New service to support people facing hardship

Porirua City Council is now part of a new service to help people get access to food and medication. It has been set up to assist people with disabilities, at-risk groups and people without access to their own transport.

The service is intended for those facing hardship and is in addition to other support measures provided by other agencies, such as Work and Income, and community groups like ours. It will deliver help and essential household supplies to the doorstep.

The regional CDEM groups have local helplines people facing hardship can ring. Porirua people can ring the Wellington Region Call Centre on 0800 141 967. This call centre is available between 7:00am–7:00pm and will put you in touch with the services you need.

If you don’t have the essentials you need to get through lockdown (such as food, medication or cleaning supplies), they ask that you should initially try calling a:

  • neighbour
  • family member who lives nearby
  • friend who lives nearby.

You can get in touch with the local helpers’ network we’ve set up in Pukerua Bay by using our ‘Ask For Help’ form and we can get someone to contact you. We can also organise people who can phone you regularly to see whether there is anything you need, or for a friendly chat.

However, if you don’t have these options available to you, or you would prefer to ask someone else, then please call the Wellington Region Call Centre on 0800 141 967.