October 2019 Residents’ Association meeting minutes

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Present: Iain MacLean, June Penhey, Kate Dreaver, Brian Sullivan, Paul FitzGerald, Pauline Morse, Nikky Winchester
Community: Bill Jackson
Apologies: Jonathan Harker, Dale Williams (PCC), Mel Galletly

Approval of previous minutes: moved Brian Sullivan, seconded Paul FitzGerald, none opposed, carried.

Matters arising

The Kindergarten have agreed to do the 2019 and 2020 calendars.


As at 1 October 2019:

Main account: $841.68
Fundraising: $1954.87

Since 1 October, a donation of $180.00 has been paid to Pauatahanui Parish for the use of St Mark’s Hall over the last year, up to October 2019.

Action: Iain to check minutes with regards to the unallocated payment of $21.
Action: Iain and June to do the accounts.

Some fundraising will be required in the current financial year, to pay Kiwirail $420 for platform access, and $660 for public liability insurance. There was some discussion about the idea of selling tshirts and other items at the Kindy Fair and the School Gala.

Action: Brian to explore fundraising options.


No correspondence was received.

Village Planning Survey

Action: Iain to send the survey to the committee so they can fill it in as a test.

PCC Update

Community food forest garden (Muri Reserve) – multi-year project ($4,000)

An additional funding allocation is available in 2019/20 to further support establishment of the community food forest garden (building on progress made over the past two years). These funds are intended to meet the estimated budget shortfall for renovation of the old station building. We’ll arrange payment of the $4,000 allocation shortly so that you can progress your building work.

He Are Pukerua heritage project (next stage) – multi-year project ($15,000)

This project comprises the third and final stage of the He Ara Pukerua (Heritage Trail) project – including research for, printing, manufacture and installation of information boards identifying areas/sites of historic, cultural and natural significance for Pukerua Bay. Further information (to supplement the boards) will be posted on the Pukerua Bay community website and also made available for display (if practicable) on the PCC and Pataka websites.

Bill met with the Heritage Group last week and it’s great to see the progress being made toward the ten heritage bollards.

Drinking fountain at the skate park ($20,000)

This project includes the purchase and installation of an ‘all-access’ water fountain in close proximity to the playground and skate park – including establishment of a water connection.

Following our initial assessment (and discussions with KiwiRail) we believe it would make best sense to bring the water in from Sea Vista Drive – to avoid crossing KiwiRail land and the associated (and ongoing) annual costs that would incur. We’ll be back in touch again once we know more.

Pukerua Bay community hub initiatives ($4,750)

This project – which focuses on creating opportunities for community connections – has an operational budget allocation of $4.750 to support initial research and a local programme of activities. As previously agreed with Rebecca Davis, it makes sense to engage a professional researcher to design the required questionnaire and assist with data analysis (with some input on a pro-bono basis and practical support from the community hub team).

We’d like to meet to discuss next steps, as well as possible opportunities to align the initial research step with community engagement to inform development of your new Village Plan.

Ara Harakeke shared pathway extension – previous year project ($45,000)

As you know, the $45,000 capital budget for surfacing of the Ara Harakeke shared pathway between the Pukerua Bay shops and Wairaka Road (SH1) has been carried-forward to support implementation in 2019/20.

With the SH1 slip repairs now complete, there is an opportunity to implement a slightly ‘lesser’ (and budget-constrained) solution with the available funds – subject to community engagement and acceptance of the associated limitations (in terms of longevity). We also note that a Safety Audit (or exception statement) will most likely be required.

We’ll be in touch shortly to discuss next steps and possible timings for the community engagement.

Muri Reserve way-finding signage – Te Araroa Trail – previous year project

This project includes installing directional signs in agreed locations through Muri Reserve (linking the end of the trail at the former Muri Road Station site to Pukerua Bay Station) and an information panel and map at Muri Road Station (which has already been incorporated into the large MetLink sign).

Last year we agreed (with Te Araroa Trail Trust) that the remaining focus should be on improving signage from the station to the main track (although negotiations to locate signs on KiwiRail land have been somewhat protracted). We’re currently waiting for the CE of Te Araroa Trail Trust to confirm whether he will sign the new deed (for signs on KiwiRail land) or amend the existing one. We’ll let you know as soon as we hear back from him.


The School and Community Hall has been booked for Thursday 31 October. Set up will start from about 6.30pm. The AGM will start at 7.30pm with supper after. There may be a new Mayor and Councillors, who may want to come along.

Action: Brian to talk to Chris at school about whether some of the school children want to do a presentation.
Action: Iain to investigate Wainuiwhenua for a presentation.
Action: Iain to organise printing of flyers for distribution.

Other business

There was some discussion about the removal of the Scout Hall from the Heritage register.

Action: Iain to discuss with Rachel whether the Scouts want to challenge its removal.

The Muri Station building has been cleaned up, and new windows installed. Bill will produce a temporary sign.

Action: Iain to do letter of thanks to Pamela for storing the old station building for many years.

Meeting ended: 8.58 pm
Next meeting: 12 November 2019