December 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

14 December 2021
Present: Paul FitzGerald, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Jon Harker, Kate Dreaver, Iain MacLean, Lenka Horanska, Margaret Blair, Claire Giblin (PCC), Luke Benner (PCC)
Apologies: Nikky Winchester, Pauline Morum, Euon Murrell, Jenny Brash, Chris Kirk Burnand, Kelly McClean

Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting: Should have noted Margaret’s apologies. Reference to a gap in Ara Harakeke – should refer to railway substation not railway station.
Motion: Adopt the minutes of the previous meeting; moved Paul, seconded Iain – approved.

Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

Fridge magnets: Jon has done a draft design – will raise with Euon next year.

Nikki Etheridge (PCC) is coming to our February meeting Feb 8th 2021 to discuss development in Pukerua Bay.

Acknowledgement of June Penhey: The meeting recorded the committee’s sadness at the passing of June Penhey and acknowledged her contribution to Pukerua Bay over many years.

Porirua City Council Presentation

The work is funded by Waka Kotahi but implemented by Council. Programme of work to improve walking and cycling around Pukerua Bay.

Early in 2021 the zigzag off Haunui was upgraded. The result is great. Signage was also provided to improve wayfinding for cyclists through Pukerua Bay. Three key intersections to be improved – Teihana Road by shops, Wairaka Road and Pukerua Beach Road. At Pukerua Beach Road considering removing left turn slip road going north.

Teihana Road intersection clarifies the route for cyclists and provides more of a pathway. A centre island should slow traffic and provide safe crossing points. Also adding an island in the car park to receive people crossing SH1.

Planted area will go. Planter boxes could be provided or a planting bed

Trucks parking on Teihana Road overnight are problematic. Claire will check with bylaws.

Wairaka Road – work to slow traffic turning left into Wairaka Road from South. Will bring out kerbs on both sides to provide shorter crossing for pedestrians, and slow turning traffic. May need to reshape surface of intersection. Improved lighting to go in. Rocks on edge of community garden will be extended making gardening there a bit safer.

Pukerua Beach Road – Cars using north bound slip lane into road go fast very fast. Adding kerb corners to narrow road opening – making it easier to cross for pedestrians and bikes. Providing crossing point across Beach Road and another one off Haunui Road. Footpath on highway side of Haunui Road to be extended to seat. Will include chevrons on highway road barrier to make corner clearer.

Barrier at end of Haunui zigzag (SH1) – will put in a fence like a pool fence. Needs to be 20 metres long to be safe for drivers. May add some width to pathway in that area.

These works are being designed now. Safety audit is done late January. Looking at March/April start. Can’t start before Transmission Gully opens due to cost of traffic safety management.

Will there be more amenities for cyclists? – seats, repair hubs etc. Yes could be possible – keep in mind for later.

Also conversation about possibility of a vehicle charge station – not a Council function.

GWRC update


PCC update


Finance Report

To December 2021 Meeting as at 12 December

BNZ     $  5006.65

Income 00:
        $  2090.00        2022 Calendar Sales for past month
        $    15.00        CGFF Plants
        $     0.13        Interest
        $   444.39        KiwiRail
        $   501.40        Korero
        $    67.37        HeAra
Expenditure Owing:
        $   804.95        J. Hay (Calendar reprint & CGFF)    

Invoices – Outstanding:
        $  2000.00        Waka Kotahi Cairn Refurbishment He Ara

       Printing costs    $ 2485.15  (400 copies)
        Sales to date    $ 5795.08    

       Printing costs    $ 2636.32  (5 issues) 
               Income    $ 2450.00
                Grant    $ 1000.00

Community garden has done very well with fundraising. Still an invoice for $250 for Kōrero to go out to Euon Murrell.

Motion: Move report received Margaret, seconded Iain – approved.


Tony Shaw from Paremata Residents Association asking for feedback on Ngāti Toa led Climate Change Citizens Jury.

Notification of renaming of State Highway 1.

Projects Update

He Ara Pukerua

  • Thank you emails to Geordie, Anita, Grant, Taku, Pradeep, Ivor for taking part in the unwrapping of the Centennial Highway panels.
  • PowerPoint on building Centennial Highway and photos of unwrapping sent to Pradeep and descendants of Centennial Highway workers.
  • Letter to Bill Inge thanking him for his contribution to and support of He Ara Pukerua over the last five years.
  • Surf Life Saving New Zealand have asked to borrow the Kahe te Rau o te Rangi Trophy to have it professionally photographed for their records. They have agreed that the Pukerua Bay RSA is the most appropriate permanent home for this trophy.
  • Chris Els talked to Ashley about Pukerua Bay School theme “Belonging.”
  • The Council officer recommends adopting He Ara’s submission and Heritage NZ supports the submission to include the Road Block – tank trap – in the Proposed District Plan.
  • Three He Ara members attended The Hub AGM.
  • He Ara Pukerua is no longer funded by PCC and we will look for alternative sources of funding to promote Pukerua heritage.

Food Forest/Community Garden

Last working bee of year this Saturday. Lots of fruit tree planting. Vege’s looking good. Council came though and trimmed grass. Worm farm going well. Fruit trees looking great especially pears. Spring festival was great. Plans to put a pathway up to Muri Road. Council officers not keen on taking on unwilling neighbours (who are encroaching). Pavilion refurbishment still underway. Considering more workshops for example windfarm workshop. A gardening group keen to visit Community Garden.

Kōrero Community Newsletter

All editions done for the year. The questions has been asked about whether the online version could be colour. A plan is in place for the next year with draft themes and delivery dates. First edition will be published in mid-late February on the theme of gratitude. Advertising fees have gone up slightly. Moira to let advertisers know and do a budget.

Village Planning Programme

The draft village plan report is still pending. Nikky has done a thorough analysis of the submissions received. To come to committee at February meeting.

Executive Committee handbook

No update.

Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)

General Business

  1. Climate action – Tony Shaw. Lots of people raised environmental issues in the village survey. Moira to find out more about Climate Change Citizens Jury. Will contact Tony Shaw.
  2. All Pukerua Bay RA documents are being stored on Next Cloud. Provides a back up for association documents.
  1. Disabled Adult swing Wairaka Park – Paul will pass request on to Council: Kelly Agar,
  2. Water damage in stream through secret valley with high rain events. Concern for Rob Waanders ball. Has been reported.
  3. Weather damage – should we catalogue damage that has occurred? Will ask, Iain will post on social media. Report to Anteno and let us know.

Agreed Actions

  1. Paul to find out about voluntary fisheries officers – do we have any and how might locals train?
  2. Possible speakers for Residents Association meetings 2022:
    • Fisheries Officer – February
    • Barbara Edmonds
    • Council planner re development plans for Pukerua Bay
    • Miria Pomare – local history

Meeting ended: 9.08 pm
Next meeting: 8 February 2022, 7.30 pm