSA. All residents have been letterboxed.

AGM Publicity.
The AGM is on Wednesday October 11th 7.30pm at the RSA It’s gone out in Korero and is on the website.

Margaret will contact Garth Gully to speak at the AGM.

Paul will put up posters. Iain could send out to previous AGM attendees.

Civil Defence Generator – lives at the Community Garden. Currently being fixed.

Meeting closed: 8.30pm

Next Meeting: October 10th