May 2023 Residents Association meeting minutes

12 May 2023

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Iain MacLean, Dorothy Ibrahim

Apologies: Tracy Johnson, Chris Kirk-Burnand, Moira Lawler

Council Updates: None as councillors were not present.

Approval of previous minutes: Paul/Mel. Approved.

Matter arising: None.

Financial report: Paul/Iain. Approved.

BNZ            $ 7255.47
Income:	00     $   45.00  CGFF
               $   35.00  Kōrero
Expenditure:   $    1.20 Bank Fee 
               $  575.00  He Ara 
Invoices — Issued $  Nil

Account balances as  at 6 May 2023
Res Assn 000     $   140.58
He Ara 001       $  1679.32
CGFF 002         $  3449.57
Kōrero 066       $  1830.68
Surf Seat 067    $   154.93

Margaret has not received an invoice from Flying Colours for the second issue of Kōrero. The Kōrero team will follow up with them to send to Margaret.

Paul to talk to Bill Inge about the $400 grant to community groups.


Letter received from the Living Wage Movement Aotearoa about Greater Wellington Regional Council becoming an accredited Living Wage employer. This is dealt with in the general business.

Project Updates

Food forest/community garden. The garden is looking good and everything is growing well. Recent visitors have been impressed with it. Regular working days are occurring with new people coming to help. Water pipes are being buried.

Executive committee handbook. Planned meeting not held last weekend because people were sick. Another one has been organised for Sunday 14, 3pm at RSA.

He Ara Report May 2023

  • PCC & Waka Kotahi have taken on the responsibility of clearing the slope below the QEII sign at Taupo Swamp.
  • Delma’s seat. The first meeting with PCC was cancelled. We are awaiting confirmation of another meeting time.
  • Heritage week is 23 Oct–5 Nov 2023. He Ara plans to host an event.
  • The He Ara website is progressing well.
  • He Ara is compiling a list of WWI and WWII servicemen. Currently people are unaware of who they are, and they should be commemorated.

Surfers Memorial Seat May 2023

A plaque was installed on Saturday 6 May for Rick Gibson who was a veteran from back in the day. Cannons were fired and a paddleout formed the customary circle.

Kōrero: The next issue will be out in July before the local Matariki celebrations. Iain has put in application to Pelorus Trust for grant to pay for printing. Paul suggested getting Spectrum Print in Paraparaumu to quote for next year’s printing.

Waste Free PKB: Community collection and drop off this Saturday 4pm–6pm in RSA. The next one is planned for end of July.

General business

  • We have received a request from the Living Wage Movement Aotearoa asking us to support their request that Greater Wellington Regional Council becomes an accredited Living Wage employer. They have asked us to support this by being a signatory to the letter. Committee agreed to support the request and sign the letter.
  • PCC annual plan consultation: Committee agreed to support PCC’s option 3, which is an average rate increase of 11.8 per cent, but means PCC does not need to take on debt to pay any of the Wellington Water maintenance costs, while maintaining the same level of service. This will be an average monthly rates increase of $26.64 for Pukerua Bay residents. This is a substantial increase at a time when many property owners are paying more in mortgage interest, but option 2 — PCC’s preferred option — was likely to mean more ongoing costs in the form of interest in coming years, when there will be more demands on PCC’s budget for infrastructure maintenance. Paul will put in a submission on behalf of the RA.
  • Notice board: Discussion on making greater use of the noticeboard. Nikky will do a poster on the waster free collection this coming Saturday. Agreed to make more use of it for promoting events.
  • Footpath along Muri Road where it has been badly eroded by rain, forcing pedestrians to walk on the road on the stretch (between numbers 19 and 43). PCC says it isn’t a footpath so are responsible for fixing it. However, PCC has made that part of the berm into a safe place to walk when they added the footpath to the rest of Muri Road, and should maintain it. It is now dangerous for pedestrians. Paul to write to them to support residents’ request for it to be repaired.
  • Dorothy said the fence between Haunui Road and SH59 is broken and is hanging over the road and needs repairing.
  • Paul says there is consultation underway on the subsidence on the shared pathway next to SH59 between PCC and Waka Kotahi.
  • Waterfall along the coastal part of SH59 has a broken grill and could be a danger.

Action points

  • Iain to do some work on new constitution and bring it to the next meeting.
  • Paul to make submission on PCC annual plan.
  • Paul to contact PCC in support of residents’ requests to repair footpath on Muri Road.
  • Paul to reply to Living Wage Movement Aotearoa in support of the GWRC campaign.
  • Paul to contact Bill Inge at PCC about community groups’ grant and when we should apply for it.
  • Nikky, Paul and Iain to meet next weekend to discuss the executive handbook.
  • Kōrero team to contact Flying Colours about invoice for printing issue 2 on Kōrero.

Meeting finished at 8:30pm