Tuesday, February 11 2020
Present: Paul FitzGerald, June Penhey, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Bill Jackson, Pauline Morum, Nathan Waddle (PCC), Jenny Brash (GWRC), Bill Inge (PCC)
Apologies: Chris Kirk-Burnand
Approval of previous minutes: note that Kate Harker should be amended to Kate Dreaver; moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Iain MacLean, none opposed, carried.
Matters arising
Action: Jon to add the information about memorials to the RA website once Margaret has collected the information.
Action: Jon to check information from police about setting up a Neighbourhood Watch group, and share on the community Facebook group.
Action: Iain to write a letter of thanks to Pamela for storing the old station building for many years.
Kate mentioned that Roby is hoping to attend the March meeting to discuss Civil Defence.
GWRC Update
Jenny Brash explained that GWRC are trying to hold the rates down, but there will be a rise. Annual Plan discussions have started and GWRC are hoping to circulate the draft in April.
PCC Update
Nathan will chase up Wellington Water re the water leak on Raroa Reserve.
PCC will be doing a consultation on their Annual Plan, including some consultation on the rates. The Council are hoping to minimise the increase. Some workshops were held around the proposed climate change policy. The draft plan has been prepared to look ahead for 5, 10 and 30 years. This will be put back out for public consultation in the next few months. Consultation for the District Plan has been completed. The key theme is space for residential properties.
He Are Pukerua heritage project
The ten heritage bollard panels are with the Pataka Team for final approval. They just require confirmation that there is not a known Te Reo name for Mount Welcome before approving.
The team’s plans are well underway to complete the heritage panels in the former southbound Muri Station building, Northern Lookout (wide format), Pukerua Bay Station (wide format), and the remaining bollard panels.
Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives
This project – which focuses on creating opportunities for community connections – has an operational budget allocation of $4,750 to support initial research and a local programme of activities. As previously agreed with Rebecca Davis, it makes sense to engage a professional researcher to design the required questionnaire and assist with data analysis (with some input on a pro-bono basis and practical support from the community hub team). We understand Rebecca recently met with Jude Varcoe to discuss possible research approaches and that she’s also considering how to engage the community in a way that aligns with broader village planning objectives. A meeting has been arranged later this month to discuss this exciting initiative.
Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension
Thank you for agreeing to this short-term solution, making it safer for pedestrians and cyclists. This is a temporary solution, pre SH1 revocation works, where it is hoped a full width shared path may be able to be created. This project has been discussed and planned over the last 10 years. The construction works for this project have now been tendered to five suitable local contractors. A large element of the costs of the tenders was for the traffic management element along the SH1. The tendered prices ranged from $17,100 to $68,000.
We have a budget of $45,000 for this project and the lowest cost for the full project implementation from the Public Toilets to the overbridge was $86,016. We have worked with the successful tenderer and for our budget of $45,000 can now complete the section from the Public Toilets to the start of the new retaining wall going north. This is the more difficult section to complete as there is no road spare width to utilise.
Working with our colleagues in the Transport team, we have also applied to the NZTA National Cycle Project for the remaining $45,000 which is for improving shared pathways safety and accessibility. We will not hear till later in the week if we have been successful in the second round of project applications bids.
If we are not successful in shortfall funding with the NZTA fund, works on our section are expected to commence in early April.
Muri Reserve way-finding signage for Te Araroa Trail
This project includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign).
Last year we agreed (with the Te Araroa Trail Trust) that the remaining focus should be on improving signage from the station to the main track (although negotiations to locate signs on KiwiRail land have been somewhat protracted). We’re still waiting for the CE of the Te Araroa Trail Trust to confirm whether he’ll sign the new deed (for signs on KiwiRail land) or amend the existing one. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear back from him.
Drinking fountain at the skate park
This project includes the purchase and installation of an ‘all access’ water fountain in close proximity to the playground and skate park – including establishment of a new water connection.
We have met with Te Araroa Trust Representatives and they believe the proposed location is good for users of the track to allow them to fill their water bottles.
In the original costing we were hoping to connect to the Council water main in the car park at Pukerua Bay Station. Unfortunately, this is KiwiRail land and they require a setup fee for a new grant and an annual fee of $823 plus GST. The Wellington Water team suggested a new connection in Sea Vista Drive with a longer trenching run but no ongoing annual charge from KiwiRail.
Access from Sea Vista Drive is challenging due to the narrow land parcel width and also it is covered with a concrete path. It is proposed to directional drill the water pipe 600mm deep under the concrete path. This technique prevents the need to disturb the existing concrete path by cutting a trench in the surface. The longer length of pipe run and the extra costs of directional drilling will increase the cost of this project above the estimate but long term save costs and less likely to be damaged during fence repairs.
Pukerua Bay Village Plan
We’re pleased to be able to support your Association (via staff time and operational funding) to develop a new Village Plan for Pukerua Bay. We’re also keen to explore opportunities to align the community engagement process for the Village Plan with the community ‘research’ step to inform development of your proposed community hub initiatives.
Ara Harakeke Extension
We are through the first round of project bid applications and the second round is to be held later this week.
