December 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Present: Paul FitzGerald, Nikky Winchester, Mel Galletly, Margaret Blair, Jonathan Harker, Iain MacLean, Kate Dreaver, Bill Jackson, Pauline Morum, Jenny Brash (GWRC), Bill Inge (PCC)
Apologies: June Penhey, Nathan Waddle (PCC)
Approval of previous minutes: moved Margaret Blair, seconded Mel Galletly, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

Action: Iain to resend the Village Planning survey to the committee so they can fill it in as a test.
Action: Iain to do letter of thanks to Pamela for storing the old station building for many years.
Action: Jonathan to join He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group meeting on Thursday to discuss the process of putting information about the group onto the RA website.
Action: Jonathan to do some weed whacking around the trees with a strimmer.

Regarding the suggestion of putting lockable bollards on the Muri Station platform to stop vehicular access, Bill explained this wouldn’t make any difference to Kiwirail’s requirement for insurance. He recommended that the Committee ask Kiwirail if the insurance bond can be reduced.

Paul has spoken to NZTA about getting a replacement for the truck braking sign which was knocked down. The request has been referred to the Roading Team.

He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group have been talking to Torrey at PCC about the status of the Scout Hall on the Heritage list. He will be joining one of their meetings to talk about it in more detail.

Rearding the renaming of Raroa Reserve, Matt from PCC has been in touch to discuss the placement of the new signs, and Paul will continue to progress this.

PCC Update

Bill Inge explained that the latest plates of information from He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group have been sent to Pataka for content approval. Some more bollards are due to be placed in the village tomorrow, in preparation for the installation of new signs.

The committee confirmed receipt of the money from PCC for restoration of the shed in the community garden.

Ara Harakeke path extension

Part of the footpath moved sideways down the hill in the last earthquake, and as a result a retaining wall was built. The rest of the footpath needs to be made 2 metres wide so that it qualifies for NZTA status as a shared path, but the footpath beyond the retaining wall is still falling away and needs to be both retained and widened. PCC’s Roading team are concerned that if there is another earthquake any earthworks done now may not survive. A low tech solution can be used instead, as a quick fix until revocation comes after Transmission Gully opens (which could be several years) if the community can accept the likely risk of damage in an earthquake. Bill has already gone out to tender; these are due in on Saturday 21 December. He has requested in the tender that the footpath be closed for as little time as possible. PCC currently have $45,000 in their budget for this work.

Motion: The Committee agree that PCC should go ahead with installing the temporary low tech solution proposed by Bill Inge to make the footpath suitable to qualify for NZTA status as a shared pathway, to become the extension of the Ara Harakeke Walkway. This is in anticipation of a permanent solution after the revocation of State Highway 1 once Transmission Gully opens. Moved Paul FitzGerald, seconded Kate Harker. None opposed, motion carried.

GWRC Update

Jenny Brash explained that GWRC are working on improving bus routes and train services as well as looking at submissions for the Natural Resources Plan. The Council’s summer events programme has started.


As at 29 November 2019:

Main account: $3760.94
Fundraising: $1955.20

$350 is to be paid for digitizing the school admission register for He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group.

With regards to online access to the bank account, the form has been filled out, signed and sent to the bank by Iain last week, and Paul visited Kiwibank to prove his identity. Kiwibank will let Iain know when the online access has been set up. Iain, Brian and Paul will have access; Margaret is a signatory to the bank account and will be provided with online access in due course. Anybody with online access will be able to check the bank statements and make payments.


Received 3 December 2019, a message via the website from Annette Woods regarding bees coming into her property from the hives in the community garden. It was noted that the correct process had not been followed by the community garden group when the bee hives were installed, and the beekeepers and community garden group need to take responsibility for their placement.

Action: Paul will respond to Annette, and will speak to the beekeepers and the community garden group.

He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group

Progress continues to be made, with an ever-increasing quantity of information being collected.

Community Garden

The water pipe now goes right up to the shed.

Muri Station building

It has now been clarified that the building is still owned by Kiwirail. Iain emailed Polly Larkman yesterday and she has responded to explain that Kiwirail have no objection to the building being used for community access, for a fee of $1/year. There may also be a one-off documentation fee of $125 to set the agreement up. Bill suggested that rather than placing a large format sign for He Ara Pukerua Heritage Group near to the building (as was originally planned), the information instead be placed inside the building. The cost of the one-off documentation fee could thereby be placed against the He Ara Pukerua Heritage Project budget.

Motion: The Committee agrees to enter into agreement with Kiwirail to obtain community access to the former Muri Station building shelter and negotiate an appropriate fee over an appropriate duration. Moved Iain MacLean, seconded Paul FitzGerald. None opposed, motion carried.

Bill noted that Te Araroa Trust signs have not yet been approved; he is waiting for Te Araroa Trust to complete their paperwork.

Surfers Remembrance Seat

Dave Petterell has been leading this project. He received approval from PCC and the foundations are in place. He is looking for donations, which will be paid through the Residents Association’s bank account. The intention is to create a team of Trustees who will be responsible for the ongoing maintenance of the seat, under the umbrella of the Residents Association.

Margaret has started a database of all the memorials around the village, including seats, plaques etc. This will record the stories behind each memorial. There will also be an online map.

Action: Jon to add the information about memorials to the RA website.

Community centre proposal

Iain explained his idea to move the St Mark’s Church building onto the site currently occupied by the old Plunket rooms. This space could be utilised by the kindy during the week, as per the sessions they currently run in the old Plunket rooms. The remainder of the time, the space could be used for a wide range of community activities, including providing a space for villagers to gather together informally.

Action: Iain to look at the information provided as part of the consultation which took place several years ago about the possible repurposing of the Plunket rooms.
Action: Paul will consider the offer of Iain and Kate’s old garage for a possible Menzshed space.

Meeting venue

Paul suggested using the RSA once St Mark’s Church Hall is no longer available for RA meetings.

Other business

Action: Jon to put a link to the Transmission Gully website on the RA website.
Action: Jon to check information from police about setting up a Neighbourhood Watch group, and share on the community Facebook group.
Action: Jon to include information on the RA website about the village’s Civil Defence hub.
Action: Kate to ask Robyn to attend an RA meeting and provide an update on Civil Defence.

The following was noted:

  • As from February 2020, PCC will no longer be collecting plastic types 3-7 for recycling.
  • Gillian Candler is going to collect data on litter collection around the area, to be uploaded onto the RA website.

Meeting ended: 9.13pm
Next meeting: 11 February 2020