August 2021 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

August 10 2021

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Mel Galletly, Nikky Winchester, Moira Lawler, Pauline Morum

Apologies: Josh Trlin, Lenka Horanska, Jonathon Harker, Iain MacLean and Kate Dreaver

Minutes of Previous Meeting: Note the attendees should read Brian Sullivan, not Brian Hurst (now amended). We changed the section on representation review based on Kate’s feedback – we believe the village plan programme will achieve much of what is intended from community boards.

Motion: Moved Paul, seconded Mel – approved.

Matters arising:

  • Our submission to Council on the representation review has been circulated to the committee and acknowledged by Council.
  • Josh has checked on the apple trees being removed – it was a mistake by the team who were clearing wild cherry.
  • Justine McDermot will oversee the Village Plan review and developing her work programme including the shared pathway work. Her plan will be available by end August.
  • There has been an update on Takutai Rd – willows will be planted as part of the restoration.

PCC update (emailed by Josh)

Thank you for feedback provided on potential new wards. Work is still underway in this but the feedback we have received has been helpful. There will be further opportunities to submit on this in the coming months. 

Big focus for us right now is three waters reform. We’ll actively consult before any final decision is made on whether PCC will opt in. From what I’ve seen so far, I am broadly in favour of the proposed reforms and am happy to answer any questions you may have, please let me know. 

Financial Report:

BNZ $1343.65

Income: 00 $2150.00 2022 Calendar Sales

$ 500.00 Palmers, CGFF Sponsorship

$ 250.00 Tommy’s (Korero) Inv. 2021-016

$ 20.00 He Ara

$ 0.03 Interest

Expenditure: $1250.00 Glover Memorials

$1780.20 Calendars – Printing

Motion: Move report received Margaret, seconded Moira – approved.


  • From PCC reporting back on submission to District Plan
  • From PCC reporting back on LTP decisions.
  • From Jack Marshall PCC acknowledging submission on representation review
  • Email from Alicja Skop to Council, copying the Residents Association in – Alicja has asked to have her driveway entrance upgraded. It’s road reserve so really an Waka Kotahi/NZTA issue.
  • From Waka Kotahi on new numbers for the local highways
  • From Claire Giblin saying Waka Kotahi/NZTA are starting to work on improvements between Te Kura and Wairaka.

District Plan submission update:

Council will do a Variation to the District Plan – the zoning parts of the District Plan will go to Council between February and May next year. The variation will come out around November 2021. Hearings will be by zoom.

Projects Update:

  1. He Ara Pukerua – unwrapping and celebration on Centennial Highway now planned for November 6th – closest date to the opening date in 1939 – Nov 4th. The stopping areas have been sealed and picnic tables have gone in.
  2. Food Forest/Community Garden – working bee on Saturday with a composting focus. The berry enclosure is there and two work farm pubs are up. Work has commenced on the pavilion building – all the timbers are there.
  3. Korero Community Newsletter – We were very happy with the Matariki edition and got great feedback. This edition focuses on teaching and learning. It’s due out in mid-September. We have new advertisers but have signed them up only until year end. There will be one more edition before Christmas.
  4. Village Planning Programme – We have 92 separate responses.  I haven’t been able to download the survey, as yet, but my impression is that these represent 92 different households.  A pretty good strike rate, given we were not able to deliver print copies of the survey, as we did last time.  Consultation with school students is to come, but I’ll be working on this with Chris Els. We’ll approach it in ways that work with the school’s curriculum.
  5. Executive Committee handbook – Margaret has sent through the financial section. Jon is working on the technology section. Next step is for a smaller group to review and bring back to the committee.

Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates)

General Business:

  1. Annual General Meeting:

Sunday October 17th 3pm, School Hall. Margaret to ask Mr Anton Sutorius to bring his fire truck.

Emergency preparedness theme. Paul will confirm booking and let newsletter committee know.

  1. Raroa Reserve/Waimapihi Stream Reserve

A sign has gone up on Rawhiti marking the walkway that runs behind the library. The sign appears to change the name of the reserve. The Residents Association was not consulted on signage or reserve/walkway names. Signage has been going up for cycleways and walkways. Reserves are being combined under single names creating confusion.

We will ask the Council staff who look after parks and reserves signage to come and talk to us.

Moira would also like a map of all public walkways and easements promoted as increasingly they are being encroached or blocked by private landowners. To raise with Council as part of the issue.

  1. Grays Common Flower Beds

Council mowers take out the daffodils. Paul has met with the parks and reserves team. They have marked out the corners of the bulb beds. This also allows people to replant in the right areas.

  1. Community Hub – the market day went well. A worthwhile event.

Agreed Actions:

  • To ask Waka Kotahi to put barrier back up on SH1 at end of refurbished walkway
  • To book the hall for the AGM and let Kate know – Paul
  • To ask Council to come and talk about reserve signage

Meeting ended: 8.31pm

Next meeting: September 14th 7.30pm