December 2022 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

13 December 2022

Present: Iain McLean, Paul Fitzgerald, Dorothy Ibrahim, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Nikky Winchester, Tracy Johnson

Apologies: Lenka, Josh Trlin

Council Updates

PCC – Tracy has been part of a very substantial induction. Includes looking at the financials, updates on projects. Confronting issues around inflation and staff shortages. Hoping to hear about village planning early next year. Have been briefed on developments planned for Pukerua Bay area.

Questions re traffic light treatments on Mana esplanade – where is the consultation from Waka Kotahi on future treatment of the road post Transmission Gully.

Would be good to get an update on slip treatment.

Margaret also brought photos of local water leaks. Council very short of staff to address water issues. Encouraged us to follow Wellington water on FB.

Korero might want to run an article on vacancies at Council.

GWRC– no representative

Approval of previous minutes – Moved Margaret, seconded Iain. Agreed.

Matters arising from previous minutes:

  • Margaret has started process of separating bank accounts with Residents Association accounts.
  • Iain is developing a mailing list on Mailchimp of people who have attended meetings and workshops. About 70 people on list. Need to also add groups such as Tennis Club, RSA and School so that networks widen. Other groups can send on the messages or ask their members to send us their details. Will be able to include a subscription form to meet the needs of our incorporated society status.

Financial report as at 12 December 2022

BNZ $ 8132.29

Income: 00 $ 0.08 Interest

$ 10.00 Korero invoice

$ 25.00 He Ara Tee

$ 160.00 CGFF Donation

$ 192.50 CGFF Sales

$ 190.70 Surf Seat

Expenditure: $ 630.20 Kōrero Flying Colours

$ 329.19 He Ara Pogo Design

$ 30.00 He Ara Koha St Mark’s

Invoices – Issued $ 10.00 Kōrero Paid

Invoices – Outstanding $ 35.00 Kōrero

Account balances as at 12 December 2022

Kōrero $ 882.68

CGFF $4381.98

He Ara $2571.81

Surf Seat $ 190.70

Res Assn $ 105.12

Moved Paul, sec Moira – agreed.


Paul has filled in customer survey from Kiwirail checking satisfaction from our lease.

Action Items

Project Updates

  1. Community Garden Food Forest – report provided (attached).
  2. Executive Committee Handbook – Nikky circulated the current draft but it stall has unanswered questions. Agreed to try again for a smaller group to finalise this. Paul, Iain and Dorothy have offered to help.
  3. He Ara Pukerua – report attached
  4. Kōrero – next issue out late February. Closing January 18 for copy. Focus on water.
  5. Waste Free PKB – Nikki interested in moving to a regular sorting day – quarterly. Would like to try a gala stall. Sustainability group would also like to do a stall. Others could well be interested. Reports attached.
  6. EV Charge point – nothing to report. Meridian still has to test pole outside American motorcycles.

General Business

  1. Talanoa – Citizens Assembly – Paul and Moira attended the 3rd Talanoa session. Ngati Toa keen to host this process and next meeting will have an action focus. Looking to set up a standing forum of leaders who then facilitate citizens assemblies on particular topics. Climate change likely to be the first topic.
  2. Northern Growth Area-SDP (Specified Development Project) Paul and Iain attended a workshop with Kainga Ora. Seven landowners between Plimmerton and PKB – 3 of them are already poised for development. Largest land opportunity south of Palmerston North by a Factor of 5. Long process (described in circulated paper). Our submission on the structure plan could provide some guidance. Good opportunity to meet them.
  3. Village Planning Programme Review – Jenny Brash came out to visit Margaret and Blair and visited the Community Garden. Jenny very concerned that village planning might disappear. Found the material used for the Liveable City awards and thinks it should be presented to Council. Residents associations were not so fussed about the money but appreciated being able to access staff, get advice and leverage relationships. Will we see a copy of the report that’s going to Council? Tracy will track process for us.
  4. St Mark’s site – Paul received an email from Daniel Ross (Anglican vicar of Pauatahanui) re future of St Marks. Sent minutes of last parish meeting. Parish will form relationship with Diocesan Board of Trustees to develop social housing and a community hub. Current building could be repurposed or moved.
  5. Sustainability workshop – the workshop went well with about 50 participants. Volunteers have come forward from the workshop and we will coordinate a meeting soon. We are interested in a gala stall to promote carbon footprint toolkits. There is a community education strand, a projects strand and the need to map all of what is currently happening.
  6. Iain has joined the Ahu trust as a trustee. They are refreshing their vision and mission to move beyond running events.
  7. Mel reported a broken window at Plunket, Now fixed. Secret valley classroom graffiti now removed.