As at 8 February 2020:
00 account $1645.56
To bank $ 180.00
Accounts paid
$427.13 KiwiRail
$260.00 Surf seat
$350.00 HeAra
$384.10 Tees & Totes
$573.85 Tees & Totes
$219.65 Tees & Totes
$396.75 Community Garden
$402.00 Surf Seat
25 account $2685.63
To bank $ 371.50
Full access to online banking is now available, including the ability to pay bills online. If a new payment is required from the main RA funds, it may need approval from the Committee via email between meetings.
Margaret has created an Excel spreadsheet to enable ongoing tracking of income and expenditure.
Action: Paul/Margaret/June to start preparing a budget.
There was some discussion about fundraising opportunities for ongoing community financial requirements, particularly the ongoing costs to Kiwirail, including:
- It may be possible to apply for a grant to help with the community garden planting costs;
- Tshirts and tote bags have been sold by He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group at the Kindy Fair; these will also be sold at the School Gala and could be sold on the website as well;
- Would the Community garden group be able to organise a sausage sizzle/lemonade stall at the track end on Anzac Day?
Action: Jon and Pauline will meet as the new Fundraising committee, and present proposals to the Committee at the next meeting.
Action: Margaret will provide Jon with a photo of the tshirts and tote bags so they can be sold via the website.
Action: Pauline/Iain/Kate to organise a silent art auction.
Jon shared the website search results from January, and noted that people are looking for information on recreation, the gala and the community garden. However, all of these pages are out of date.
Action: Iain to provide some updated information.
Action: Jon to post on FB group to ask if people can provide updated information.
Emails received via the website correspondence form:
- 1 January 2020: Trevor Pocknell wanting to get in touch with Pamela Gerrish Nunn; Margaret was able to help.
- 21 January 2020: Jennifer Payne Erceg asking to be put in touch with the community garden group; Paul said he would speak to her.
- 29 January 2020: Ross Fletcher asked about the history of the area; Margaret responded.
He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group
Margaret explained that the group are working on more signs, and that they are waiting for written confirmation from Ngati Toa that there isn’t a Maori name for the peak. They have also been looking at how to lay out the display in the Muri Station building.
Action: Paul to look at the woodwork in Iain and Kate’s garage.
Community Garden
The plants are growing well. Water can now be turned on/off from inside the garden. The group need to come up with protocols around noise management when working on the site.
Community centre/Menzshed proposal
Iain has spoken to the Kindy Association and followed up with an email. His proposal will be discussed at their next management meeting. They run a playgroup 4 mornings a week for under 2s with one of the kindy teachers. They don’t have any money for capital expenditure.
Iain has spoken to the Facilities Grant Adviser from the Lotteries Commission; they will loan large amounts for community facilities. Any organisation receiving a grant over $10k has to be registered with Companies Office, but this doesn’t include incorporated societies. They can offer feasibility grants of up to $20,000. Any grant over $50,000 needs to get a feasibility report first. We would need a proper consultant and we would also need to show that the idea has clear community support. Any grant for buildings only covers up to two thirds of the cost; the remaining one third needs to come from other grants, fundraising, sponsors etc. However, it is possible to get funding in stages. They only have two rounds of funding a year, and next one closes in March with the decision made in May.
Iain and Kate are attending a Hub strategy day on Sunday to talk about the community centre strategy and village planning. Kate is also attending an upcoming meeting with the Community Hub and PCC re the Hub’s plan.
Action: Iain to look at whether there are other organisations that can give a feasibility grant sooner than May.
Action: Iain to follow up with PCC.
Action: Iain to discuss possible use of the building with the Kindy Association and Plunket.
Action: Iain to investigate possible consultants to assist with the feasibility study.
Action: Kate to ensure Village planning survey includes a question about the community centre proposal.
Update of Committee contact details
Action: All to provide Nikky with phone numbers for circulation amongst the Committee.
Other business
The following was noted:
- Gillian Candler is going to attend the March meeting to discuss the litter monitoring survey.
- Pauline noted that the notice on the beach no longer says that dogs have to be on the lead.
Action: Kate to think about how to amend the wording on the sign.
Surfers Seat
Over 250 people came to the opening ceremony on Saturday 1 February, including visitors from Australia, Mangawhai, Gisborne, and Raglan. The following people are thanked for their hard work:
- David Pepperrell – Concept, PCC permission, sponsorship, design, construction, installation
- Herman Salzmann – Carving
- Lynette Ingram – Mosaic
- Families [Douglas, McClean, Raue, Salzmann}
- Rev Rochelle Grace blessed seat and wreath
- Salzmann family – Haka
- Tilly Blair – Putatara
- Ashley Blair – Programme planning and MC
- Margaret Blair – Programme assistance, finance, support
- Marco Zeeman – Cannons
- Surfers – Paddle Out
- Roberta McKeown – Wreath
- Ivor Earp-Jones – Photographer
- PCC Bill Inge – Sound system
- Surf Café – Coffee Cart
- RSA – Hospitality
Finances for the Surfers Seat as at 7 February
Donations Direct credit or cash $1136.50 (RSA donation box $136.50)
Costs Burnsco Product $206 Pd IB
Posters copying $ 28 Pd Cash
Fabric unveiling $ 27 Pd Cash
Engraving $402 Pd IB
Total $663.00
Meeting ended: 9.11pm
Next meeting: 10 March 2020