Have your say on Plimmerton Farm development

Submissions close 5pm, Thursday 2 July

Porirua City Council (PCC) is changing its District Plan to use a fast-track process for the Plimmerton Farm development, and is asking for the public to give their views on it.

This is our only chance to influence the outcome of this development by persuading the Minister for the Environment (who makes the final decision on the plan change) to protect the unique values of the Taupō Swamp and wetlands in the area. We will have to live with the decisions made now in perpetuity.

The Residents Association is working with the Friends of Taupō Swamp and Catchment (FOTSC) to help protect this environment.

You can help, too.

Everything you need to know is now up on the FOTSC website https://www.tauposwamp.org/plimmerton-farm-development.

Have a look at the “Have some more questions…?” document on the website. This is the culmination of input from many sources, and you can use it to help make a submission with the environment a priority, not a casualty, of planned development. There’s a lot there because there’s a lot to say.

You are free to use the words on it, but make them personal and write about the things you value the most.


FOTSC has prepared an example of the submissions you can make. This will help simplify the process.

All the development information from PCC is on their website, along with links to the online submission page.

Remember: submissions are due 5pm Thursday, 2 July