October 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

11 October 2022

Present: Mel Galletly, Iain MacLean, Moira Lawler, Kelly McLean, Pauline Morum, Jon Harker, Paul FitzGerald

Apologies: Kate Dreaver, Margaret Blair, Lenka Horanska

Council Updates (not yet elected)

Approval of previous minutes.

Moved Iain, sec Mel -approved.

Matters arising from previous minutes

Financial report as of 10 October 2022

BNZ $8535.35

Income: 00 $ 0.19 Interest

$ 35.00 Korero invoice

$ 30.00 He Ara Tee

$ 426.00 CGFF Market Day & Spring Festival

$ 158.00 CGFF: Trees in memory of

$1600.00 He Ara Hutt Mana Charitable Trust

Expenditure: $156.98 CGFF Trees

Invoices – Issued $ 535.00 Kōrero

Invoices – Outstanding $ 500.00 Kōrero (current)

$ 100.00 Kōrero x 2 (2-3 months)

Kōrero income and expenditure report tabled.

Financial Statement 2021-22 tabled.

The Residents Association website online shop was “attacked” over the weekend of 1 & 2 October. Multiple emails (i.e. many thousand) were received by the treasurer and distributor for “failed orders”. Over the past three years the Stripe method of payment was only used for the purchase of seven calendars (six purchased by RA committee members) and no He Ara sales.

My recommendation is that the Stripe account be permanently disabled. Jon’s advice is that it’s not the Stripe account that’s the issue.

Future He Ara sales will be through Print Mighty https://www.printmighty.co.nz/ direct using their website shop and the facility they have set up for us.

Email from PCC 29/09/2022 advising invoices to be sent to ap-invoices@poriruacity.govt.nz.

He Ara Pukerua has received a $1600 grant from the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust.

Project Updates

  1. Community Garden Food Forest – community spring day last weekend. Trees have been donated by the community. Bench seat going in on apron to the deck.
  2. Executive Committee Handbook – no update available.
  3. He Ara Pukerua

He Ara Pukerua has received a $1600 grant from the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust to set up a website to make available the large amount of written and photographic material held.

Preparation for “Pukerua through Brush and Lens” on 5 November is well underway.

An application is being made to the Creative Communities Scheme, Porirua for funding to assist with the scanning, framing and presentation of paintings etc from the Brush and Lens exhibition. After the exhibition these resources will be available to Pukerua Bay School students to use with the new history curriculum Te Takanga o Te Wā,

  1. Kōrero

Planning is underway for the year’s final issue of Kōrero. We’re under some time pressure, as we want to be able to promote Christmas on the Field, which is being held in November. We’ve begun assembling copy – if people have contributions to make, please send them by Sunday 16.

After it was pointed out that we still had money left from our last a grants application to the Hutt Mana Charitable Trust, we decided against doing it this year. We’re in conversation about other implications of this fact.

  1. Village Plan Review

Our Draft Village Plan is on the community website at https://www.pukeruabay.org.nz/village-plan/

Jonathan has begun to create a designed copy with photos. If anyone has photos to share, that would be great. We will present this for ratification at the AGM.

The climate change workshop on 16 October will contribute to the Village Plan, adding depth and detail to the focus on climate change and what the value of kaitiakitanga looks like in action.

  1. Waste Free PKB – no report available
  2. EV Charge point – still waiting for pole testing. Meridian prefer a second site. Mel contacted Chris Kirk Burnand who suggested Council. Mel to contact Council to get advice on second location. Have looked at Charge Net locations and Pauatahanui is a good location. Best scenario is a double site outside American motorcycles – Council parking, away from shops. Mel will contact PCC requesting 2 units at American motorcycle site.
  3. Community Hub – working on a Christmas event on November 26. Te Ahu Charitable Trust looking to refresh members and review Trust deed. May be time to sperate hub activities from longer term vision of Te Ahu.


  • Local resident requesting information on local candidates – Jon sent some information and links.
  • Paul was contacted by a woman from Otaihanga wanting to know if we were happy with the rabbit shooting commissioned last year. Referred her to John Carrad.
  • The Residents Association was copied into an email exchange between PCC and beach residents who have started work to reclaim trees on the beach. Council suggested they would need a resource consent from GWRC. Clair Giblin was trying to repair.

Action Items – None


  1. Climate Change Workshop – Community hall 2-4pm. Community hub is sponsoring some snacks and materials and assisting on the day.
  2. Land-slides and erosion – Council starting to work on slip areas along beach road.
  3. Website report – community garden shop got hacked and received heaps of spam requests. The website shop has been disabled for now. Stripe let us know the problem was there so we need to keep the stripe account for now. Most website entries come through search engines with the off peak from a facebook post. Good feedback on road closure postings and a peak in contacts during that period. The business directory is looking good and could have some promotion.
  4. AGM – next Wednesday. Tony Sutorius is coming to talk about making ourselves safe. Paul will put up some notices. Iain will email our structure plan people. Jon to put up some FB postings. Will need all of the usual reports and elections. Also need to talk about changes to incorporated societies act – now need a membership list. Paul to bring some copies of reports. It was agreed to make space for new Committee members if people want to join the committee. Secret walkway has been badly tagged – Mel to notify Council.