May 2020 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, 12 May 2020
(By video link)

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Bill Jackson, Pauline Morum
Apologies: June Penhey, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Mel Galletly, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC)

Approval of previous minutes

Approval of previous minutes: moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Bill Jackson, none opposed, carried.

Responses to PCC proposals

Rates remission and postponement policy

Businesses can now ask to postpone their rates for six or twelve months, but when they finally pay they will be charged interest. PCC decided not to ask for proof of finances as a reason for asking for the postponement; anybody who thinks they need it can apply for it.

Regarding household rates, anybody can apply for a deferment at any time, so no special policy needed to be introduced.

Action: Iain and  Paul to write submission on the policy.

Village planning programme

PCC propose that new items not be added to the village planning programme for two years. Existing programmes are still being funded. They will be reviewing items that have been done via village planning which should have been paid for out of other Council budget lines eg maintenance, roading, parks etc. The decision about the programme funding will be made by PCC on Thursday.

Action: Paul to email the Northern Ward councillors to highlight the importance of the village planning budget.

Plimmerton Farm development

PCC is using the Streamlined Planning Process (SPP), rather than going through the standard planning route. The Minister has approved the Plimmerton Farm plan, and it will go out for submissions in the next few days. There will then be 30 days in which a submission can be made. The Committee plan to work on this together with Forest and Bird, QE2 Trust and Friends of Taupo Swamp.

Action: Paul/Iain to encourage individuals in the village to write their own submissions, via social media and word of mouth.

Action: Paul/Iain to write a submission on behalf of the RA as well as working with the other groups on a joint submission.


As at 8 May 2020:

Main account: $2274.93

Accounts paid between 09/04/2020 & 08/05/2020:
Deposits made between 09/04/2020 & 08/05/2020:
Outstanding invoice:
$440.00 – PCC Reimbursement – He Ara

Fundraising account: $2,996.29

Deposits made between 09/04/2020 & 08/05/2020:
$200.00 – Donation Surfers’ Seat

Action: Paul/Margaret/June to start preparing a budget


None was received.

Progress on action items

Action: Iain/Kate to talk to Margaret about the memorial for the Gibson family.

Action: Margaret will send  photos of t-shirts and tote bags to Jon for uploading on RA website, to facilitate online sales. Jon to follow up.

Action: Jon to add the information about memorials to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.

Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee.

Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to continue investigating options for organising a silent art auction.

Action: Jon to put the revised logo on the website.

Action: Margaret to remove Brian Sullivan and Pauline Morse as signatories from the PKBRA bank account as they are no longer committee members.

Action: Paul to write a proposal about changing the RA structure and the Constitution.

Action: Iain to ask PCC to send their monthly updates to secretary@ and chair@ and remove all other names from their mailing list.

Action: Jon to ask Dave Pepperell about posting information on the website about the Surfers Seat event.

Projects update

He Ara Pukerua

Brian Sullivan had provided a briefing on the activities of the group  which  was circulated to the executive. The team have received the proofs of the three panels that will go on the back wall of the Muri Platform building. On the western wall will be space for panels with photos; Dave Peooerell will design a stand so the photos can be changed around periodically.

Food forest/community garden

There has been no progress on building work. No noise complaints have been received from the neighbours recently. There is a wasp nest which will need removing.

Muri Platform building

Iain has been in touch with Kiwirail, and has asked to include the route to the reserve entranceway in the lease. He is waiting to receive documentation to be signed.

Community centre proposal

The next round of funding is July. Iain contacted Internal Affairs to ask if they can suggest anybody to do the feasibility study but they suggested speaking to PCC. PCC are happy for some of the funding given to the Hub to be used for an initial feasibility study. Kate had been talking to Beccy about the fact that the money from the Council for the loneliness project needs spending by June. It was suggested that the money be used for research into how to help people become more confident with online communications eg by running simple workshops. Bill pointed out that  running classes is very difficult as attendees will undoubtedly be at many different levels of expertise; helping people one-on-one might be better. Nikky suggested giving people a list of key tasks and tools they may need help with eg texting, emailing, Zoom, Facebook Messenger, to get a feel for what type of help is most wanted.

Action: Kate to feed back to Beccy Davis.

Action: Kate to include some questions about the community centre proposal in the Village Planning Survey.

Committee meetings

During Level 2, groups of up to ten people can meet, but must remain one metre away. Some adjustment to the layout and seating plan in the meeting space is likely to be required. It will also be necessary to limit attendance by people not on the Committee, in order to keep within the “ten people” rule.

Other business

Pauline asked who to speak to about getting stoat traps. It was suggested she talk to Gillian Candler, or Nick at Pest Free Pukerua Bay, or the QE2 Trust.

Meeting ended: 8.43pm
Next meeting: 9 June 2020

Attachment: He Ara Pukerua Report

This covers the work completed in the current calendar year to date.

  • Bollards: 14 installed complete with skinks and plaques attached
  • Ahu Hub: Great work being done to enhance cooperation including Facebook page
  • Field Trip: To Mount Welcome to rediscover the mine shaft and document it
  • Meetings: Our two weekly business meetings are now Zoom meetings every week
  • Muri Station: Completely renovated and secured with locked unbreakable ‘glass’ door
  • Finances: We have spent $7,818 this financial year. Moved $5,000 into next financial year leaving $2,181 to complete the remaining projects this financial year

In process to complete this financial year

  • Muri Station railway history panels are currently in the design and print process
  • Three more bollards and their plaques are in the approval process

For completion this calendar year

  • Double sign at the Northern Outlook
  • Double sign on Centennial Highway

For the following year

  • Our own website describing all the bollards and information panels and their locations

Brian Sullivan (Scribe), 07.05.20