June 2021 Residents’s Association meeting minutes

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Margaret Blair, Kate Dreaver, Mel Galletly, Moira Lawler, Lenka Horanska, Jonathon Harker, Lauchlan, Peter, Andrew, Steve, Huana, (Waka Kotahi) Ron (PCC), Josh Trlin (PCC), Chris Kirk Burnand (GWRC),

Apologies: Tess Law, Nikky Winchester, Pauline Morum, Iain MacLean, Jenny Brash (GWRC),

Minutes of Last Meeting – approved

Motion to receive: moved Kate, seconded Mel, motion carried.

Matters arising from previous minutes: Business directory loaded on website.

Waka Kotahi – Post Transmission Gully Opening

An update was given on the design and build of TG. There was a question about the merge lane on the Linden on ramp. There is a merge lane there but it won’t be widened any further. Will trucks use it given the gradient? Yes, trucks will be able to use it. Will a weigh station go in? yes possibly but not until after TG is open. Will go in near Paekakariki/QE park.

Operational speed limits will include variable speed limits Porirua to Johnsonville; new merge signage.

The Network Operating Framework (NOF) will determine the future use of the roading network.

Instructional videos e.g. 2-into-1 merge video.

Community events to reach communities to share information on transport routes.

Old SH1 section will be renamed SH59.

Will the variable speeds be enforced? – a police issue.

Will the merge like a zip programme be in TV and social media? – needed.

Work on tail gating – yes in hand.

Wakakotahi.govt.nz/wonr – instructional videos. Also on Waka Kotahi facebook.

Consultation on road revocation and future use will now take place 6 months after opening of TG.

A safety audit will be carried out on the corridor to determine improvement projects needed e.g. walking/cycling/car is king etc.

Network Operating Framework under development now with PCC. This will determine speed limits etc.

Pukerua Bay residents need to give Council and WK advice on what is important from a transport point of view for the community.

PCC update: Update on LTP deliberations:

  • All officer recommendations accepted except new facilities in Whitby and Titahi Bay (offices suggested back burn them, Councillors said no).
  • Approved increase in storm water funding
  • Tried to get more funding for wastewater funding – failed
  • Increase in funding for riparian planting – down to 20 years
  • Paid parking in the CBD
  • Divesting Moana Court (potentially to Ngati Toa)
  • Agreed to review village planning (is there budget?)
  • Living wage to contractors also passed
  • Climate change funding – allocation of $6M for Council projects
  • Funding to manage pest plants increased
  • Underwriting shared pathway from Onepoto to Titahi Bay
  • CAB funding retained
  • Future of local government submission agreed to look at different ways of funding things
  • Final rate increase avg 7.7%

GWRC update:

  • Regional Land Transport Plan – looking at increasing disabled persons subsidies
  • Integrated transport card – 3 years away
  • Airport bus railway to airport from July next year.
  • Most of cost increases in LTP come from decision to move to electric buses and EV’s.
  • Funding into Whai Tua – $.5M over 2 years – focus on riparian planting
  • Reforesting of regional parks continues – can’t be accelerated for lack of plants
  • Concern that move towards centralised 3 waters increases borrowing potential and will increase costs – no public consultation
  • RMA changes could introduce 13 or 14 zones nationally – Councils would decide where they are applied in their area. Looking at social procurement models for mana whenua.

Financial Report:

BNZ 00 account balance $6,271.75

25 account balance $145.10

Income: 00 2021-009 Mark Minenkoff $50

2021-012 McClean Electrical Services $50

25 $ 30.00 2022 Calendar

Expenditure: Nil

Invoices – Outstanding: 2021-013

PCC Village Planning Programme $400.00

Motion to receive financial report: Moved Margaret, seconded Moira motion carried.

Correspondence: Ad request for newsletter from Gabriele Uriele. Email through from the Bruce Freestone who is repainting the dandelion mural. Email from new insurance brokers responsible for our liability coverage.

Progress on Action Items (not included in project updates): none

Projects Update:

  1. He Ara Pukerua – great celebration as He Ara is now 5 years old. New story up on FB page. Working on augmented reality app with PCC.
  2. Food Forest/Community Garden – busy working on fundraising calendar – now off at printers. Some sponsorship from Palmers. Regular working bees last Wednesday every month and also every second Saturday. There will be a plant sale in early September. Considering a community composting scheme.
  3. Village Plan Review – posters have gone to Mel to advertise clinics. Clinics still planned for July.
  4. Executive committee handbook – no further work

Kōrero (Newsletter) Next edition out last week of June. Community Garden has an ad that we need to


Action Items:

Waka Kotahi at June meeting. Submissions to Council LTP went in. District Plan submission also went in.

Takutai Rd slip – to start work in August. Trees on Teihana Rd East need trimming. Not the priority currently.

No progress on dog signs.

General Business: Any website changes needed? Mel has painted over some graffiti tags.

Meeting ended: 9.30pm Next meeting: July 13th 2021.